The backtrace of the main threadof
#00 pc 0001b4a8 /system/lib/ (__ioctl+8)
#01 pc 0002baf3 /system/lib/ (ioctl+14)
#02 pc 0001b539 /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+140)
#03 pc 0001ba23 /system/lib/*, int*)+42)
#04 pc 0001bc2b /system/lib/ (android::IPCThreadState::transact(int, unsigned int,android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+118)
android::IPCThreadState::transact(int,unsigned int, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)
#05 pc 00018489 /system/lib/ (android::BpBinder::transact(unsigned int,android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)+30)
android::BpBinder::transact(unsignedint, android::Parcel const&, android::Parcel*, unsigned int)
#06 pc 0002341f /system/lib/
android::BpGraphicBufferProducer::dequeueBuffer(int*, android::sp<android::Fence>*, unsigned int,unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)
#07 pc 00027035 /system/lib/ (android::Surface::dequeueBuffer(ANativeWindowBuffer**,int*)+92)
#08 pc 00027503 /system/lib/ (android::Surface::lock(ANativeWindow_Buffer*,ARect*)+94)
#09 pc 00063631 /system/lib/
android::nativeLockCanvas(_JNIEnv*,_jclass*, int, _jobject*, _jobject*)
#10 pc 000203cc /system/lib/ (dvmPlatformInvoke+112)
#11 pc 00050d8f /system/lib/ (dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Methodconst*, Thread*)+398)
dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned intconst*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)
#12 pc 00000214 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-jit-code-cache (deleted)
The backtrace of binder workerthread:
#0 0xb6ed877c in __futex_syscall3 /system/lib/
#1 0xb6eca854 in__pthread_cond_timedwait_relative+0x0034(+52) /system/lib/
#2 0xb6eca8b4 in__pthread_cond_timedwait+0x0044(+68) /system/lib/
#3 [INLINE] android::Condition::wait
#4 0xb6ce48b6 in android::BufferQueue::dequeueBuffer+0x018e(+398) /system/lib/
#5 0xb6ce917e in android::BnGraphicBufferProducer::onTransact+0x00ea(+234) /system/lib/
#6 0xb6d21f1e inandroid::BBinder::transact+0x003e(+62) /system/lib/
#7 0xb6d258e6 inandroid::IPCThreadState::executeCommand+0x01fe(+510) /system/lib/
#8 0xb6d25cf6 inandroid::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool+0x00ba(+186) /system/lib/
#9 [INLINE] ~sp
#10 0xb6f2b8f2 inandroid::BinderService<android::SurfaceFlinger>::publishAndJoinThreadPool+0x009a(+154) /system/bin/surfaceflinger
#11 0xb6f2b928 inmain+0x001c(+28) /system/bin/surfaceflinger
Tri-graphic-buffer is used.
$9 = {{mGraphicBuffer = {m_ptr =0xb7443c20}, mEglDisplay = 0x1, mBufferState = android::BufferQueue::BufferSlot::QUEUED, mRequestBufferCalled = true, mCrop = {<ARect> = {left = 0, top= 0,
right= 0, bottom = 0}, <android::LightFlattenablePod<android::Rect>> ={<android::LightFlattenable<android::Rect>> = {<No datafields>}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, mTransform = 0,
mScalingMode= 0, mTimestamp = 11708518004184, mFrameNumber = 10, mEglFence = 0x0, mFence ={m_ptr = 0xb7443070}, mAcquireCalled = true, mNeedsCleanupOnRelease = false},{mGraphicBuffer = {
m_ptr = 0xb7419638}, mEglDisplay = 0x1, mBufferState = android::BufferQueue::BufferSlot::ACQUIRED, mRequestBufferCalled = true, mCrop = {<ARect> ={left = 0, top = 0, right = 0,
bottom= 0}, <android::LightFlattenablePod<android::Rect>> ={<android::LightFlattenable<android::Rect>> = {<No datafields>}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, mTransform = 0,
mScalingMode= 0, mTimestamp = 11708484875382, mFrameNumber = 8, mEglFence = 0x0, mFence ={m_ptr = 0xb7304c08}, mAcquireCalled = true, mNeedsCleanupOnRelease = false},{mGraphicBuffer = {
m_ptr = 0xb7443968}, mEglDisplay = 0x1, mBufferState =android::BufferQueue::BufferSlot::QUEUED, mRequestBufferCalled = true, mCrop = {<ARect> ={left = 0, top = 0, right = 0,
bottom= 0}, <android::LightFlattenablePod<android::Rect>> ={<android::LightFlattenable<android::Rect>> = {<No datafields>}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, mTransform = 0,
mScalingMode= 0, mTimestamp = 11708501788507, mFrameNumber = 9, mEglFence = 0x0, mFence ={m_ptr = 0xb7436870}, mAcquireCalled = true, mNeedsCleanupOnRelease = false},{mGraphicBuffer = {
m_ptr = 0x0}, mEglDisplay = 0x0, mBufferState =android::BufferQueue::BufferSlot::FREE, mRequestBufferCalled = false, mCrop ={<ARect> = {left = 0, top = 0, right = -1,
bottom= -1}, <android::LightFlattenablePod<android::Rect>> ={<android::LightFlattenable<android::Rect>> = {<No datafields>}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, mTransform = 0,
mScalingMode= 0, mTimestamp = 0, mFrameNumber = 0, mEglFence = 0x0, mFence = {m_ptr = 0x0},mAcquireCalled = false, mNeedsCleanupOnRelease = false}
frame buffer 10 is ACQUIRED anddisplayed while frame buffer 8 and 9 are queued and waiting to be displayed.
SurfaceFlinger should be checkedto investigate why the buffers are not consumed quickly enough.
Thread in SurfaceFlinger group.
PID: 232 TASK:d7f95400 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "Binder_2"
PID:297 TASK: d8768000 CPU: 1 COMMAND:"SurfaceFlinger"
PID:453 TASK: d8e43200 CPU: 0 COMMAND:"hwcUeventThread"
PID:454 TASK: d7d43700 CPU: 0 COMMAND:"hwcVsyncThread"
PID:462 TASK: d7696300 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "GLupdater"
PID:466 TASK: d7f12800 CPU: 0 COMMAND:"EventThread"
PID:467 TASK: d74cf200 CPU: 0 COMMAND:"Binder_1"
PID:501 TASK: d77d0500 CPU: 0 COMMAND:"Binder_3"
PID: 1247 TASK: ce0fc000 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "Binder_4"
PID: 4960 TASK: cf6ab200 CPU: 0 COMMAND: "Binder_5"
userspace backtrace:"SurfaceFlinger"[PID: 297] is in screen off/release handling andstuck in hwc_blank.
#0 0xb6ed74ac in__ioctl /system/lib/
size of frame = 0
#1 0xb6ee7af6 inioctl+0x0012(+18) /system/lib/
fd (int) = <optimized out>
request (int) = 17937
ap (__va_list) = {
__ap (void *) = 0xb6bb2c90}
arg (void *) = <optimized out>
#2 0xb6850f32 in hwc_blank+0x008a(+138) /system/lib/hw/
dev (hwc_composer_device_1 *) = 0xb7309728
dpy (int) = 0
blank (int) = 54
<inner block>
___tracer (ScopedTrace) = {
mTag (long long unsigned int) = 2050(0x802)}
__FUNCTION__ (char [10]) = "hwc_blank" {[0]‘h‘, [1]‘w‘, [2]‘c‘,[3]‘_‘, [4]‘b‘, [5]‘l‘, [6]‘a‘, [7]‘n‘, [8]‘k‘, [9]‘\0‘}
ctx (hwc_context_t *) = 0xb7309728
_l (Autolock) = <optimized out>
ret (int) = 0
value (int) = 4
#3 0xb6e818e4 inandroid::HWComposer::release+0x001c(+28) /system/lib/
this (HWComposer *) = 0xb7307350
disp (int) = 0 [@ENTRY=0]
#4 0xb6e7a208 inandroid::SurfaceFlinger::onScreenReleased+0x0058(+88) /system/lib/
this (SurfaceFlinger *) = 0xb7305478
hw (sp<const android::DisplayDevice> &) = <optimized out>
<inner block>
type (int) = 0
#5 0xb6e7b925 in_ZZN7android14SurfaceFlinger5blankERKNS_2spINS_7IBinderEEEEN21MessageScreenReleased7handlerEv /system/lib/
size of frame = 0
Kernel stack for pid 297
#0 [INLINE] context_switch
next (task_struct *) = 0xd8c78000
prev (task_struct *) = 0xd8768000
rq (rq *) = 0xc15a8640
<inner block>
mm (mm_struct *) = 0x0
oldmm (mm_struct *) = 0xd7d74000
#1 0xc0867d98 in__schedule+0x03cc(+972)
prev (task_struct *) = 0xd8768000
next (task_struct *) = 0xd8c78000
switch_count (long unsigned int *) = <optimized out>
rq (rq *) = 0xc15a8640
cpu (int) = <optimized out>
#2 [INLINE] blk_needs_flush_plug
tsk (task_struct *) = <optimized out>
<inner block>
plug (blk_plug *) = <optimized out>
#3 [INLINE] sched_submit_work
tsk (task_struct *) = <optimized out>
#4 0xc0868290 inschedule+0x0074(+116) [tail call]
tsk (task_struct *) = <unknown value for register r3>
#5 0xc0865d60 inschedule_timeout+0x01d4(+468)
timeout (long int) = 2147483647 [@ENTRY=2147483647]
timer (timer_list) = {
entry (list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xc593e838,
prev(list_head *) = 0xc593d438},
expires(long unsigned int) = 3223040336(0xc01bb150),
base(tvec_base *) = 0x00000aa6,
function(void *) = 0xc593e800,
data(long unsigned int) = 3230705200(0xc090a630),
slack(int) = -980167680,
start_pid(int) = -1051068864,
start_site(void *) = 0x0,
start_comm(char [16]) = "@\366Y\301" {[0]‘@‘, [1]‘\366‘, [2]‘Y‘,[3]‘\301‘, [4]‘\0‘, [5]‘\350‘, [6]‘\223‘, [7]‘\305‘, [8]‘@‘, [9]‘&‘,[10]‘\341‘, [11]‘\300‘, [12]‘\264‘, [13]‘>‘, [14]‘\33‘, [15]‘\300‘}}
expire (long unsigned int) = <optimized out>
#6 [INLINE] do_wait_for_common
iowait (int) = 0
state (int) = 2
timeout (long int) = 2147483647
x(completion *) = 0xd74ffd64
<inner block>
wait (__wait_queue) = {
flags (unsigned int) = 1,
private(void *) = 0xd8768000,
func(int *) = 0xc01b7044,
task_list(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd74ffd78,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd74ffd78}}
#7 0xc08678a8 inwait_for_common+0x0118(+280)
x(completion *) = 0xd74ffd64
timeout(long int) = <optimized out>
state (int) = 2
iowait (int) = 0
#8 [INLINE] wait_on_cpu_work
work (work_struct *) = <optimized out>
gcwq(global_cwq *) = 0xc159c840
<inner block>
barr (wq_barrier) = {
work (work_struct) = {
data (atomic_t) = {
counter (int) = -1051056139},
entry(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd7f05e98,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd4fa6890},
func(void *) = 0xc019ee70},
done(completion) = {
done (unsigned int) = 0,
wait(__wait_queue_head) = {
lock (spinlock) = {
<unknown> (?) = {
rlock (raw_spinlock) = {
raw_lock (arch_spinlock_t) = {
lock (unsigned int) = 65537(0x10001)},
magic(unsigned int) = 3735899821(0xdead4ead),
owner_cpu(unsigned int) = 4294967295(0xffffffff),
owner(void *) = 0xffffffff}}},
task_list(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd74ffd18,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd74ffd18}}}}
worker (worker *) = 0xd87836dc
#9 0xc01a1e80 in wait_on_work+0x00e0(+224)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836dc [@ENTRY=0xd87836dc]
ret (_Bool) = <optimized out>
cpu (int) = <optimized out>
#10 0xc01a2024 in__cancel_work_timer+0x00b8(+184)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836dc [@ENTRY=0xd87836dc]
timer (timer_list *) = 0xd87836ec [@ENTRY=0xd87836ec]
ret (int) = -1
#11 0xc01a2078 in cancel_delayed_work_sync+0x0008(+8) [tail call]
dwork (delayed_work *) = <optimized out>
#12 [INLINE] elan_ktf2k_ts_suspend
dev (device *) = 0xd8dada20
<inner block>
client (i2c_client *) = 0xd8dada00
ts (elan_ktf2k_ts_data *) = 0xd87836c0
rc (int) = 0
__func__ (char [22]) = "elan_ktf2k_ts_suspend" {[0]‘e‘, [1]‘l‘,[2]‘a‘, [3]‘n‘, [4]‘_‘, [5]‘k‘, [6]‘t‘, [7]‘f‘, [8]‘2‘, [9]‘k‘, [10]‘_‘,[11]‘t‘, [12]‘s‘, [13]‘_‘, [14]‘s‘, [15]‘u‘, [16]‘s‘, [17]‘p‘, [18]‘e‘,[19]‘n‘, [20]‘d‘, [21]‘\0‘}
#13 0xc0500378 infb_notifier_callback+0x00d4(+212)
self (notifier_block *) = <optimized out>
event (long unsigned int) = <optimized out>
data (void *) = <optimized out>
evdata (fb_event *) = <optimized out>
blank (int *) = <optimized out>
elan_dev_data (elan_ktf2k_ts_data *) = <optimized out>
#14 0xc086ad64 innotifier_call_chain+0x0044(+68)
nl (notifier_block * *) = 0xc0e558cc [@ENTRY=0xc0e558cc]
val (long unsigned int) = 9 [@ENTRY=9]
v(void *) = 0xd74ffe40 [@ENTRY=0xd74ffe40]
nr_to_call (int) = -3 [@ENTRY=-1]
nr_calls (int *) = 0x0
ret (int) = -1058711348
nb (notifier_block *) = 0x0
next_nb (notifier_block *) = 0x0
#15 0xc01abfb8 in__blocking_notifier_call_chain+0x0048(+72)
nh(blocking_notifier_head *) = 0xc0e558b0
val (long unsigned int) = 9
v(void *) = 0xd74ffe40
nr_to_call (int) = -1 [@ENTRY=-1]
nr_calls (int *) = 0x0
ret (int) = 0
#16 0xc01abfe8 inblocking_notifier_call_chain+0x0018(+24)
nh (blocking_notifier_head *) = <optimized out>
val (long unsigned int) = <optimized out>
v(void *) = <optimized out>
#17 0xc03a35bc infb_blank+0x0058(+88)
info (fb_info *) = 0xd8ed9800 [@ENTRY=0xd8ed9800]
blank (int) = -1069926980 [@ENTRY=4]
ret (int) = <optimized out>
<inner block>
event (fb_event) = {
info (fb_info *) = 0xd8ed9800,
data(void *) = 0xd74ffe3c}
#18 0xc03a4294 indo_fb_ioctl+0x0418(+1048)
info (fb_info *) = 0xd8ed9800
cmd (unsigned int) = <optimized out>
arg (long unsigned int) = 4
fb (fb_ops *) = <optimized out>
var (fb_var_screeninfo) = {
event (fb_event) = {
info (fb_info *) = 0xd74fe000,
data(void *) = 0xc0868e58}
argp (void *) = 0x00000004
ret (long int) = 0
#19 [INLINE] vfs_ioctl
arg (long unsigned int) = <optimized out>
cmd (unsigned int) = <optimized out>
filp (file *) = <optimized out>
<inner block>
error (int) = <optimized out>
#20 0xc0261cc0 indo_vfs_ioctl+0x0084(+132)
filp (file *) = 0xd7f59540
fd (unsigned int) = 15(0xf)
cmd (unsigned int) = <optimized out>
arg (long unsigned int) = 4
error (int) = 0
argp (int *) = 0x00000004
inode (inode *) = 0xd7e80750
#21 0xc026221c insys_ioctl+0x0034(+52)
fd (unsigned int) = 15(0xf)
cmd (unsigned int) = 17937(0x4611)
arg (long unsigned int) = 4
filp (file *) = 0xd7f59540
error (int) = <optimized out>
fput_needed (int) = -1071242724
#22 System call exception frame.
Registers fromuserland:
r00=0x0000000f r01=0x00004611 r02=0x00000004 r03=0xb6bb2c90
r04=0x00000802 r05=0xb7309a5c r06=0xb7309728 r07=0x00000036
r08=0x00000000 r09=0xb73066e0 r10=0xb6e50993 r11=0xb6e5089c
r12=0x00000001 SP=0xb6bb2c80 LR=0xb6ee7af7 PC=0xb6ed74ac
It is stuck in touch screenpanel‘s suspend routine, waiting delayed_work cancelation.
3332//static intelan_ktf2k_ts_suspend(struct i2c_client *client, pm_message_t mesg)
3333static intelan_ktf2k_ts_suspend(struct device *dev)
3335 struct i2c_client *client = to_i2c_client(dev);
3336 struct elan_ktf2k_ts_data *ts = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
3337 int rc = 0;
3339 if(tp_sleep_status==1)
3340 {
3341 if(power_lock==0) /* The power_lock can be removed when firmware upgradeprocedure will not be enter into suspend mode. */
3342 {
3343 disable_irq(client->irq);
3344 cancel_delayed_work_sync(&ts->check_work); ************
3345 rc = cancel_work_sync(&ts->work); ***********
3346 if (rc)
3347 enable_irq(client->irq);
3349 rc = elan_ktf2k_ts_set_power_state(client, PWR_STATE_DEEP_SLEEP);
3350 }
3351 tp_sleep_status = 0;
3352 }
3353 return 0;
2717 * cancel_delayed_work_sync- cancel a delayed work and wait for it to finish
2718 * @dwork: the delayed workcancel
2719 *
2720 * This iscancel_work_sync() for delayed works.
2721 *
2722 * RETURNS:
2723 * %true if @dwork waspending, %false otherwise.
2724 */
2725boolcancel_delayed_work_sync(struct delayed_work *dwork)
2727 return __cancel_work_timer(&dwork->work, &dwork->timer);
why the check_work is notcanceled immediately?
Fromwait_for_completion=>wait_for_common calling, we can know the delayed workis executed and has an associated worker.
check what the delayed_work isdoing and why not finished.
in which thread the delayed_workis executed?
#8 [INLINE] wait_on_cpu_work
work (work_struct *) = <optimized out>
gcwq (global_cwq *) = 0xc159c840
<inner block>
barr (wq_barrier) = {
work (work_struct) = {
data (atomic_t) = {
counter (int) = -1051056139},
entry(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd7f05e98,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd4fa6890},
func(void *) = 0xc019ee70},
done(completion) = {
done (unsigned int) = 0,
wait(__wait_queue_head) = {
lock (spinlock) = {
<unknown> (?) = {
rlock (raw_spinlock) = {
raw_lock (arch_spinlock_t) = {
lock (unsigned int) = 65537(0x10001)},
magic(unsigned int) = 3735899821(0xdead4ead),
owner_cpu(unsigned int) = 4294967295(0xffffffff),
owner(void *) = 0xffffffff}}},
task_list(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd74ffd18,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd74ffd18}}}}
worker (worker *) = 0xd87836dc
#9 0xc01a1e80 in wait_on_work+0x00e0(+224)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836dc [@ENTRY=0xd87836dc]
ret (_Bool) = <optimized out>
cpu (int) = <optimized out>
#10 0xc01a2024 in __cancel_work_timer+0x00b8(+184)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836dc [@ENTRY=0xd87836dc] ***** delayed checkwork
timer (timer_list *) = 0xd87836ec [@ENTRY=0xd87836ec]
The barrier worker is linked onworker->scheduled list according to following code.
we can get the followingscheduled list.
0xd4fa6890, scheduled listhead
struct worker {
union {
[0] struct list_head entry;
[0] struct hlist_node hentry;
[8] structwork_struct *current_work;
[12] structcpu_workqueue_struct *current_cwq;
[16] struct list_headscheduled; ******
[24] structtask_struct *task;
[28] struct worker_pool*pool;
[32] unsigned longlast_active;
[36] unsigned int flags;
[40] int id;
[44] struct work_structrebind_work;
SIZE: 60
struct worker @ 0xd4fa6880
struct worker {
entry = {
next = 0x0,
prev= 0xc159c940
hentry ={
next = 0x0,
pprev= 0xc159c940
current_work =0xd87836dc, ****** matched
current_cwq =0xc15a2700, ****** matched
scheduled = {
next =0xd74ffd58,
prev =0xd7f05e98 ****** matched
task = 0xd00f2300,
pool = 0xc159c958,
last_active =590751,
flags = 1,
id = 6,
rebind_work = {
data = {
counter = 1280
entry ={
next = 0xd4fa68b0,
prev= 0xd4fa68b0
func =0xc019f3b0 <worker_rebind_fn>
struct worker.task @ 0xd4fa6880
task = 0xd00f2300
struct @0xd00f2300
pid = 6028
Examine ts check_work workerthread.
#8 [INLINE] wait_on_cpu_work
work (work_struct *) = <optimized out>
gcwq (global_cwq *) = 0xc0f83180
<inner block>
barr (wq_barrier) = {
work (work_struct) = {
data (atomic_t) = {
counter (int) = -669451019},
entry(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd4d83c10, ******* only one barrier work
prev (list_head *) = 0xd4d83c10},
func(void *) = 0xc019ee70},
done(completion) = {
done (unsigned int) = 0,
wait(__wait_queue_head) = {
lock (spinlock) = {
<unknown> (?) = {
rlock (raw_spinlock) = {
raw_lock (arch_spinlock_t) = {
lock (unsigned int) = 65537(0x10001)},
magic(unsigned int) = 3735899821(0xdead4ead),
owner_cpu(unsigned int) = 4294967295(0xffffffff),
owner(void *) = 0xffffffff}}},
task_list(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd2ef9ea0,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd2ef9ea0}}}}
worker (worker *) = 0xd87836cc
#9 0xc01a1e80 inwait_on_work+0x00e0(+224)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836cc [@ENTRY=0xd87836cc] ************
ret (_Bool) = <optimized out>
cpu (int) = <optimized out>
#10 0xc01a1fd8 in __cancel_work_timer+0x006c(+108)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836cc
timer (timer_list *) = 0x0 [@ENTRY=0x0]
ret (int) = 0
#11 0xc01a2080 in cancel_work_sync+0x0008(+8) [tail call]
work (work_struct *) = <optimized out>
#12 0xc04ffb70 in elan_ktf2k_ts_check_work_func+0x0030(+48)
work (work_struct *) = <optimized out>
From source code, we can see itis cancelling;
2705static voidelan_ktf2k_ts_check_work_func(struct work_struct *work) @ ektf2k.c
2708 int do_tp_reset = 0;
2709 int touch_retry =0;
2711 printk(KERN_EMERG "%s, chip may crash, we need to reset it\n",__func__);
2713 //cancel_delayed_work_sync(&private_ts->check_work);
2715 disable_irq(private_ts->client->irq);
2716 cancel_work_sync(&private_ts->work);
Same as above callingwait_for_completion=>wait_for_common, we can deduce the worker insame way.
struct list_head @ 0xd4d83c10
struct list_head {
next = 0xd2ef9ee0,
prev = 0xd2ef9ee0
struct worker @ 0xd4d83c00
struct worker {
entry = {
next = 0x0,
prev= 0xc0f8327c <unbound_global_cwq+252>
hentry ={
next = 0x0,
pprev= 0xc0f8327c <unbound_global_cwq+252>
current_work =0xd87836cc, ******** matched
current_cwq =0xd818fc00, ******** matched
scheduled = {
next =0xd2ef9ee0,
prev =0xd2ef9ee0
task = 0xd0234f00,
pool = 0xc0f83298<unbound_global_cwq+280>,
last_active =590751,
flags = 129,
id = 1,
rebind_work = {
data = {
counter = 1280
entry ={
next = 0xd4d83c30,
prev= 0xd4d83c30
func =0xc019f3b0 <worker_rebind_fn>
struct worker.task @ 0xd4d83c00
task = 0xd0234f00
struct @0xd0234f00
pid = 4528
Examine ts work worker thread.
#7 0xc08678a8 inwait_for_common+0x0118(+280)
x(completion *) = 0xd7f05ea4
timeout (long int) = <optimized out>
state (int) = 2
iowait (int) = 0
#8 [INLINE] wait_on_cpu_work
work (work_struct *) = <optimized out>
gcwq (global_cwq *) = 0xc159c840
<inner block>
barr (wq_barrier) = {
work (work_struct) = {
data (atomic_t) = {
counter (int) = -1051056139},
entry(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd4fa6890, ****** another barrier workfor delayed_work.
prev (list_head *) = 0xd74ffd58},
func(void *) = 0xc019ee70},
done(completion) = {
done (unsigned int) = 0,
wait(__wait_queue_head) = {
lock (spinlock) = {
<unknown> (?) = {
rlock (raw_spinlock) = {
raw_lock (arch_spinlock_t) = {
lock (unsigned int) = 65537(0x10001)},
magic(unsigned int) = 3735899821(0xdead4ead),
owner_cpu(unsigned int) = 4294967295(0xffffffff),
owner(void *) = 0xffffffff}}},
task_list(list_head) = {
next (list_head *) = 0xd7f05e58,
prev(list_head *) = 0xd7f05e58}}}}
worker (worker *) = 0xd87836dc
#9 0xc01a1e80 inwait_on_work+0x00e0(+224)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836dc [@ENTRY=0xd87836dc]
ret (_Bool) = <optimized out>
cpu (int) = <optimized out>
#10 0xc01a1fd8 in__cancel_work_timer+0x006c(+108)
work(work_struct *) = 0xd87836dc [@ENTRY=0xd87836dc] ***** it is thedelayed_work
timer (timer_list *) = 0xd87836ec [@ENTRY=0xd87836ec]
ret (int) = 0
#11 0xc01a2078 in cancel_delayed_work_sync+0x0008(+8) [tail call]
dwork (delayed_work *) = <optimized out>
#12 0xc04ffe38 in elan_ktf2k_ts_work_func+0x0028(+40)
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836cc
rc (int) = <optimized out>
ts (elan_ktf2k_ts_data *) = 0xd87836c0
buf (unsigned char [12]) = {[0]0 <repeats 12 times>}
#13 0xc01a1150 inprocess_one_work+0x0124(+292)
worker (worker *) = 0xd4d83c00 [@ENTRY=0xd4d83c00]
work (work_struct *) = 0xd87836cc
cwq (cpu_workqueue_struct *) = 0xd818fc00
pool (worker_pool *) = <optimized out>
gcwq (global_cwq *) = 0xc0f83180
bwh (hlist_head *) = 0xd7f04000
cpu_intensive (_Bool) = 0
f(void *) = 0xc0e1dd60
work_color (int) = 0
collision (worker *) = <optimized out>
From above elan_ktf2k_ts_work_func is waiting delayed_work cancellation.
2751static voidelan_ktf2k_ts_work_func(struct work_struct *work) @ ektf2k.c
2753 int rc;
2754 struct elan_ktf2k_ts_data *ts =
2755 container_of(work, struct elan_ktf2k_ts_data, work);
2756 uint8_t buf[4+PACKET_SIZE] = { 0 };
2757 #ifdef ELAN_BUFFER_MODE
2758 uint8_t buf1[PACKET_SIZE] = { 0 };
2759 #endif
2761 cancel_delayed_work_sync(&ts->check_work);
2763 if (gpio_get_value(ts->intr_gpio))
As can be seen in source code ofelan_ktf2k_ts_check_work_func and elan_ktf2k_ts_work_func in the touch screenpanel‘s driver,
elan_ktf2k_ts_check_work_functhat is ts.check_work is in cancel_work_sync( while that iselan_ktf2k_ts_work_func is in cancel_delayed_work_sync(ts.check_work).
Dead Lock caused bycancel-work-syncly mutually in touch screen device driver.
[Reference Solution]
Do not mutually cancel eachother in elan_ktf2k_ts_check_work_func and elan_ktf2k_ts_work_func.
What SurfaceFlinger is doing when Buffer of Layers can not be dequeued