The command line options are expressed here (obtained by running sio with no command line options):
Usage: sio Read% Rand% Blk_Size File_Size Seconds Thread Filename [Filename]
Read %: Percentage of accesses that are reads (versus writes)读操作占的百分比,若该值设置成50,表示读50%,写50%的读写混合测试。
Rand %: Percentage of accesses that are random (vs sequential)随机读取占的百分比,若该值设置成30,表示随机测试30%,线性测试70%。
Blk_Size: Size of I/O requests that are issued读写请求块的大小。
FileSize: Size of area to be accessed in the file(s) (can be <= to actual file size; same for all files)截取测试目标文件的大小,该值不能大于Filename参数指定的文件的大小。
Seconds: Run time (specified in seconds), minimum of 10 seconds (60 or more recommended)运行测试的时间
Threads: Number of concurrent threads issuing I/O's 进行测试时使用到的CPU线程数,该数值越高,读写的延迟越低。
Filename(s): One more files to target I/O at 测试用到的目标文件路径或者设备(如:/etc/dev1等)
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