This is a python implementation of a hash map with the method of open addressing (linear probing) facing the collision
class HashMap: def __init__(self, array_size): self.array_size = array_size self.array = [None for item in range(array_size)] def hash(self, key, count_collisions=0): key_bytes = key.encode() hash_code = sum(key_bytes) return hash_code + count_collisions def compressor(self, hash_code): return hash_code % self.array_size def assign(self, key, value): array_index = self.compressor(self.hash(key)) current_array_value = self.array[array_index] if current_array_value is None: self.array[array_index] = [key, value] return if current_array_value[0] == key: self.array[array_index] = [key, value] return # Collision! number_collisions = 1 while(current_array_value[0] != key): new_hash_code = self.hash(key, number_collisions) new_array_index = self.compressor(new_hash_code) current_array_value = self.array[new_array_index] if current_array_value is None: self.array[new_array_index] = [key, value] return if current_array_value[0] == key: self.array[new_array_index] = [key, value] return number_collisions += 1 return def retrieve(self, key): array_index = self.compressor(self.hash(key)) possible_return_value = self.array[array_index] if possible_return_value is None: return None if possible_return_value[0] == key: return possible_return_value[1] retrieval_collisions = 1 while (possible_return_value != key): new_hash_code = self.hash(key, retrieval_collisions) retrieving_array_index = self.compressor(new_hash_code) possible_return_value = self.array[retrieving_array_index] if possible_return_value is None: return None if possible_return_value[0] == key: return possible_return_value[1] retrieval_collisions += 1 return hash_map = HashMap(15) hash_map.assign('gabbro','igneous') hash_map.assign('sandstone','sedimentary') hash_map.assign('gneiss','metamorphic') print(hash_map.retrieve('gabbro')) print(hash_map.retrieve('sandstone')) print(hash_map.retrieve('gneiss'))