




它们支持 ++p,p++,*p 操作,还可以被复制或赋值,可以用 == 和 != 运算符进行比较



#ifndef _HW7_DOUBLL2D_HPP_
#define _HW7_DOUBLL2D_HPP_

#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <functional>

template<typename T>
class doubll2d;

// Detailed implementation of doubll2d.
// Namespaces are used to prevent users from directly using them.
namespace __detail {
// Helper class for creating iterable from two iterators.
// You do not need to implement or use this.
template<typename T>
class iterable {
    T begin_;
    T end_;

    iterable(T begin, T end) : begin_{begin}, end_{end} {}

    T begin() const { return begin_; }

    T end() const { return end_; }

template<typename T>
iterable<T> make_iterable(T begin, T end) { return iterable<T>{begin, end}; }

// Helper class to create reverse iterator from normal iterator.
// You do not need to implement or use this.
template<class I>
class reverse_iter
        : public std::iterator<typename std::iterator_traits<I>::iterator_category,
                typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type,
                typename std::iterator_traits<I>::difference_type,
                typename std::iterator_traits<I>::pointer,
                typename std::iterator_traits<I>::reference> {
    explicit reverse_iter(I iter) : inner{iter} {}

    // reference operator (implemented)
    typename reverse_iter::reference operator*() { return *inner; }

    // pointer operator (implemented)
    typename reverse_iter::pointer operator->() { return &*inner; }

    // self increment operator (implemented)
    reverse_iter &operator++() {
        return *this;

    reverse_iter operator++(int) { return reverse_iter{inner--}; }

    // self decrement operator (implemented)
    reverse_iter &operator--() {
        return *this;

    reverse_iter operator--(int) { return reverse_iter{inner++}; }

    // comparison operator (implemented)
    bool operator==(const reverse_iter &other) { return inner == other.inner; }

    bool operator!=(const reverse_iter &other) { return inner != other.inner; }

    I inner;

// List node, you do not need to implement this
template<typename T>
class list_node {
    // Initialize the node with a value (implemented)
    explicit list_node(const T &value) :
            left{nullptr}, right{nullptr}, up{nullptr}, down{nullptr}, data{value} {}

    // Copy constructor (compiler generated)
    list_node(const list_node &other) = default;

    // Destructor (compiler generated)
    ~list_node() = default;

    // Copy assignment operator (compiler generated)
    list_node &operator=(const list_node &rhs) = default;

    // adjacent nodes
    list_node *left;
    list_node *right;
    list_node *up;
    list_node *down;

    // Data of the node
    T data;

// Iterator of the list element in some row.
template<typename T>
class list_row_elem_iter : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T> {
    explicit list_row_elem_iter(list_node<T> *inner) : inner{inner} {}

    // reference operator (implement this)
    typename list_row_elem_iter::reference operator*();

    // pointer operator (implement this)
    typename list_row_elem_iter::pointer operator->();

    // self increment operator (implement this)
    // move to the right element
    list_row_elem_iter &operator++();

    list_row_elem_iter operator++(int);

    // self decrement operator (implement this)
    // move to the left element
    list_row_elem_iter &operator--();

    list_row_elem_iter operator--(int);

    // comparison operator (implement this)
    bool operator==(const list_row_elem_iter &other);

    bool operator!=(const list_row_elem_iter &other);

    list_node<T> *inner;

    // this allows you get the inner node inside this iter
    friend class doubll2d<T>;

// Iterator of the row in the list
template<typename T>
class list_row_iter : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, list_row_iter<T>> {
    // Type renaming
    using iterator = list_row_elem_iter<T>;
    using reverse_iterator = __detail::reverse_iter<iterator>;

    list_row_iter(list_node<T> *left, list_node<T> *right) : left{left}, right{right} {}

    // the leftmost iterator of this row (implement this)
    iterator begin();

    // the iterator next to the rightmost element in this row (implement this)
    iterator end();

    // the `reverse_iterator` of the rightmost element in this row (implement this)
    reverse_iterator rbegin();

    // the `reverse_iterator` before the leftmost element in this row (implement this)
    reverse_iterator rend();

    iterable<reverse_iterator> riterable() { return make_iterable(rbegin(), rend()); }

    // reference operator (implement this)
    typename list_row_iter::reference operator*();

    // pointer operator (implement this)
    typename list_row_iter::pointer operator->();

    // self increment operator (implement this)
    // move to the row below
    list_row_iter &operator++();

    list_row_iter operator++(int);

    // self decrement operator (implement this)
    // move to the row above
    list_row_iter &operator--();

    list_row_iter operator--(int);

    // comparison operator (implement this)
    bool operator==(const list_row_iter &other);

    bool operator!=(const list_row_iter &other);

    list_node<T> *left;        // leftmost element in the row
    list_node<T> *right;       // rightmost element in the row

// Iterator of the list element in some column.
template<typename T>
class list_col_elem_iter : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, T> {
    // Type renaming
    explicit list_col_elem_iter(list_node<T> *inner) : inner{inner} {}

    // reference operator (implement this)
    typename list_col_elem_iter::reference operator*();

    // pointer operator (implement this)
    typename list_col_elem_iter::pointer operator->();

    // self increment operator (implement this)
    // move to the element below
    list_col_elem_iter &operator++();

    list_col_elem_iter operator++(int);

    // self decrement operator (implement this)
    // move to the element above
    list_col_elem_iter &operator--();

    list_col_elem_iter operator--(int);

    // comparison operator (implement this)
    bool operator==(const list_col_elem_iter &other);

    bool operator!=(const list_col_elem_iter &other);

    list_node<T> *inner;

    // this allows you get the inner node inside this iter
    friend class doubll2d<T>;

// Iterator of the column in the list
template<typename T>
class list_col_iter : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, list_col_iter<T>> {
    // Type renaming
    using iterator = list_col_elem_iter<T>;
    using reverse_iterator = __detail::reverse_iter<iterator>;

    list_col_iter(list_node<T> *up, list_node<T> *down) : up{up}, down{down} {}

    // the top iterator of this column (implement this)
    iterator begin();

    // the iterator below the bottom element in this column (implement this)
    iterator end();

    // the `reverse_iterator` of the bottom element in this column (implement this)
    reverse_iterator rbegin();

    // the `reverse_iterator` above the top element in this column (implement this)
    reverse_iterator rend();

    iterable<reverse_iterator> riterable() { return make_iterable(rbegin(), rend()); }

    // reference operator (implement this)
    typename list_col_iter::reference operator*();

    // pointer operator (implement this)
    typename list_col_iter::pointer operator->();

    // self increment operator (implement this)
    // move to the next column
    list_col_iter &operator++();

    list_col_iter operator++(int);

    // self decrement operator (implement this)
    // move to the previous column
    list_col_iter &operator--();

    list_col_iter operator--(int);

    // comparison operator (implement this)
    bool operator==(const list_col_iter &other);

    bool operator!=(const list_col_iter &other);

    list_node<T> *up;        // top element in the column
    list_node<T> *down;      // bottom element in the column

// 2D Doubly linked list class
template<typename T>
class doubll2d {
    // Type renaming
    using size_type = size_t;
    using row_iter = __detail::list_row_iter<T>;
    using col_iter = __detail::list_col_iter<T>;
    using row_riter = __detail::reverse_iter<row_iter>;
    using col_riter = __detail::reverse_iter<col_iter>;

    // Default constructor
    doubll2d() :
            up_left{nullptr}, up_right{nullptr},
            down_left{nullptr}, down_right{nullptr},
            dim_row{0}, dim_col{0} {}

    // Copy and move constructor are deleted
    doubll2d(const doubll2d &other) = delete;

    doubll2d(doubll2d &&other) = delete;

    // Destructor
    ~doubll2d() { clear(); }

    // Copy and move assignment operator are deleted
    doubll2d &operator=(const doubll2d &other) = delete;

    doubll2d &operator=(doubll2d &&other) = delete;

    // The number of rows in the list
    size_type get_dim_row() const { return dim_row; }

    // The number of columns in the list
    size_type get_dim_col() const { return dim_col; }

    // Iterator to the first (top) row (implement this)
    row_iter row_begin();

    // Iterator below the last (bottom) row (implement this)
    row_iter row_end();

    __detail::iterable<row_iter> row_iterable() {
        return __detail::make_iterable(row_begin(), row_end());

    // `reverse_iterator` to the last (bottom) row (implement this)
    row_riter row_rbegin();

    // `reverse_iterator` above the first (top) row (implement this)
    row_riter row_rend();

    __detail::iterable<row_riter> row_riterable() {
        return __detail::make_iterable(row_rbegin(), row_rend());

    // Iterator to the first (leftmost) column (implement this)
    col_iter col_begin();

    // Iterator after the last (rightmost) column (implement this)
    col_iter col_end();

    __detail::iterable<col_iter> col_iterable() {
        return __detail::make_iterable(col_begin(), col_end());

    // `reverse_iterator` to the last (rightmost) column (implement this)
    col_riter col_rbegin();

    // `reverse_iterator` before the first (leftmost) column (implement this)
    col_riter col_rend();

    __detail::iterable<col_riter> col_riterable() {
        return __detail::make_iterable(col_rbegin(), col_rend());

    // Insert a new row in the list below the row referenced by `cursor`.
    // The data stores from `input_iter` `begin` to `end`. (implement this)
    // Remember, our 2D doubly linked list should always be a rectangular. When the length
    // of data is shorter than it should be, you should fill the rest part by default value of T.
    // Additionally, it is okay that the length of data is longer than needed, in this case
    // you should make use of the `dim_col` items from `begin` and ignore the extra elements.
    // If the list is empty, you should insert the whole data from `begin` to `end`.
    // If the list is empty and `begin` equals to `end`, do nothing and return `row_end()`.
    // If the cursor equals to `row_end()` operator, insert the data above the origin first row.
    // Return the iter of the row inserted.
    template<typename input_iter>
    row_iter insert_row(row_iter cursor, input_iter begin, input_iter end);

    // Insert a new column in the list after the column referenced by `cursor`.
    // The data stores from `input_iter` `begin` to `end`. (implement this)
    // Remember, our 2D doubly linked list should always be a rectangular. When the length
    // of data is shorter than it should be, you should fill the rest part by default value of T.
    // Additionally, it is okay that the length of data is longer than needed, in this case
    // you should make use of the first `dim_row` items from `begin` and ignore the extra elements.
    // If the list is empty, you should insert the whole data from `begin` to `end`.
    // If the list is empty and `begin` equals to `end`, do nothing and return `col_end()`.
    // If the cursor is `col_end()` operator, insert the data before the origin first column.
    // Return the iter of the column inserted.
    template<typename input_iter>
    col_iter insert_col(col_iter cursor, input_iter begin, input_iter end);

    // Delete the row where the given `cursor` reference to and returns the `row_iter` above
    // the given `cursor`. If the first row is deleted, then return the `row_iter`
    // below the given `cursor`. If the deleted row is the only row in the list,
    // return `row_end()`. (implement this)
    // If the cursor is `row_end()` operator, do nothing and return `row_end()` operator.
    // If the last row in list is deleted, the size of the list should be set to 0*0.
    row_iter delete_row(row_iter cursor);

    // Delete the column where the given `cursor` reference to and returns the `col_iter` left to
    // the given `cursor`. If the first column is deleted, then return the `col_iter`
    // right to the given `cursor`. If the deleted column is the only column in the list,
    // return `col_end()`. (implement this)
    // If the cursor is `col_end()` operator, do nothing and return `col_end()` operator.
    // If the last column in list is deleted, the size of the list should be set to 0*0.
    col_iter delete_col(col_iter cursor);

    // Clear all the nodes in the list (implement this)
    void clear();
    // This reduce() implementation takes a reducer function and an initial value
    // for the accumulator. For each iterable item, the reducer is called, passing 
    // it the accumulator and the current list element.
    // The return value is assigned to the accumulator. When it's finished applying the 
    // reducer to all of the values in the list, the accumulated value is returned.
    template<class R>
    R reduce(std::function<R(R, const T &)> fn, R init);

    __detail::list_node<T> *up_left;       // top-left element
    __detail::list_node<T> *up_right;      // top-right element
    __detail::list_node<T> *down_left;     // bottom-left element
    __detail::list_node<T> *down_right;    // bottom-right element

    size_t dim_row;
    size_t dim_col;

#include "doubll2d-impl.hpp"

#endif // _HW7_DOUBLL2D_HPP_





template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::reference __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator*()
    return inner->data;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::pointer __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator->()
    return &(inner->data); 

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> &__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator++()
        return *this;
    inner = inner->right;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator++(int)
        return *this;
    list_row_elem_iter tmp(*this);
    inner = inner->right;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> &__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator--()
        return *this;
    inner = inner->left;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator--(int)
        return *this;
    list_row_elem_iter tmp(*this);
    inner = inner->left;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator==(const __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> &other)
    if (inner == other.inner)
        return true;
    return false;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::operator!=(const __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> &other)
    if (inner == other.inner)
        return false;
    return true;
//implementation of list_row_iter
template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_row_iter<T>::begin()
    return typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::list_row_elem_iter(left);

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_row_iter<T>::end()
        return typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::list_row_elem_iter(right);
    return typename __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>::list_row_elem_iter(right->right);

template<class T> 
typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>> __detail::list_row_iter<T>::rbegin()
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>>(__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>(right));
//typename __detail::reverse_iter<list_col_elem_iter<T>>::reverse_iter(__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::list_col_elem_iter(up->up));

template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>> __detail::list_row_iter<T>::rend()
        return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>>(__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>(left));
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>>(__detail::list_row_elem_iter<T>(left->left));

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_iter<T>::reference __detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator*()
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_iter<T>::pointer __detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator->()
    return this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_iter<T> &__detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator++()
        return *this;
    left = left->down;
    right = right->down;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_iter<T> __detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator++(int)
        return *this;
    list_row_iter tmp(*this);
    left = left->down;
    right = right->down;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_iter<T> &__detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator--()
        return *this;
    left = left->up;
    right = right->up;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_row_iter<T> __detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator--(int)
        return *this;
    list_row_iter tmp(*this);
    left = left->up;
    right = right->up;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator==(const __detail::list_row_iter<T> &other)
    if(left==other.left && right==other.right)
        return true;
    return false;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_row_iter<T>::operator!=(const __detail::list_row_iter<T> &other)
    if(left==other.left && right==other.right)
        return false;
    return true;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::reference __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator*()
    return inner->data;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::pointer __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator->()
    return &(inner->data);

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> &__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator++()
        return *this;
    inner = inner->down;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator++(int)
        return *this;
    list_col_elem_iter tmp(*this);
    inner = inner->down;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> &__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator--()
        return *this;
    inner = inner->up;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator--(int)
        return *this;
    list_col_elem_iter tmp(*this);
    inner = inner->up;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator==(const __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> &other)
        return true;
    return false;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::operator!=(const __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> &other)
        return false;
    return true;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_col_iter<T>::begin()
    return typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::list_col_elem_iter(up);

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> __detail::list_col_iter<T>::end()
        return typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::list_col_elem_iter(down);
    return typename __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::list_col_elem_iter(down->down);

template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>> __detail::list_col_iter<T>::rbegin()
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>>(__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>(down));

template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>> __detail::list_col_iter<T>::rend()
        return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>>(__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>(up));
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>>(__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>(up->up));


template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_iter<T>::reference __detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator*()
    return *this;

template<class T> 
typename __detail::list_col_iter<T>::pointer __detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator->()
    return this;

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> &__detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator++()
        return *this;
    up = up->right;
    down = down->right;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> __detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator++(int)
        return *this;
    list_col_iter tmp(*this);
    up = up->right;
    down = down->right;
    return tmp;

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> &__detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator--()
        return *this;
    up = up->left;
    down = down->left;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> __detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator--(int)
        return *this;
    list_col_iter tmp(*this);
    up = up->left;
    down = down->left;
    return *this;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator==(const __detail::list_col_iter<T> &other)
    if(up==other.up && down==other.down)
        return true;
    return false;

template<class T> 
bool __detail::list_col_iter<T>::operator!=(const __detail::list_col_iter<T> &other)
    if(up==other.up && down==other.down)
        return false;
    return true;

template<class T> 
__detail::list_row_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::row_begin()
    return typename __detail::list_row_iter<T>::list_row_iter(up_left,up_right);

template<class T> 
__detail::list_row_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::row_end()
        return typename __detail::list_row_iter<T>::list_row_iter(down_left,down_right);
    return typename __detail::list_row_iter<T>::list_row_iter(down_left->down,down_right->down);

template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_iter<T>> doubll2d<T>::row_rbegin()
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_iter<T>>(__detail::list_row_iter<T>(down_left,down_right));
//typename __detail::reverse_iter<list_col_elem_iter<T>>::reverse_iter(__detail::list_col_elem_iter<T>::list_col_elem_iter(up->up));
template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_iter<T>> doubll2d<T>::row_rend()
        return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_iter<T>>(__detail::list_row_iter<T>(up_left,up_right));
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_row_iter<T>>(__detail::list_row_iter<T>(up_left->up,up_right->up));

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::col_begin()
    return typename __detail::list_col_iter<T>::list_col_iter(up_left,down_left);

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::col_end()
        return typename __detail::list_col_iter<T>::list_col_iter(up_right,down_right);
    return typename __detail::list_col_iter<T>::list_col_iter(up_right->right,down_right->down);

template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_iter<T>> doubll2d<T>::col_rbegin()
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_iter<T>>(__detail::list_col_iter<T>(up_right,down_right));

template<class T> 
__detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_iter<T>> doubll2d<T>::col_rend()
        return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_iter<T>>(__detail::list_col_iter<T>(up_left,down_left));
    return typename __detail::reverse_iter<__detail::list_col_iter<T>>(__detail::list_col_iter<T>(up_left->left,down_left->left));

insert-row insert-col


template<class T> 
template<class input_iter> 
__detail::list_row_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::insert_row(__detail::list_row_iter<T> cursor, input_iter begin, input_iter end)
if(dim_row == 0 && begin == end)  // If the list is empty and `begin` equals to `end`, do nothing and return `row_end()`.
        return row_end();
    //below list not empty or begin != end
    //first: list empty but begin != end
    __detail::list_node<T> *itr ;
    __detail::list_node<T> *prev = nullptr;
    __detail::list_node<T> *head;
    __detail::list_node<T> *tail;
    size_t index = 0;
    if(dim_row == 0 && begin != end)
            itr = new __detail::list_node<T>(*begin);
            if(index == 0)// left right relation
                itr->left = nullptr;
                head = itr;
                itr->left = prev;
                prev->right = itr;
            itr->up = nullptr;
            itr->down = nullptr;
            prev = itr;
        prev->right = nullptr;
        dim_col = index;
        dim_row = 1;
        tail = prev;
        up_left = head;
        down_left = head;
        up_right = tail;
        down_right = tail;
        return row_iter(head,tail);
    //below are list not empty
    //__detail::list_node<T> *itr = cursor.begin().inner;
    int flag = 0; // flag  1: begin==end insert defult 0: begin!=defult
    int flag_1 = 0; //flag_1  0:middle  1:top  2:bottom
    //int flag_2 = 0; //flag_2  0:length <= dim_col   1:length > dim_col
    if(begin == end)
        flag = 1;
    __detail::list_node<T> *ptr = cursor.begin().inner;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *prev_head = itr->up;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *prev_tail = nullptr;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *next_head = itr->down;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *next_tail = nullptr;
    __detail::list_node<T> *first_line = up_left;
    __detail::list_node<T> *last_line = down_left;
    if(cursor == row_end())//insert first row
        flag_1 = 1;
    if(ptr == down_left)//insert below last row
        flag_1 = 2;
    if(flag_1 == 1){
        ptr = up_left;
    while((ptr != nullptr))//when insert in the first row notice that ptr is nullptr
        if(begin == end){//start insert defult
            flag = 1; 
        //determine which kind of node to generate
        if(flag == 0)//begin != end
            itr = new __detail::list_node<T>(*begin);
            itr = new __detail::list_node<T>(T());
        //determine head and tail
        if(index == 0){
            head = itr;
        if(index == dim_col -1){//dim_col is the determonant of whether to stop not ptr->right
            tail = itr;
        //determine leftmost or middle or rightmost  left right relation
        if(ptr->left == nullptr){//leftmost
            itr->left = nullptr;
        if(ptr->right == nullptr){//rightmost
            itr->right = nullptr;
            if(ptr->left !=nullptr){// to avoid the possibility of only one col   both leftmost and rightmost
                prev->right = itr;
                itr->left = prev;
        if(ptr->left!=nullptr && ptr->right!=nullptr){//middle
            itr->left = prev;
            prev->right = itr;
        //determine which section to insert    up down relation
        if(flag_1 == 0)//insert middle
            ptr->down->up = itr;
            itr->down = ptr->down;
            itr->up = ptr;
            ptr->down = itr;
        if(flag_1 == 1){//insert top
            itr->up = nullptr;
            itr->down = first_line;
            first_line->up = itr;
            if(index == 0){
                up_left = itr;
            if(index == dim_col - 1){
                up_right = itr;
            first_line = first_line->right;
        if(flag_1==2){//insert bottom
            itr->down = nullptr;
            itr->up = last_line;
            last_line->down = itr;
            if(index == 0){
                down_left = itr;
            if(index == dim_col - 1){
                down_right = itr;
            last_line = last_line->right;
        prev = itr;
        ptr = ptr->right;
    return row_iter(head,tail);

template<class T> 
template<class input_iter> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::insert_col(__detail::list_col_iter<T> cursor, input_iter begin, input_iter end)
if(dim_col == 0 && begin == end)  // If the list is empty and `begin` equals to `end`, do nothing and return `row_end()`.
        return col_end();
    //below list not empty or begin != end
    //first: list empty but begin != end
    __detail::list_node<T> *itr ;
    __detail::list_node<T> *prev = nullptr;
    __detail::list_node<T> *head;
    __detail::list_node<T> *tail;
    size_t index = 0;
    if(dim_col == 0 && begin != end)
            itr = new __detail::list_node<T>(*begin);
            if(index == 0)// left right relation
                itr->up = nullptr;
                head = itr;
                itr->up = prev;
                prev->down = itr;
            itr->left = nullptr;
            itr->right = nullptr;
            prev = itr;
        prev->down = nullptr;
        dim_row = index;
        dim_col = 1;
        tail = prev;
        up_left = head;
        up_right = head;
        down_left = tail;
        down_right = tail;
        return col_iter(head,tail);
    //below are list not empty
    //__detail::list_node<T> *itr = cursor.begin().inner;
    int flag = 0; // flag  1: begin==end insert defult 0: begin!=defult
    int flag_1 = 0; //flag_1  0:middle  1:leftmost  2:rightmost
    //int flag_2 = 0; //flag_2  0:length <= dim_row   1:length > dim_row
    if(begin == end)
        flag = 1;
    __detail::list_node<T> *ptr = cursor.begin().inner;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *prev_head = itr->up;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *prev_tail = nullptr;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *next_head = itr->down;
    //__detail::list_node<T> *next_tail = nullptr;
    __detail::list_node<T> *first_col = up_left;
    __detail::list_node<T> *last_col = up_right;
    if(cursor == col_end())//insert first row
        flag_1 = 1;
    if(ptr == up_right)//insert after last col
        flag_1 = 2;
    if(flag_1 == 1){
        ptr = up_left;
    while((ptr != nullptr))//when insert in the first row notice that ptr is nullptr
        if(begin == end){//start insert defult
            flag = 1; 
        //determine which kind of node to generate
        if(flag == 0)//begin != end
            itr = new __detail::list_node<T>(*begin);
            itr = new __detail::list_node<T>(T());
        //determine head and tail
        if(index == 0){
            head = itr;
        if(index == dim_row -1){//dim_col is the determonant of whether to stop not ptr->right
            tail = itr;
        //determine leftmost or middle or rightmost  left right relation
        if(ptr->up == nullptr){//upmost
            itr->up = nullptr;
        if(ptr->down == nullptr){//downmost
            itr->down = nullptr;
            if(ptr->up !=nullptr){// to avoid the possibility of only one col   both leftmost and rightmost
                prev->down = itr;
                itr->up = prev;
        if(ptr->up!=nullptr && ptr->down!=nullptr){//middle
            itr->up = prev;
            prev->down = itr;
        //determine which section to insert    up down relation
        if(flag_1 == 0)//insert middle
            ptr->right->left = itr;
            itr->right = ptr->right;
            itr->left = ptr;
            ptr->right = itr;
        if(flag_1 == 1){//insert leftmost
            itr->left = nullptr;
            itr->right = first_col;
            first_col->left = itr;
            if(index == 0){
                up_left = itr;
            if(index == dim_row - 1){
                down_left = itr;
            first_col = first_col->down;
        if(flag_1==2){//insert rightmost
            itr->right = nullptr;
            itr->left = last_col;
            last_col->right = itr;
            if(index == 0){
                up_right = itr;
            if(index == dim_row - 1){
                down_right = itr;
            last_col = last_col->down;
        prev = itr;
        ptr = ptr->down;
    return col_iter(head,tail);

delete-row delete-col


template<class T> 
__detail::list_row_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::delete_row(__detail::list_row_iter<T> cursor)
    if(cursor == row_end() || dim_row==0)//do nothing and return `row_end()` operator
        return row_end();
    __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> node_buffer = cursor.begin();//the first node in the row to be deleted
    __detail::list_node<T> *prev;
    size_t index = 0;
    prev = nullptr;
    if(node_buffer.inner == up_left && dim_row==1)//delete last row
        while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
                delete prev;
            prev = node_buffer.inner;
        delete prev;
        up_left = nullptr;
        up_right = nullptr;
        down_left = nullptr;
        down_right = nullptr;
        //delete node_buffer.inner;
        dim_row = 0;
        dim_col = 0;
        return row_end();
    if(node_buffer.inner == up_left)//delete first but not last row
        __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> down_node = cursor.begin();
        up_left = down_node.inner;
        while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
            down_node.inner->up = nullptr;
                delete prev;
            prev = node_buffer.inner;
        up_right = prev->down;
        delete prev;
        //delete node_buffer.inner;
        //down_node.inner->up = nullptr;
        return cursor;
    if(node_buffer.inner == down_left)//delete bottom but not last row;
        __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> up_node = cursor.begin();
        down_left = up_node.inner;
        while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
            up_node.inner->down = nullptr;
                delete prev;
            prev = node_buffer.inner;
        down_right = prev->up;
        delete prev;
        //delete node_buffer.inner;
        //up_node.inner->down = nullptr;
        return cursor;
    // delete middle row
    __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> up_node = cursor.begin();
    __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> down_node = cursor.begin();
    while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
        up_node.inner->down = down_node.inner;
        down_node.inner->up = up_node.inner;
            delete prev;
        prev = node_buffer.inner;
    delete prev;
    //delete node_buffer.inner;
    //up_node.inner->down = down_node.inner;
    //down_node.inner->up = up_node.inner;
    return cursor;

    // if(cursor == row_end())
    // {
    //     return row_end();
    // }
    // __detail::list_node<T> *itr = cursor.begin().inner;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *temp = nullptr;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *prev_head = itr->up;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *prev_tail = nullptr;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *next_head = itr->down;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *next_tail = nullptr;
    // if(itr == up_left)//delete first row
    // {
    //     up_left = up_left->down;
    //     up_right = up_right->down;
    // }
    // if(itr == down_left)//delete last row
    // {
    //     down_left = down_left->up;
    //     down_right = down_right->up;
    // }
    // while(itr != nullptr)
    // {
    //     if(itr->up)
    //     {
    //         itr->up->down = itr->down;// not first row
    //     }
    //     if(itr->down)
    //     {
    //         itr->down->up = itr->up;// not last row
    //     }
    //     temp = itr->right;
    //     if(temp == nullptr)//last node
    //     {
    //         prev_tail = itr->up;
    //         next_tail = itr->down;
    //     }
    //     delete itr;
    //     itr = temp;
    // }
    // dim_row-=1;
    // if(dim_row == 0)
    // {
    //     dim_col = 0;
    //     return row_end();
    // }
    // if(prev_head == nullptr)
    // {
    //     return row_iter(next_head, next_tail);
    // }
    // else{
    //     return row_iter(prev_head, prev_tail);
    // }

template<class T> 
__detail::list_col_iter<T> doubll2d<T>::delete_col(__detail::list_col_iter<T> cursor)
    if(cursor == col_end() || dim_col==0)//do nothing and return `row_end()` operator
        return col_end();
    __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> node_buffer = cursor.begin();//the first node in the row to be deleted
    //__detail::list_row_iter<T> return_row;
    __detail::list_node<T> *prev;
    size_t index = 0;
    prev = nullptr;
    if(node_buffer.inner == up_left && dim_col==1)//delete last col
        while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
                delete prev;
            prev = node_buffer.inner;
        //last 2 node
        delete prev;
        up_left = nullptr;
        up_right = nullptr;
        down_left = nullptr;
        down_right = nullptr;
        //delete node_buffer.inner;
        dim_row = 0;
        dim_col = 0;
        return col_end();
    if(node_buffer.inner == up_left)//delete first but not last col
        __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> right_node = cursor.begin();
        up_left = right_node.inner;
        while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
            right_node.inner->left = nullptr;
                delete prev;
            prev = node_buffer.inner;
        down_left = prev->right;
        delete prev;
        //delete node_buffer.inner;
        //down_node.inner->up = nullptr;
        return cursor;
    if(node_buffer.inner == up_right)//delete bottom but not last col;
        __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> left_node = cursor.begin();
        up_right = left_node.inner;
        while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
            left_node.inner->right = nullptr;
                delete prev;
            prev = node_buffer.inner;
        down_right = prev->left;
        delete prev;
        //delete node_buffer.inner;
        //up_node.inner->down = nullptr;
        return cursor;
    // delete middle row
    __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> left_node = cursor.begin();
    __detail::list_col_elem_iter<T> right_node = cursor.begin();
    while(node_buffer != cursor.end())
        left_node.inner->right = right_node.inner;
        right_node.inner->left = left_node.inner;
            delete prev;
        prev = node_buffer.inner;
    delete prev;
    //delete node_buffer.inner;
    //up_node.inner->down = down_node.inner;
    //down_node.inner->up = up_node.inner;
    return cursor;

    // if(cursor == col_end())
    // {
    //     return col_end();
    // }
    // __detail::list_node<T> *itr = cursor.begin().inner;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *temp = nullptr;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *prev_head = itr->left;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *prev_tail = nullptr;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *next_head = itr->right;
    // __detail::list_node<T> *next_tail = nullptr;
    // if(itr == up_left)//delete first col
    // {
    //     up_left = up_left->right;
    //     down_left = down_left->right;
    // }
    // if(itr == up_right)//delete last col
    // {
    //     up_right = up_right->left;
    //     down_right = down_right->left;
    // }
    // while(itr != nullptr)
    // {
    //     if(itr->left)
    //     {
    //         itr->left->right = itr->right;// not first row
    //     }
    //     if(itr->right)
    //     {
    //         itr->right->left = itr->left;// not last row
    //     }
    //     temp = itr->down;
    //     if(temp == nullptr)//last node
    //     {
    //         prev_tail = itr->left;
    //         next_tail = itr->right;
    //     }
    //     delete itr;
    //     itr = temp;
    // }
    // dim_col-=1;
    // if(dim_col == 0)
    // {
    //     dim_row = 0;
    //     return col_end();
    // }
    // if(prev_head == nullptr)
    // {
    //     return col_iter(next_head, next_tail);
    // }
    // else{
    //     return col_iter(prev_head, prev_tail);
    // }




// Clear all the nodes in the list (implement this)
template<class T> 
void doubll2d<T>::clear()
    while(dim_row != 0)
    return ;

// This reduce() implementation takes a reducer function and an initial value
    // for the accumulator. For each iterable item, the reducer is called, passing 
    // it the accumulator and the current list element.
    // The return value is assigned to the accumulator. When it's finished applying the 
    // reducer to all of the values in the list, the accumulated value is returned.
template<class T> 
template<class R> 
R doubll2d<T>::reduce(std::function<R (R, const T &)> fn, R init)
    R value = init;
    __detail::list_row_iter<T> row = row_begin();
    while(row != row_end())
        __detail::list_row_elem_iter<T> node = row.begin();
        while(node.inner != nullptr)
            value = fn(value,node.inner->data);
    return value;



#include "doubll2d.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using namespace __detail;

template<class T>
void printMat(doubll2d<T>& mat){
    for(list_row_iter<T> row = mat.row_begin(); row != mat.row_end(); ++row){
        for(list_row_elem_iter<T> elem = row.begin();elem!=row.end();++elem){
            cout<< *elem <<" ";

template<class T>
list_row_iter<T> toRowIndex(doubll2d<T>& mat , int index){
    list_row_iter<T> row = mat.row_begin();
    for(int i = 0;i<index;i++){
    return row;

template<class T>
list_col_iter<T> toColIndex(doubll2d<T>& mat , int index){
    list_col_iter<T> col = mat.col_begin();
    for(int i = 0;i<index;i++){
    return col;

int main(){
    vector<int> v1 = {1,2,3};
    vector<int> v11 = {99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99};
    vector<int> v2 = {4,5,6};
    vector<int> v3 = {7,8,9};
    vector<int> l1 = {10,11,12};
    vector<int> l2 = {13,14,15};
    vector<int> l3 = {16,17,18};

    doubll2d<int> mat1;
    doubll2d<int> mat2;

    //insert test

    //1. insert nothing to 0*0
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    mat1.insert_col(toColIndex(mat1, 0), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    //output: NONE

    //2. insert a row to 0*0
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v1.begin(), v1.end());
    //Output: 1 2 3

    //3. insert a row to 1*3 at bottom
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v2.begin(), v2.end());
    //Output: 1 2 3
    //        4 5 6

    //4. insert a row to 2*3 at top
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 2), v3.begin(), v3.end());
    //7 8 9
    //1 2 3
    //4 5 6

    //5. insert nothing to 3*3 at top
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    //0 0 0
    //7 8 9
    //1 2 3
    //4 5 6

    //6. insert nothing to 3*4 at bottom
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    //0 0 0
    //7 8 9
    //1 2 3
    //4 5 6
    //0 0 0

    //6. insert nothing to 3*5 at middle
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 2), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    //0 0 0
    //7 8 9
    //1 2 3
    //0 0 0
    //4 5 6
    //0 0 0

    //7. insert excessive row to the 3*6 at top bottom and middle
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 5), v11.begin(), v11.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 7), v11.begin(), v11.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 4), v11.begin(), v11.end());
    //99 99 99
    //0 0 0
    //7 8 9
    //1 2 3
    //0 0 0
    //99 99 99
    //4 5 6
    //0 0 0
    //99 99 99

    //8. delete testing I
    mat1.delete_row(mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0)));
    mat1.delete_row(mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 6)));
    mat1.delete_row(mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3)));
    mat1.delete_row(mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3)));
    //7 8 9
    //1 2 3
    //4 5 6

    //9. delete testing II
    mat1.delete_row(mat1.delete_row(mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0))));

    //10. delete testing III
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v1.begin(), v1.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v2.begin(), v2.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 2), v3.begin(), v3.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 2), v1.begin(), v1.begin());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 5), v11.begin(), v1.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 7), v11.begin(), v1.end());
    mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 4), v11.begin(), v1.end());


    // mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v1.begin(), v1.end());
    // mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 1), v2.begin(), v2.end());
    // mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 1), v3.begin(), v3.end());
    // printMat(mat1);
    // mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0));
    // printMat(mat1);

    // mat1.insert_col(toColIndex(mat1, 1), l1.begin(), l1.end());
    // printMat(mat1);
    // mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 3), v1.begin(), v1.end());
    // mat1.insert_col(toColIndex(mat1, 4), v11.begin(), v11.end());
    // mat1.insert_col(toColIndex(mat1, 0), l3.begin(), l3.end());

    // mat1.delete_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0));
    // printMat(mat1);
    // mat1.delete_col(toColIndex(mat1, 4));
    // mat1.delete_col(toColIndex(mat1, 3));
    // mat1.delete_col(toColIndex(mat1, 2));
    // mat1.delete_col(toColIndex(mat1, 1));
    // mat1.delete_col(toColIndex(mat1, 5));
    // printMat(mat1);
    // mat1.clear();
    // mat1.insert_row(toRowIndex(mat1, 0), v1.begin(), v1.end());
    // printMat(mat1);

    return 0;

下一篇:VS Code(Visual Studio Code)的安装与中文配置