让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

关于 docker swarm mode 的基本架构

How does it work? Docker! Part 1: Swarm general architecture

让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

关于 Overlay Network

Demystifying Docker overlay networking

让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

How does it work? Docker! Part 2: Swarm networking

让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

关于服务发现与负载均衡(Service Discovery and Load Balancing)

How does it work? Docker! Part 3: Load balancing, service discovery and security!

让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

Blocking ingress traffic to Docker swarm worker machines

让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文

关于 Rolling Updates 

Rolling updates with Docker Swarm

1) Pull the image specified in the docker service update command

2) Remove the current (now old) container from its internal load balancer

3) Send a SIGTERM signal to the container and give it a grace period of 10 seconds to exit gracefully. If after 10 seconds the service hasn’t yet given up, Docker will terminate the process with a SIGKILL signal. Both the signal and the grace period can be tweaked with the --stop-signal and the --stop-grace-period flags when creating/updating the service

3) Start the new container

4) Add the new container to its internal load balancer

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