Scalaz(23)- 泛函数据结构: Zipper-游标定位

外面沙尘滚滚一直向北去了,意识到年关到了,码农们都回乡过年去了,而我却留在这里玩弄“拉链”。不要想歪了,我说的不是裤裆拉链而是scalaz Zipper,一种泛函数据结构游标(cursor)。在函数式编程模式里的集合通常是不可变的(immutable collection),我们会发现在FP编程过程中处理不可变集合(immutable collection)数据的方式好像总是缺些什么,比如在集合里左右逐步游动像moveNext,movePrev等等,在一个集合的中间进行添加、更新、删除的功能更是欠奉了,这主要是因为操作效率问题。不可变集合只有对前置操作(prepend operation)才能获得可靠的效率,即对集合首位元素的操作,能得到相当于O(1)的速度,其它操作基本上都是O(n)速度,n是集合的长度,也就是随着集合的长度增加,操作效率会以倍数下降。还有一个原因就是编程时会很不方便,因为大多数程序都会对各种集合进行大量的操作,最终也会导致程序的复杂臃肿,不符合函数式编程要求的精简优雅表达形式。我想可能就是因为以上各种原因,scalaz提供了Zipper typeclass帮助对不可变集合操作的编程。Zipper的定义如下:scalaz/Zipper.scala

final case class Zipper[+A](lefts: Stream[A], focus: A, rights: Stream[A])


final case class Zipper[+A](
lefts: Stream[A],
focus: A,
rights: Stream[A])


trait StreamFunctions {
final def toZipper[A](as: Stream[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] = as match {
case Empty => None
case h #:: t => Some(Zipper.zipper(empty, h, t))
} final def zipperEnd[A](as: Stream[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] = as match {
case Empty => None
case _ =>
val x = as.reverse
Some(Zipper.zipper(x.tail, x.head, empty))


   Stream(,,).toZipper                          //> res2: Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 1, <rights>))
Stream("A","B","C").toZipper //> res3: Option[scalaz.Zipper[String]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, A, <rights>))
Stream(Stream(,),Stream(,)).toZipper //> res4: Option[scalaz.Zipper[scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int]]] = Some(Z
//| ipper(<lefts>, Stream(1, ?), <rights>))
Stream(,,).zipperEnd //> res5: Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 3, <rights>))


trait ListFunctions {
final def toZipper[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] =
stream.toZipper(as.toStream) final def zipperEnd[A](as: List[A]): Option[Zipper[A]] =
... final class NonEmptyList[+A] private[scalaz](val head: A, val tail: List[A]) {
def toZipper: Zipper[A] = zipper(Stream.Empty, head, tail.toStream) def zipperEnd: Zipper[A] = {
import Stream._
tail.reverse match {
case Nil => zipper(empty, head, empty)
case t :: ts => zipper(ts.toStream :+ head, t, empty)


trait ZipperFunctions {
def zipper[A](ls: Stream[A], a: A, rs: Stream[A]): Zipper[A] =
Zipper(ls, a, rs)


 List(,,,).toZipper                          //> res0: Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 1, <rights>))
List(List(,),List(,)).toZipper //> res1: Option[scalaz.Zipper[List[Int]]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, List(1, 2), <r
//| ights>))
NonEmptyList("A","C","E").toZipper //> res2: scalaz.Zipper[String] = Zipper(<lefts>, A, <rights>)
NonEmptyList(,,).zipperEnd //> res3: scalaz.Zipper[Int] = Zipper(<lefts>, 3, <rights>)


final case class Zipper[+A](lefts: Stream[A], focus: A, rights: Stream[A]) {
* Possibly moves to next element to the right of focus.
def next: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
case Stream.Empty => None
case r #:: rs => Some(zipper(Stream.cons(focus, lefts), r, rs))
} /**
* Possibly moves to next element to the right of focus.
def nextOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
next getOrElse z
* Possibly moves to the previous element to the left of focus.
def previous: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
case Stream.Empty => None
case l #:: ls => Some(zipper(ls, l, Stream.cons(focus, rights)))
} /**
* Possibly moves to previous element to the left of focus.
def previousOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
previous getOrElse z
* Moves focus n elements in the zipper, or None if there is no such element.
* @param n number of elements to move (positive is forward, negative is backwards)
def move(n: Int): Option[Zipper[A]] = {
def move0(z: Option[Zipper[A]], n: Int): Option[Zipper[A]] =
if (n > && rights.isEmpty || n < && lefts.isEmpty) None
else {
if (n == ) z
else if (n > ) move0(z flatMap ((_: Zipper[A]).next), n - )
else move0(z flatMap ((_: Zipper[A]).previous), n + )
move0(Some(this), n)
} /**
* Moves focus to the start of the zipper.
def start: Zipper[A] = {
val rights = this.lefts.reverse ++ focus #:: this.rights
this.copy(Stream.Empty, rights.head, rights.tail)
} /**
* Moves focus to the end of the zipper.
def end: Zipper[A] = {
val lefts = this.rights.reverse ++ focus #:: this.lefts
this.copy(lefts.tail, lefts.head, Stream.empty)
} /**
* Moves focus to the nth element of the zipper, or the default if there is no such element.
def moveOr[AA >: A](n: Int, z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
move(n) getOrElse z


* Moves focus to the nearest element matching the given predicate, preferring the left,
* or None if no element matches.
def findZ(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] =
if (p(focus)) Some(this)
else {
val c = this.positions, c.rights).find((x => p(x.focus)))
} /**
* Moves focus to the nearest element matching the given predicate, preferring the left,
* or the default if no element matches.
def findZor[AA >: A](p: A => Boolean, z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
findZ(p) getOrElse z /**
* Given a traversal function, find the first element along the traversal that matches a given predicate.
def findBy[AA >: A](f: Zipper[AA] => Option[Zipper[AA]])(p: AA => Boolean): Option[Zipper[AA]] = {
def go(zopt: Option[Zipper[AA]]): Option[Zipper[AA]] = {
zopt match {
case Some(z) => if (p(z.focus)) Some(z) else go(f(z))
case None => None
} /**
* Moves focus to the nearest element on the right that matches the given predicate,
* or None if there is no such element.
def findNext(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] = findBy((z: Zipper[A]) => /**
* Moves focus to the previous element on the left that matches the given predicate,
* or None if there is no such element.
def findPrevious(p: A => Boolean): Option[Zipper[A]] = findBy((z: Zipper[A]) => z.previous)(p)


* An alias for insertRight
def insert[AA >: A]: (AA => Zipper[AA]) = insertRight(_: AA) /**
* Inserts an element to the left of focus and focuses on the new element.
def insertLeft[AA >: A](y: AA): Zipper[AA] = zipper(lefts, y, focus #:: rights) /**
* Inserts an element to the right of focus and focuses on the new element.
def insertRight[AA >: A](y: AA): Zipper[AA] = zipper(focus #:: lefts, y, rights) /**
* An alias for `deleteRight`
def delete: Option[Zipper[A]] = deleteRight /**
* Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the left. If there is no element on the left,
* focus is moved to the right.
def deleteLeft: Option[Zipper[A]] = lefts match {
case l #:: ls => Some(zipper(ls, l, rights))
case Stream.Empty => rights match {
case r #:: rs => Some(zipper(Stream.empty, r, rs))
case Stream.Empty => None
} /**
* Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the left. If there is no element on the left,
* focus is moved to the right.
def deleteLeftOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
deleteLeft getOrElse z /**
* Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the right. If there is no element on the right,
* focus is moved to the left.
def deleteRight: Option[Zipper[A]] = rights match {
case r #:: rs => Some(zipper(lefts, r, rs))
case Stream.Empty => lefts match {
case l #:: ls => Some(zipper(ls, l, Stream.empty))
case Stream.Empty => None
} /**
* Deletes the element at focus and moves the focus to the right. If there is no element on the right,
* focus is moved to the left.
def deleteRightOr[AA >: A](z: => Zipper[AA]): Zipper[AA] =
deleteRight getOrElse z /**
* Deletes all elements except the focused element.
def deleteOthers: Zipper[A] = zipper(Stream.Empty, focus, Stream.Empty)
* Update the focus in this zipper.
def update[AA >: A](focus: AA) = {
this.copy(this.lefts, focus, this.rights)
} /**
* Apply f to the focus and update with the result.
def modify[AA >: A](f: A => AA) = this.update(f(this.focus))

insert,modify,delete也很齐备。值得注意的是多数Zipper的移动函数和操作函数都返回Option[Zipper[A]]类型,如此我们可以用flatMap把这些动作都连接起来。换句话说就是我们可以用for-comprehension在Option的context内实现行令编程(imperative programming)。我们可以通过一些例子来示范Zipper用法:

 val zv = for {
z <- List(,,,,,).toZipper
s1 <-
s2 <- s1.modify{_ + }.some
} yield s2 //> zv : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 10, <rights>)) //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(2), 10, Stream(1,5,4,11))
zv.get.toList //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 1, 5, 4, 11)
val zv = for {
z <- List(,,,,,).toZipper
s1 <-
s2 <- s1.modify{_ + }.some
s3 <- s2.move()
s4 <- s3.delete
} yield s4 //> zv : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 5, <rights>)) //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(10,2), 5, Stream(4,11))
zv.get.toList //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 5, 4, 11)
val zv = for {
z <- List(,,,,,).toZipper
s1 <-
s2 <- s1.modify{_ + }.some
s3 <- s2.move()
s4 <- s3.delete
s5 <- s4.findZ {_ === }
s6 <- if (s5.focus === ) s5.delete else s2.insert().some
} yield s6 //> zv : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 12, <rights>)) //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(10,2), 12, Stream(1,5,4,11))
zv.get.toList //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 12, 1, 5, 4, 11)
val zv = for {
z <- List(,,,,,).toZipper
s1 <-
s2 <- s1.modify{_ + }.some
s3 <- s2.move()
s4 <- s3.delete
s5 <- s4.findZ {_ === }
s6 <- if (s5.focus === ) s5.delete else s2.insert().some
s7 <- s6.end.delete
s8 <- s7.start.some
} yield s8 //> zv : Option[scalaz.Zipper[Int]] = Some(Zipper(<lefts>, 2, <rights>)) //> res8: scalaz.Cord = Zipper(Stream(), 2, Stream(10,12,1,5,4))
zv.get.toList //> res9: List[Int] = List(2, 10, 12, 1, 5, 4)


举个例子:有一串数字,比如:List(1,4,7,9,5,6,10), 我想找出第一个高点元素,它的左边低,右边高,在我们的例子里是元素9。如果我们尝试用习惯的行令方式用索引去编写这个函数:

def peak(list: List[Int]): Option[Int] = {
list.indices.find { index =>
val x = list(index)
index > && index < list.size - &&
x > list(index - ) && x > list(index + )

哇!这东西不但极其复杂难懂而且效率低下,重复用find索引导致速度降到O(n * n)。如果用Array会把效率提高到O(n),不过我们希望用immutable方式。那么用函数式编程方式呢?

def peak_fp(list: List[Int]): Option[Int] = list match {
case x :: y :: z :: tl if y > x && y > z => Some(y)
case x :: tl => peak(tl)
case Nil => None

用模式匹配(pattern matching)和递归算法(recursion),这段程序好看多了,而且效率也可以提高到O(n)。


def raisePeak(list: List[Int]): Option[List[Int]] = {
def rec(head: List[Int], tail: List[Int]): Option[List[Int]] = tail match {
case x :: y :: z :: tl if y > x && y > z =>
Some((x :: head).reverse ::: ((y +) :: z :: tl))
case x :: tl => rec(x :: head, tl) case Nil => None
rec(List.empty, list)


def raisePeak_z(list: List[Int]): Option[List[Int]] = {
for {
zipper <- list.toZipper
peak <- zipper.positions.findNext( z =>
(z.previous, match {
case (Some(p), Some(n)) => p.focus < z.focus && n.focus < z.focus
case _ => false
} yield (peak.focus.modify(_ + ).toStream.toList)


* A zipper of all positions of the zipper, with focus on the current position.
def positions: Zipper[Zipper[A]] = {
val left = => (x, x)))
val right = => (x, x))) zipper(left, this, right)


上一篇:让我对 docker swarm mode 的基本原理豁然开朗的几篇英文博文
