上一节介绍了python PIL库自带的10种滤镜处理,现成的库函数虽然用起来方便,但是对于图像处理的各种实际需求,还需要开发者开发自定义的滤镜算法。本文将给大家介绍如何使用PIL对图像进行自定义的像素级操作。
threshold = 150 bg_color = (255, 255, 255, 0) fg_color = (255, 0, 0, 255) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 3: threshold = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) == 5: bg_color = tuple(sys.argv[3]) fg_color = tuple(sys.argv[4])
def Img2bin_arr(img, threshold): ''' @将位图流转化为二维二值数组 @param img: instance of Image @param threshold: 大小范围[0, 255] ''' threshold = max(0, threshold) threshold = min(255, threshold) if img.mode != 'L': img = img.convert('L') width, height = img.size pix = img.load() get_val = lambda p: 255 if p >= threshold else 0 return [[get_val(pix[w, h]) for w in xrange(width)] for h in xrange(height)]
def bin_arr2Img(matrix, bg_color, fg_color): ''' @将二维二值数组转化为位图流 @param img: instance of Image @param bg_color: 背景色,元组类型,格式:(L)(灰度),(R, G, B),或者(R, G, B, A) @param fg_color: 前景色 ''' def ensure_color(color): if len(color) == 1: return (color, color, color, 255) elif len(color) == 3: color = list(color) color.append(255) return tuple(color) elif len(color) == 4: return color else: raise ValueError, 'len(color) cannot be %d' % len(color) bg_color = ensure_color(bg_color) fg_color = ensure_color(fg_color) height, width = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) dst_img = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height)) dst_pix = dst_img.load() for w in xrange(width): for h in xrange(height): if matrix[h][w]
#start # -*- coding: cp936 -*- import Image img = Image.open("1.jpg") def Img2bin_arr(img, threshold): ''' @将位图流转化为二维二值数组 @param img: instance of Image @param threshold: 大小范围[0, 255] ''' threshold = max(0, threshold) threshold = min(255, threshold) if img.mode != 'L': img = img.convert('L') width, height = img.size pix = img.load() get_val = lambda p: 255 if p >= threshold else 0 return [[get_val(pix[w, h]) for w in xrange(width)] for h in xrange(height)] def bin_arr2Img(matrix, bg_color, fg_color): ''' @将二维二值数组转化为位图流 @param img: instance of Image @param bg_color: 背景色,元组类型,格式:(L)(灰度),(R, G, B),或者(R, G, B, A) @param fg_color: 前景色 ''' def ensure_color(color): if len(color) == 1: return (color, color, color, 255) elif len(color) == 3: color = list(color) color.append(255) return tuple(color) elif len(color) == 4: return color else: raise ValueError, 'len(color) cannot be %d' % len(color) bg_color = ensure_color(bg_color) fg_color = ensure_color(fg_color) height, width = len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) dst_img = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height)) dst_pix = dst_img.load() for w in xrange(width): for h in xrange(height): if matrix[h][w] = 2: path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 3: threshold = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) == 5: bg_color = tuple(sys.argv[3]) fg_color = tuple(sys.argv[4]) start = time.time() img = Image.open(path) img = paper_cut(img, threshold, bg_color, fg_color) img.save(os.path.splitext(path)[0]+'.papercut_'+str(threshold)+'.png', 'PNG') end = time.time() print 'It all spends %f seconds time' % (end-start) #end