a configuration error occurred during startup.
please verify the preference field with the prompt:Tomcat JDK name;
解决办法:在Eclipse的菜单找到Window-〉Preferences 点击后在弹出窗口的左半部分找到Tomcat,然后在它的子项里找到JVMSetting(或者是JDK),点击它,然后在右边的详细内容里吧JRE(或者是Tomcat JDK name)这个下拉菜单里选上你的JDK版本。OK了。
- 09-17a configuration error occurred during startup. place verify the preference field whth the prompt:TomcatJDK name:
- 09-17a configuration error occured during startup.please verify the preference field with the prompt:
- 09-17A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Cannot connect to vm
- 09-17please verify the preference field with the prompt:Tomcat JDK name