There is a group of people playing table tennis, each person can only play with the others once.
The rules of the game are as follows:
If A beats B, and B beats C, and there is no competition between A and C, then A beats C.
If A beats B, B beats C, and C beats A, then no one is champion.
Your task is to figure out whether there is a champion.
Each test case contains several groups. One group begins with an integer n(n<1000), followed by n lines. Each line has a pair of names (separated by space), which means the first one beats the second one. If n is 0, the input ends.
If there is a winner, print "Yes", else print "No".
- 第1组
qRj dIm
aTy oFu
qRj aTy
qRj oFu
oFu cLq
aTy qUr
No Yes
3.个人认为第二点太过绝对,例如a b b c c d d a 我觉得这组数据中是有胜利者d的但是通过试验,测试点中并没有考虑这种情况,故我也不考虑了
#include <iostream> #include<string> #include<stack> #define MAXVERTEX 10000 //最大顶点数 using namespace std; int indegree[MAXVERTEX]; typedef string vertextype; //定义顶点的存储类型 typedef struct ArcNode //边表节点 { int adjvex; //邻接点域,存储该顶点对应的下标 struct ArcNode *next; //链域,指向下一个邻接点 }ArcNode; typedef struct VertexNode //顶点表节点 { vertextype data; //存储顶点数据的信息 ArcNode *firstarc; //边表头指针 }AdjList[MAXVERTEX]; typedef struct { AdjList adjlist; //定义邻接表 int numvertex; //当前邻接表的顶点数 int numarc; //当前邻接表的边数 }GraphAdjList; //判断x是不是G中的节点 bool ExitInGraph(GraphAdjList &G, VertexNode x) { for (int i = 0; i < G.numvertex; i++) { if (G.adjlist[i].data == x.data) return true; } return false; } //把G中节点x,y连接起来 void Connect(GraphAdjList &G, VertexNode x, VertexNode y) { int xindex, yindex; for (int i = 0; i < G.numvertex; i++) { if (G.adjlist[i].data == y.data) yindex = i; if (G.adjlist[i].data == x.data) xindex = i; } ArcNode *e = new ArcNode; e->adjvex = yindex; e->next = G.adjlist[xindex].firstarc; G.adjlist[xindex].firstarc = e; } //寻找当前节点在G中的index int FindeIndex(GraphAdjList &G, VertexNode x) { int xindex; for (int i = 0; i < G.numvertex; i++) { if (G.adjlist[i].data == x.data) return i; } } //建立图的邻接表 void CreateAdjListGraph(GraphAdjList &G, int num) { ArcNode *e; G.numarc = num; //输入当前图的边数 G.numvertex = 0; //初始图的节点数为0 for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < G.numarc; i++) //建立顶点表,j用来表示当前头结点的index { string a, b; cin >> a >> b; VertexNode x, y; x.data = a, y.data = b; if (ExitInGraph(G, x) && ExitInGraph(G, y)) { Connect(G, x, y); } else if (!ExitInGraph(G, x) && ExitInGraph(G, y)) { e = new ArcNode; G.adjlist[j].data = x.data; //给当前节点赋值data e->adjvex = FindeIndex(G, y); //给e赋值 e->next = NULL; G.adjlist[j].firstarc = e; j++; G.numvertex++; } else if (ExitInGraph(G, x) && !ExitInGraph(G, y)) { e = new ArcNode; G.adjlist[j].data = y.data; G.adjlist[j].firstarc = NULL; e->adjvex = j; int xindex = FindeIndex(G, x); e->next = G.adjlist[xindex].firstarc; G.adjlist[xindex].firstarc = e; j++; G.numvertex++; } else { e = new ArcNode; G.adjlist[j].data = x.data; G.adjlist[++j].data = y.data; G.adjlist[j].firstarc = NULL; e->adjvex = j; e->next = NULL; G.adjlist[j - 1].firstarc = e; G.numvertex += 2; j++; } } } void FindInDegree(GraphAdjList &g, int indegree[]) { //求每个顶点的入度 int i; ArcNode *p; for (i = 0; i<g.numvertex; i++) indegree[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i<g.numvertex; i++) { p = g.adjlist[i].firstarc; while (p) { indegree[p->adjvex]++; p = p->next; } } } bool TopologicalSort(GraphAdjList &g) //判断图中是否存在回路 存在 返回 true { for (int i = 0; i<g.numvertex; i++) indegree[i] = 0; int count; int k, i; ArcNode *p; stack<int>s; FindInDegree(g, indegree); //对各顶点求入度 for (i = 0; i<g.numvertex; i++) //将入度为0的顶点压入栈 if (!indegree[i]) { s.push(i); //visited[i] = 1; } //if (s.size() != 1)return true;//不能拥有两个入读为0 的点 count = 0; while (!s.empty()) { i = s.top(); s.pop(); cout<<g.adjlist[i].data <<" "; //输出拓扑排序序列 count++; for (p = g.adjlist[i].firstarc; p; p = p->next) { k = p->adjvex; //visited[k] = 1; if (!(--indegree[k])) s.push(k); } } if ((count == g.numvertex)) { return false;//这就说明没有环 } else return true; //printf("\n该图有回路\n"); } int main() { int n; while (cin >> n, n) { GraphAdjList G; CreateAdjListGraph(G, n); if (TopologicalSort(G)) cout << "No" << endl; else cout << "Yes" << endl; n = 0; } //system("pause"); return 0; }