下载 leftImg8bit_trainvaltest.zip
和 gtFine_trainvaltest.zip
─ {root}
── getfine
── leftImg8bit
── 处理脚本.py
python 处理脚本.py
─ {root}
── getfine
── leftImg8bit
── 处理脚本.py
── labels # 存放框图的标签
── yolo_train.txt # 训练样本的路径
── yolo_val.txt # 验证样本的路径
── yolo_test.txt # 测试样本的路径
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
from functools import reduce
def convert_annotation(image_id, paths):
global label_map
def find_box(points): # 该函数用来找出xmin, xmax, ymin ,ymax 即bbox包围框
_x, _y = [float(pot[0]) for pot in points], [float(pot[1]) for pot in points]
return min(_x), max(_x), min(_y), max(_y)
def convert(size, bbox): # 转为中心坐标
# size: (原图宽, 原图长)
center_x, center_y = (bbox[0] + bbox[1]) / 2.0 - 1, (bbox[2] + bbox[3]) / 2.0 - 1
center_w, center_h = bbox[1] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[2]
return center_x / size[0], center_y / size[1], center_w / size[0], center_h / size[1]
final_img_path, final_label_path, final_output_path = paths
label_json_url = final_label_path / f'{image_id}_gtFine_polygons.json'
# 输出到 :final_output_path / f'{image_id}_gtFine_polygons.json'
load_dict = json.load(open(label_json_url, 'r')) # 图像的实例
datas = []
for obj in load_dict['objects']: # load_dict['objects'] -> 目标的几何框体
obj_label = obj['label'] # 目标的类型
if obj_label in ['out of roi', 'ego vehicle']: # 直接跳过这两种类型 注意测试集里只有这两种类型 跳过的话测试集合里将为空的标签
if obj_label not in label_map.keys(): # 记录目标类型转为int值
label_map[obj_label] = len(label_map.keys()) # 标签从0开始
x, y, w, h = convert((load_dict['imgWidth'], load_dict['imgHeight']), find_box(obj['polygon'])) # 归一化为中心点
# yolo 标准格式:img.jpg -> img.txt
# 内容的类别 归一化后的中心点x坐标 归一化后的中心点y坐标 归一化后的目标框宽度w 归一化后的目标况高度h
datas.append(f'{label_map[obj_label]} {x} {y} {w} {h}\n')
with open(final_output_path / f'{image_id}_leftImg8bit.txt', 'w') as label_f: # 写出标签文件
# 下面两行是用于labelImg测试用的
# with open(label_output_dir / f'{image_id}_leftImg8bit.txt', 'w') as label_f: # 写出标签文件
# label_f.writelines(datas)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root_dir = Path(__file__).parent
image_dir = root_dir / 'leftImg8bit'
label_dir = root_dir / 'getfine'
label_output_dir = root_dir / 'labels'
label_map = {}
for _t_ in tqdm(os.listdir(image_dir)): # _t_ as ['train', 'test' 'val;]
type_files = []
for cities_name in os.listdir(image_dir / _t_):
_final_img_path = image_dir / _t_ / cities_name # root_dir / leftImg8bit / test / berlin
_final_label_path = label_dir / _t_ / cities_name # root_dir / getfine / test / berlin
_final_output_path = label_output_dir / _t_ / cities_name # root_dir / txt_labels / test / berlin
if not os.path.exists(_final_output_path): # 构建保存label输出目录
# berlin_000000_000019_leftImg8bit.png -> berlin_000000_000019_gtFine_polygons.json
image_ids = list(map(lambda s: re.sub(r'_leftImg8bit\.png', '', s), os.listdir(_final_img_path)))
# print(names[:0]) -> berlin_000000_000019
for img_id in image_ids:
convert_annotation(img_id, [_final_img_path, _final_label_path, _final_output_path])
type_files.append([f'{str(_final_img_path / _img)}\n' for _img in os.listdir(_final_img_path)])
with open(root_dir / f'yolo_{_t_}.txt', 'w') as f: # 记录训练样本等的具体地址
f.writelines(reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, type_files))
with open(label_output_dir / 'classes.txt', 'w') as f: # 写出类别总表
for k, v in label_map.items():