Murano Weekly Meeting 2016.05.24

Meeting time:   2016.May.24 1:00~2:00

Chairperson:    Kirill Zaitsev, from Mirantis

Meeting summary:

1.Action Item Review

The team registered a BP for any future work related to convergence.

Murano does work ok with heat-convergence enabled, all the apps are deployed/deleted just fine.

However heat folks warned us from enabling it by default on our CI

as the feature is not yet stable on the heat side

therefore we decided to get back to it

at n-1 and then n-2 milestones and see if it's ready and enable it then.


2.Newton CPL volunteers


Murano Omar Shykhkerimov oshykhkerimov

Release management:

Murano Kirill Zaitsev kzaitsev_

Infra & QA:

Murano Victor Ryzhenkin freerunner

cross-project specs:

Murano Nikolay Starodubtsev Nikolay_St


Murano Tetiana Lashchova tlashchova


3.Review bugs to backport to stable/mitaka


上一篇:如何把java包部署成windows service

下一篇:k8s yaml简写:行内表示法