How is account image maintained in CRM rendered in Fiori

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Jun 18, 2015

Upload an attachment for account and maintain attribute as below:


Once header ETAG is refreshed, the function bindS3Header is called as callback:


Everytime bindS3Header is called, the logo will be retrieved from backend:



refresh the model, so that the latest logo could be displayed in Fiori correctly:

How is account image maintained in CRM rendered in Fiori


How is account image maintained in CRM rendered in Fiori




sometimes it works:

How is account image maintained in CRM rendered in Fiori


runtime debug:


How is account image maintained in CRM rendered in Fiori


How is account image maintained in CRM rendered in Fiori


通过Chrome network观察到虽然在column下面只能看到$value, 但是鼠标放上去后通过tooltip仍然可以看到完整的url。





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