ZSL (zero shutter lag)

按住小米手机照相机键 可以 启动小米手机的连拍功能 此功能在底层使用的是zsl模块 


New camera capabilities

Developers can take advantage of a variety of new camera features in Android 4.0.ZSL exposure, continuous focus, and image zoom let apps capture better still and video images, including during video capture. Apps can even capture full-resolution snapshots while shooting video. Apps can now set custom metering regions in a camera preview, then manage white balance and exposure dynamically for those regions. For easier focusing and image processing, a face-detection service identifies and tracks faces in a preview and returns their screen coordinates.

Calling the first takePicture(..) method and then other takePicture(..) method in onPictureTaken(..). This works but it is too slow.

 ZSL (zero shutter lag) cameras

ZSL (zero shutter lag)

ZSL (zero shutter lag)

ZSL (zero shutter lag)

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