# #####################################################
# Function: update Excel information and remain the style
# Install:
# a.install it manually with pip:
# pip install xlwings
# b.install with offline file tar.gz with pip:
# pip install xlwings-0.24.9.tar.gz
# Reference: https://github.com/xlwings/xlwings
# #####################################################
import xlwings as xw
import os
def updateInfo(sheetName, path, save_path):
# file FROM you want to copy sheet
wb = xw.Book(path)
# select sheet you want to copy
sht = wb.sheets[sheetName]
# file where you want to copy
new_wb = xw.Book(save_path)
# copy needed sheet to the new_wb
# set the filed from cell A1 to cell Z240
if __name__ == "__main__":
sheetName = "定义"
baseFile = "\A.xlsx"
updateFile_1 = r"\B.xlsx"
updateFile_2 = r"\C.xlsx"
# print(os.getcwd())
path = os.getcwd() + baseFile
save_path1 = os.getcwd() + updateFile_1
save_path2 = os.getcwd() + updateFile_2
# update info
updateInfo(sheetName, path, save_path1)
updateInfo(sheetName, path, save_path2)
# #####################################################
# Function: update Excel information and remain the style
# Install:
# a.install it manually with pip:
# pip install xlwings
# b.install with offline file tar.gz with pip:
# pip install xlwings-0.24.9.tar.gz
# Reference: https://github.com/xlwings/xlwings
# #####################################################
import xlwings as xw
import os
def updateInfo(sheetName, path, save_path):
# set app invisible
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
app.display_alerts = False
app.screen_updating = False
# file FROM you want to copy sheet
# wb = xw.Book(path)
wb = app.books.open(path)
# select sheet you want to copy
sht = wb.sheets[sheetName]
# file where you want to copy
# new_wb = xw.Book(save_path)
new_wb = app.books.open(save_path)
# print(new_wb.sheets)
# copy needed sheet to the new_wb
# set the filed from cell A1 to cell Z240
if __name__ == "__main__":
sheetName = "定义"
baseFile = "\A.xlsx"
updateFile_1 = r"\B.xlsx"
updateFile_2 = r"\C.xlsx"
# print(os.getcwd())
path = os.getcwd() + baseFile
save_path1 = os.getcwd() + updateFile_1
save_path2 = os.getcwd() + updateFile_2
# update info
print("start update information")
updateInfo(sheetName, path, save_path1)
updateInfo(sheetName, path, save_path2)
print("update information finish")