【Coroutines】Deep and Deep Into Kotlin Coroutines

Structure of Coroutine Framwork

coroutine framwork consist of two parts

  • Basic Coroutine Library, which is naturally integrated in kotlin language
  • Coroutine Application Framwork, which is organized to simplify advanced usage of coroutines
  • The first part is really simple, while the next part is larger, and offered by kotlinx-coroutines-core library

in this chapter, we will talk about the first part, that is, how coroutines really work at underlying level

Nature of Coroutine

coroutine is a code scope that has ability to suspend and resume execution

if a function has a suspend modifier, it is running in coroutine scope, can share the ability of coroutine

in fact, suspend function implictly invole an object with Continuation class, that is how it interact with coroutines

Coroutine States
  • NotDecided, created by not suspended
  • Suspended, suspend temporally
  • Resumed, resume from suspended state, may be running or completed
Composition of Basic Coroutine Library

these classed are important for understanding what coroutines really do

  • CoroutineSingletons : coroutine state enumerations
  • Result : save suspend function result and error, also can used to save coroutine states
  • Continuation : have many functional roles, depend on concrete subclass, start coroutine, coroutine body, coroutine callback

let us take a first look at basic coroutine code frist, then step deeply into Continuation subclassed

Basic Coroutines Usage
fun main() {
    val completeContinuation = object : Continuation<Int> {
        override val context = EmptyCoroutineContext
        override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Int>) {
            println(result.getOrThrow()) // ④
    val safeContinuation = suspend {
        100 // ③
    }.createCoroutine(completeContinuation) // ①
    safeContinuation.resume(Unit) // ②
suspend fun main() {
    val result = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
        continuation.resume(100) // ②
    } // ①
    println(result) // ③

demo 1 show how to create and start a coroutine

demo 2 show how to suspend and resume current coroutine

Continuation Subclasses
  • BaseContinuationImpl : abstract class, implement ability of resume
  • SuspendLambda : coroutine body, do actual work
  • SafeContinuation : check coroutine state, if suspended resume it by delegate, else save result and return
  • CompletedContinuation : handle coroutine result callback
  • RunSuspend : start a coroutine using main function as coroutine body (suspend block)

resumeWith(result) has various effect in different implementations

  • SafeContinuation : start coroutine
  • SuspendLambda : execute coroutine body
  • CompletedContinuation : handle coroutine callback
Analysis of Demo 1
fun main() {
    val completeContinuation = object : Continuation<Int> {
        override val context = EmptyCoroutineContext
        override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Int>) {
            println(result.getOrThrow()) // ④
    val safeContinuation = suspend {
        100 // ③
    }.createCoroutine(completeContinuation) // ①
    safeContinuation.resume(Unit) // ②
  • ① create coroutine from suspend block, and enter suspended state, then return a SafeContinuation instance

  • ② start coroutine, as SafeContinuation do not handle actual work, param is void

  • suspend block will be compiled to a SuspendLambda instance

  • SafeContinuation use SuspendLambda as a delegate object, deliver actual work to SuspendLambda

  • ③ SuspendLambda execute block code by invokeSuspend , and get execution result

  • ④ SuspendLambda deliver result to CompletedContinuation (completion)

  • if completion is not CompletedContinuation, regard completion as a delegate continuation, and repeat wroks above

  • then a new cycle of circulation begins, forms a hierachical coroutine system

How Does Continuation Resume from Suspended State

let us see BaseContinuationImpl#resumeWith

this is the quintessence of how coroutine works, shuttling between suspended and resumed states

public final override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Any?>) {
    var current = this
    var param = result
    while (true) {
        with(current) {
            val outcome: Result<Any?> = try {
                val outcome = invokeSuspend(param)
                if (outcome === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) return
            } catch (exception: Throwable) {
            val completion = completion!!
            if (completion is BaseContinuationImpl) {
                current = completion
                param = outcome
            } else {

we can get these conclusions from above

  • child coroutine can resume parent coroutine, through looped assignment of current
  • when completion is instance of BaseContinuationImpl, means it is not only a callback, but also the parent coroutine which launch it
  • result of invokeSuspend can be used as input param for parent coroutine
  • if current coroutine suspend again during invokeSuspend , function returned, wait next calling of resumeWith
What Does SafeContinuation Do
public actual override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) {
    while (true) {
        val current = this.result
        when {
            current === UNDECIDED -> 
                if (RESULT.compareAndSet(this, UNDECIDED, result.value)) return
            current === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED -> 
                if (RESULT.compareAndSet(this, COROUTINE_SUSPENDED, RESUMED)) {
            else ->
          			throw IllegalStateException("Already Resumed")
  • if coroutine is not suspended, directly set result
  • if coroutine is suspended, resume it through delegate
  • if coroutine is resumed, throw error
What Does CompletedContinuation Do
override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Any?>) {
    error("This continuation is already complete")

do nothing and throw error by default

we must override it by ourself, it is just a callback, not responsible for resume actually

What Does InvokeSuspend Do
try {
    val outcome = invokeSuspend(param)
    if (outcome === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) return
} catch (exception: Throwable) {

invokeSuspend execute code from suspend block

if the block directly run out all lines, return block result

if the block suspended on half way, return coroutine state of COROUTINE_SUSPENDED

What Does CreateCoroutine Do
public fun <T> (suspend () -> T).createCoroutine(
    completion: Continuation<T>
): Continuation<Unit> = SafeContinuation(createCoroutineUnintercepted(completion), COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)

create a coroutine, and set its initial state to supsended

two continuations are created here, SuspendLambda and SafeContinuation

their initial states are all COROUTINE_SUSPENDED

When to Suspend and Resume

there are two typical ways to suspend and resume a coroutine

  • Thread Scheduling :

    suspend current code, start a thread to handle async work, resume at end of thread

  • Loop Queue :

    suspend current code, submit a task to handle async work, resume at end of current task

suspend and resume may happen in same thread, if we use the Loop Queue way

Analysis of Demo 2

we are already clear that, how to start, how to resume, how to callback

but how to suspend during a current code chain, is still a mystery, let us continue

suspend fun main() {
    val result = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
        continuation.resume(100) // ②
    } // ①
    println(result) // ③

suspend main can be regard as this

val mainBlock: suspend () -> Unit
val completion: Continuation

the compiler tricked us with a magic, suspend main is actually the suspend block that used to create coroutine

suspend main was running within a hidden method, which was the truly main

Nature of Suspend Main

implementation of suspend main can be found in RunSuspend.kt

internal fun runSuspend(block: suspend () -> Unit) {
    val run = RunSuspend()
private class RunSuspend : Continuation<Unit> {

    var result: Result<Unit>? = null

    override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Unit>) = synchronized(this) {
        this.result = result

    fun await() = synchronized(this) {
        while (true) {
            when (val result = this.result) {
                null -> wait()
                else -> {

when this code is compiled to jvm bytecode, its running process can be like this

  • JVM launch main function of main Class
  • main function create a RunSuspend object, as coroutine completion callback
  • main function use code in suspend main as suspend block to create and start a coroutine
  • main function call completion.await, as result is null, it will wait for lock
  • coroutine resumed, completion.resumeWith is called
  • completion save result and call notifyAll
  • lock is woken up, completion.await returns, program ends
What Does SuspendCoroutine Do
suspend fun main() {
    val result = suspendCoroutine { continuation ->
        continuation.resume(100) // ②
    } // ①
    println(result) // ③

suspendCoroutine suspend current coroutine, and start a async code block

② a Continuation object is given to resume coroutine, when async work is finished

as suspendCoroutine is designed to suspend coroutine, it must run in coroutine scope first

③ as current coroutine is suspended, step 3 will be executed after step 2

if code in step 2 is removed, step 3 will never reached, as coroutine is suspened forever

  • there is no class called Coroutine
  • coroutine present a continuous code block that can suspend and resume
  • suspend and resume abilities are implemented through Continuation class
  • suspend keyword is not naturally supported by jvm bytecode
  • suspend and resume code are converted into jvm bytecode through kotlin compiler
  • suspend and resume location can be inferred by saving and restoring coroutine calling stack frame

the most roles in kotlin coroutines are :

Continuation class suspend block createCoroutine suspendCoroutine resume function

other concepts and apis are all extended from these ones, they are application framworks, not basic facilities

next, we will talk about how to implement CoroutineStackFrame Suspend and Resume in other topics

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