Monorepo pnpm 模式管理多个 web 项目

Monorepo pnpm 模式管理多个 web 项目

    • Monorepo pnpm 模式管理多个 web 项目
      • 项目地址
      • git flow 工作流程
      • pnpm workspace
      • .npmrc
      • 初始化项目架构
      • 引入Husky规范git提交
      • 配置eslint和prettier
        • eslint 配置
        • prettier 配置
      • 配置lint-staged
      • 创建项目
        • 创建shared
        • 项目全局安装 vue
        • 在 packages 项目下创建 vue 项目
      • 配置全局指令
      • 引用 shared 内容
        • 建立关联
        • 打包插件
      • 配置单命令启动多项目

Monorepo pnpm 模式管理多个 web 项目


  • Vue: Monorepo pnpm 模式管理多个 web 项目(Vue3)
  • Nuxt:Monorepo pnpm 模式管理多个 web 项目(Nuxt)

git flow 工作流程

  • 参考链接:[]

  • 新建功能

    • 新建feature分支
    git checkout -b feature/MYFEATURE
    git flow feature start MYFEATURE
    • 完成新功能开发,将feature分支合并到develop分支
    • 现在已写成文件,直接执行命令 yarn feature即可
    git flow feature finish MYFEATURE
    • 基于最新的develop分支,切出release分支,此版本为预发布版本,分支为版本号
    git checkout -b release/1.0.0
    git flow release start release/1.0.0
    • 测试无问题, 执行git flow release finish 1.0.0 ,输出提交日志,合并到develop分支和mian/master分支,输入版本信息
    # -m tag提交信息
    # 参数参考:
    git flow release finish 1.0.0 -m ""
    • 在develop分支,并推送develop分支到远程
    git push origin develop
    • 切换到main/master 分支, 推送到远程,推送最新的tag到远程
    git push origin main
    git push origin v1.0.0
  • bug修改

    • 新增一个hotfix分支
    git checkout -b hotfix/1.0.1
    git flow hotfix start 1.0.1
    • 修改完成后的操作与release一样

pnpm workspace

  • 创建 pnpm-workspace.yaml 文件
 touch pnpm-workspace.yaml
  • pnpm-workspace.yaml
  - 'packages/*' # 代表所有项目都放在packages文件夹之下


# 注释:三方依赖也有依赖,要是项目中使用了第三方的依赖,
# 要是哪天第三方卸载不在该包了,那就找不到了,称之为“幽灵依赖” ,
# 所以需要“羞耻提升”,暴露到外层中,即在根目录下的node_modules内,而非在.pnpm文件夹中。

 shamefully-hoist = true

# 根目录下的node_modules里,vue安装到了与.pnpm同层级位置当中了,
# 这就是shamefully-hoist = true的效果,把vue从.pnpm内提到node_modules中,
# 并且vue的相关依赖,也拍平到了该层级文件夹中。


  • Conventional Changelog 生态探索:
# 初始化package.json
pnpm init
# 初始化项目
pnpm run init
# git flow init 前需要 执行 git init
# 每修改一次, 需要重新init
  • package.json
	"script": {
		"init": "sh ./scripts/shell/ --all"
# 项目初始化

# 初始化项目配置

# 初始化git设置
git config core.filemode false
git config tag.sort version:refname
git config pull.rebase true

if [ $1 ]; then

    # 安装 editorconfig 扩展
    command -v code && code --install-extension editorconfig.editorconfig || echo "Make sure your IDEs support for \`EditorConfig\`. You can check by"

    # 设置git filter-flow-hotfix-finish-tag-message hook 软连接
    rm -f ./.git/hooks/filter-flow-hotfix-finish-tag-message
    chmod +x $SCRIPTPATH/scripts/shell/
    ln -s $SCRIPTPATH/scripts/shell/ ./.git/hooks/filter-flow-hotfix-finish-tag-message

    # 设置git filter-flow-release-finish-tag-message hook 软连接
    rm -f ./.git/hooks/filter-flow-release-finish-tag-message
    chmod +x $SCRIPTPATH/scripts/shell/
    ln -s $SCRIPTPATH/scripts/shell/ ./.git/hooks/filter-flow-release-finish-tag-message

    # 初始化git-flow设置
    git config gitflow.branch.master master
    git config gitflow.branch.develop develop
    git config gitflow.prefix.versiontag v
    git config gitflow.path.hooks $SCRIPTPATH/.git/hooks
    git flow init

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    echo 'init finish'
    echo 'init failed'


    • git flow 工作流钩子,用于release,hotfix 打版,自定义两个命令增加中途写入CHANGELOG的功能
    • 执行git flow release finish 和 git flow hotfix finish 工作流时,会执行hooks中的,
    • 具体参考:

  • 为保证CHANGELOG正常写入,release的命名格式为xxx-tagname,tagname和提交时的scope保持一致

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Runs during git flow release finish and a tag message is given
# Positional arguments:
# $1 Message
# $2 Full version
# Return MESSAGE
# The following variables are available as they are exported by git-flow:
# MASTER_BRANCH - The branch defined as Master
# DEVELOP_BRANCH - The branch defined as Develop

# 同步远程tag,防止本地打版写入多个版本changelog-needed
git fetch --tags

BEHIND_COMMIT=$(git rev-list --count ..origin/develop)
# 根据tag来截取需要写入日志的package
# 获取需要写入日志的package最近的一个tag
PREVIOUSTAG=$(git tag -l | grep $PACKAGE | tail -n 1)
# 获取semver格式的版本号

# 获取两个tag之间的changelog信息
CHANGELOG_MESSAGE=`pnpm cross-env PACKAGE=$PACKAGE PREVIOUS_TAG=$PREVIOUSTAG CURRENT_TAG=$VERSION  conventional-changelog -p custom-config -i -n ./scripts/changelog/changelog-option.cjs | tail -n +4 | sed '$d' | sed 's/(changelog-needed)/ /g'`

# 判断是否需要rebase,落后于target branch合并会失败
[ $BEHIND_COMMIT -ne 0 ] && { echo 'Please rebase develop before finishing this branch'; exit 1; }

isMono=$(echo $VERSION | grep "mono")

# 判断是否为mono的更新,是的话changelog会更新到changelogs目录的mono.md内
if [[ "$isMono" != "" ]]; then
    # 更新版本号
    pnpm version --new-version ${PACKAGE_VERSION/v/} --no-git-tag-version > /dev/null
    TEMP_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE=$(echo "### $PACKAGE_VERSION";git log -1 --pretty="#### %ci";printf "\n";echo "${CHANGELOG_MESSAGE}";printf "\n---\n\n";cat ./changelogs/
    echo "$TEMP_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE" > ./changelogs/
# 否则更新到changelogs目录对应package的package.md内
    TEMP_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE=$(echo "### $PACKAGE_VERSION";git log -1 --pretty="#### %ci";printf "\n";echo "${CHANGELOG_MESSAGE}";printf "\n---\n\n";cat ./changelogs/$
    echo "$TEMP_CHANGELOG_MESSAGE" > ./changelogs/$
git add . > /dev/null
git commit --amend --no-edit --no-verify > /dev/null


exit 0
  • 配置commit规范以及自动生成CHNAGELOG并自定义需要的依赖包
# conventional-changelog-cli 要配合conventional-changelog-custom-config使用,指定版本为@^2
# conventional-changelog-custom-config参考:
# lerna 要配合 cz-lerna-changelog 使用,指定版本为@^3.22.1
#  cz-lerna-changelog参考:

# -w 有工作区的时候使用
pnpm add @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional commitizen conventional-changelog-cli@^2.2.2 conventional-changelog-custom-config cz-lerna-changelog lerna@^3.22.1 -D -w

pnpm add cross-env -w
  • 添加comitizen相应配置,创建commitlint.config.js
touch commitlint.config.js
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')

module.exports = {
	extends: ['monorepo'],
	rules: {
		'header-max-length': [0, 'always'],
		// scope 不允许为空,保证CHANGELOG正常写入,release的命名格式为xxx-tagname,tagname和scope保持一致
		'scope-empty': [2, 'never'],
		'scope-enum': [2, 'always', [...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'packages')), 'mono']],
		'type-enum': [2, 'always', ['build', 'ci', 'chore', 'feat', 'fix', 'refactor', 'style', 'test', 'config', 'docs']],
		'close-issue-needed': [2, 'always'],
	plugins: [
			rules: {
				'close-issue-needed': (msg) => {
					return [msg.raw.includes(ISSUES_CLOSED), 'Your commit message must contain ISSUES message']
  • 自定定义CHANGELOG配置 changelog-option.cjs
const path = require('path')
const compareFunc = require('compare-func')

// 自定义配置
let pkgJson = {}
try {
	pkgJson = require(path.join(__dirname, '../../package.json'))
} catch (err) {
	console.error('no root package.json found')

const { changelog } = pkgJson
let bugsUrl = changelog ? changelog.bugsUrl || false : false
if (typeof bugsUrl !== 'string') bugsUrl = false
const authorName = changelog ? changelog.authorName || false : false
const authorEmail = changelog ? changelog.authorEmail || false : false

let gitUserInfo = ''
if (authorName && authorEmail) {
	gitUserInfo = 'by: **{{authorName}}** ({{authorEmail}})'
if (authorName && authorEmail === false) {
	gitUserInfo = 'by: **{{authorName}}**'
if (authorName === false && authorEmail) {
	gitUserInfo = 'by: ({{authorEmail}})'

const getWriterOpts = () => {
	return {
		transform: (commit, context) => {
			let discard = true
			const issues = []

			commit.notes.forEach((note) => {
				note.title = 'BREAKING CHANGES'
				discard = false

			if (commit.type === 'feat') {
				commit.type = 'Features'
			} else if (commit.type === 'fix') {
				commit.type = 'Bug Fixes'
			} else if (commit.type === 'perf') {
				commit.type = 'Performance Improvements'
			} else if (commit.type === 'revert') {
				commit.type = 'Reverts'
			} else if (commit.type === 'docs') {
				commit.type = 'Documentation'
			} else if (commit.type === 'style') {
				commit.type = 'Styles'
			} else if (commit.type === 'refactor') {
				commit.type = 'Code Refactoring'
			} else if (commit.type === 'test') {
				commit.type = 'Tests'
			} else if (commit.type === 'build') {
				commit.type = 'Build System'
			} else if (commit.type === 'ci') {
				commit.type = 'Continuous Integration'
			} else if (commit.type === 'chore') {
				commit.type = 'Chores'
			} else if (discard) {

			if (commit.scope === '*') {
				commit.scope = ''

			if (typeof commit.hash === 'string') {
				commit.hash = commit.hash.substring(0, 7)

			if (typeof commit.subject === 'string') {
				let url = context.repository ? `${}/${context.owner}/${context.repository}` : context.repoUrl
				if (url) {
					url = `${url}/issues/`
					// Issue URLs.
					commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/#([0-9]+)/g, (_, issue) => {
						return `[#${issue}](${url}${issue})`
				if ( {
					// User URLs.
					commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/\B@([a-z0-9](?:-?[a-z0-9/]){0,38})/g, (_, username) => {
						if (username.includes('/')) {
							return `@${username}`

						return `[@${username}](${}/${username})`
			// remove references that already appear in the subject
			commit.references = commit.references.filter((reference) => {
				if (!issues.includes(reference.issue)) {
					return true

				return false

			if (bugsUrl) {
				commit.references = => {
					return {
			const needChangelog = commit.header.includes('(changelog-needed)') && commit.header.includes(`(${process.env.PACKAGE}):`)
			// 可在此过滤所需要的commit信息
			if (needChangelog) {
				commit.header = commit.header.replace(/\(changelog-needed\)/g, '')
			return needChangelog ? commit : null
		groupBy: 'type',
		commitGroupsSort: 'title',
		commitsSort: ['scope', 'subject'],
		noteGroupsSort: 'title',
		notesSort: compareFunc,
		finalizeContext: (context) => {
			return Object.assign(context, {
				version: process.env.CURRENT_TAG,
				linkCompare: false,

module.exports = {
	gitRawCommitsOpts: {
		from: process.env.PREVIOUS_TAG,
		to: process.env.CURRENT_TAG,
	writerOpts: getWriterOpts(),
	"repository": {
		"type": "git",
		"url": ""
	"changelog": {
		"bugsUrl": "",
		"authorName": true,
		"authorEmail": false
  • 配置 cz-lerna-changlog,支持选择packages
const czLernaChangelog = require('cz-lerna-changelog')

function makePrompter() {
	return function (cz, commit) {
				type: 'confirm',
				name: 'addChangeLog',
				message: 'Auto add `(changelog-needed)` to subject line?\n',
		]).then((answer) => {
			let customQuestion = [
					type: 'input',
					name: 'subject',
					message: 'Write a short, imperative tense description of the change:\n',
					filter: function (value) {
						const mark = (answer.addChangeLog && '(changelog-needed)') || ''
						return value.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + value.slice(1) + mark
					validate: function (value) {
						return !!value
			return czLernaChangelog.makePrompter(() => customQuestion)(cz, commit)

module.exports = {
	prompter: makePrompter(),
	makePrompter: makePrompter,
	"config": {
		"commitizen": {
			"path": "./scripts/changelog/cz-lerna-changelog.cjs"
	"workspaces": ["packages/*"]


  • 安装 husky

下一篇:Tailwind Css的使用