坑:jmeter代理服务器录制脚本出现target controller is configured to "use recording Controller" but no such controller exists...

配置好代理服务器后,运行代理服务器 run 报错:

target controller is configured to "use recording Controller" but  no such controller  exists,ensure you add a Recording Controller as child of Thread Group node to start recording correctly


坑:jmeter代理服务器录制脚本出现target controller is configured to "use recording Controller" but  no such controller  exists...



如下修改目标控制器(target controller)即可,对于录制入门十分快速和简单

坑:jmeter代理服务器录制脚本出现target controller is configured to "use recording Controller" but  no such controller  exists...

上一篇:Elasticsearch 通关教程(六): 自动发现机制 - Zen Discoveryedit

下一篇:Swift - 页控件(UIPageControl)的用法