录制脚本启动报错:target controller is configured to “use recording Controller” but no such controller exists,ensure you add a Recording Controller as child of Thread Group node to start recording correctly

录制脚本启动报错:target controller is configured to “use recording Controller” but no such controller exists,ensure you add a Recording Controller as child of Thread Group node to start recording correctly

录制脚本启动报错:target controller is configured to “use recording Controller” but no such controller exists,ensure you add a Recording Controller as child of Thread Group node to start recording correctly

对于代理配置有疑问可见性能测试工具JMeter 基础(四)—— 录制脚本

录制脚本启动报错:target controller is configured to “use recording Controller” but no such controller exists,ensure you add a Recording Controller as child of Thread Group node to start recording correctly

上一篇:winform 可拖动无边框窗体解决办法
