
外键字段为什么需要索引?主要原因就在于查询性能了。父子表之间在进行外键检查时,需要一条一条每条必查地校验,而且在对父表的SELECT操作时,为了避免产出数据不一致,使用的是一致性锁定读(SELECT …… LOCK IN SHARE MODE),主动加一个阻塞其他修改操作的读锁。如果没有索引,对于大一点的表而言那效率就非常低下了。参考官方文档,有一段具体的说明。

MySQL requires indexes on foreign keys and referenced keys so that foreign key checks can be fast and not require a table scan. In the referencing table, there must be an index where the foreign key columns are listed as thefirst columns in the same order. Such an index is created on the referencing table automatically if it does not exist. This index might be silently dropped later, if you create another index that can be used to enforce the foreign key constraint.index_name, if given, is used as described previously.




上一篇:[转]Linux服务器上11种网络连接状态 和 TCP三次握手/四次挥手详解
