一、 用grep在文件中搜索文本
1、 搜索包含特定模式的文本行:
2、 从stdin中读取:
3、 单个grep命令可以对多个文件进行搜索:
4、 --color选项在输出行中着重标记出匹配到的单词:
5、 grep中使用正则表达式时使用(grep -E或者egrep)
6、 只输出文件中匹配到的文本部分,可以使用-o:
7、 要显示除匹配行外的所有行用-v选项:
8、 统计文件或文本中包含匹配字符串的行数,-c(在单行出现多个匹配,只匹配一次):
9、 打印出包含匹配字符串的行号,-n:
10、 搜索多个文件并找出匹配文本位于哪一个文件,-l(-L与之作用相反):
11、 递归搜素文件,-r(-R与之作用相同):
12、 忽略样式中的大小写,-i:
13、 用grep匹配多个样式,-e:
14、 在grep搜索中指定(--include)或排除(--exclude)文件:
15、 grep静默输出,-q:
16、 打印出匹配文本之前或之后的行:
[root@localhost tmp]# seq [root@localhost tmp]# seq | grep -A 3 #打印匹配的后指定行数 [root@localhost tmp]# seq | grep -B 3 #打印匹配前指定行数 [root@localhost tmp]# seq | grep -C 3 #打印匹配前后指定行数
二、 使用sed进行文本替换
sed是流编辑器(stream editor)的缩写。sed一个用法为文本替换。
[root@cairui ~]# sed --help
Usage: sed [OPTION]... {script-only-if-no-other-script} [input-file]... -n, --quiet, --silent
suppress automatic printing of pattern space #取消自动打印模式空间
-e script, --expression=script
add the script to the commands to be executed #添加“脚本”到程序的运行列表
-f script-file, --file=script-file
add the contents of script-file to the commands to be executed #添加“脚本文件”到程序的运行列表
follow symlinks when processing in place; hard links
will still be broken.
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied).
The default operation mode is to break symbolic and hard links.
This can be changed with --follow-symlinks and --copy.
-c, --copy
use copy instead of rename when shuffling files in -i mode.
While this will avoid breaking links (symbolic or hard), the
resulting editing operation is not atomic. This is rarely
the desired mode; --follow-symlinks is usually enough, and
it is both faster and more secure.
-l N, --line-length=N
specify the desired line-wrap length for the `l' command
disable all GNU extensions.
-r, --regexp-extended
use extended regular expressions in the script.
-s, --separate
consider files as separate rather than as a single continuous
long stream.
-u, --unbuffered
load minimal amounts of data from the input files and flush
the output buffers more often
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit If no -e, --expression, -f, or --file option is given, then the first
non-option argument is taken as the sed script to interpret. All
remaining arguments are names of input files; if no input files are
specified, then the standard input is read. GNU sed home page: <http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/>.
General help using GNU software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>.
E-mail bug reports to: <bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org>.
Be sure to include the word ``sed'' somewhere in the ``Subject:'' field.
1、 sed可以替换给定文本的字符串:
3、 之前的sed都是替换第一个匹配到的内容,想要全部替换就要在末尾加g:
4、 移除空白行
三、 使用awk进行高级文本处理
[root@cairui ~]# awk --help
Usage: awk [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ...
Usage: awk [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] 'program' file ...
POSIX options: GNU long options:
-f progfile --file=progfile
-F fs --field-separator=fs
-v var=val --assign=var=val
-m[fr] val
-O --optimize
-W compat --compat
-W copyleft --copyleft
-W copyright --copyright
-W dump-variables[=file] --dump-variables[=file]
-W exec=file --exec=file
-W gen-po --gen-po
-W help --help
-W lint[=fatal] --lint[=fatal]
-W lint-old --lint-old
-W non-decimal-data --non-decimal-data
-W profile[=file] --profile[=file]
-W posix --posix
-W re-interval --re-interval
-W source=program-text --source=program-text
-W traditional --traditional
-W usage --usage
-W use-lc-numeric --use-lc-numeric
-W version --version To report bugs, see node `Bugs' in `gawk.info', which is
section `Reporting Problems and Bugs' in the printed version. gawk is a pattern scanning and processing language.
By default it reads standard input and writes standard output. Examples:
gawk '{ sum += $1 }; END { print sum }' file
gawk -F: '{ print $1 }' /etc/passwd
awk ' BEGIN{ print "start" } pattern { commands } END { print "end" }' file
(1)执行BEGIN { commands }语句块中的语句。
(2)从文件或stdin中读取一行,然后执行pattern { commands }。重复这个过程,直到文件全部被读取完毕。
(3)当读至输入流末尾时,执行END { commands }语句块。
其中最重要的部分就是pattern语句块中的通用命令。这个语句块同样是可选的。如果不提供该语句块,则默认执行{ print },即打印所读取到的每一行。awk对于每一行,都会执行这个语句块。这就像一个用来读取行的while循环,在循环中提供了相应的语句。