Magic xpa 2.5发布 Magic xpa 2.5 Release Notes

Magic xpa 2.5發佈 Magic xpa 2.5 Release Notes

Magic xpa 2.5 Release Notes
New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior Changes
Call with Destination – Backward Compatibility Enhancements
In Online, the following scenarios are now possible:
 Calling a program to a destination frame when the Call operation is defined in a handler that is a parent task of the task that includes the frames form.
 Opening an Online task in a destination frame when the Online task is called from a Batch parent and the Batch parent was defined to be called into the destination frame.
These capabilities provide backward compatibility with the splitter capabilities. Note that the behavior of these scenarios has some limitations. Refer to the Destination property help topic for additional information.
Table Control – Scroll Bar Appearance – Change of Behavior
When setting the Scroll bar property to Yes, the vertical scroll bar will now appear only if there are more records than the ones that can be displayed on the form (as in V1.9).
Rich Client – Local Data Sources Support in Range, Locate and Sort Functions
The RangeAdd(), RangeReset(), LocateAdd(), LocateReset(), SortAdd() and SortReset() functions can now be used on local data sources.
Rich Client – Client-Server Compatibility
The internal communication protocol between the Client module to the Server was changed. Therefore, pre-Magic xpa 2.5 clients (such as 2.4) cannot be used with a Magic xpa 2.5 server, and Magic xpa 2.5 clients cannot be used with pre-Magic xpa 2.5 servers.
Retrieving the Magic Executables Version
You can now retrieve information about the Magic version (as seen in the Help->About screen) by running the Studio or Runtime engine with the -ver parameter. For example: 'mgxparuntime -ver'. The result will be saved in a file named mgxpaver.txt in the Magic installation folder.
Floating License Usage for Mobile Devices
Floating licenses can be used only for licenses that are not limited to mobile devices or desktop computers.
Color Definitions – Alpha Support
The color definition screen was enhanced to support the definition of the colors’ Alpha value. The Alpha value of a color defines the opacity level and enables the creation of semi-transparent colors.
This definition affects only the Android and iOS clients.
Oracle 12c Compatibility
Magic xpa was tested and is compatible to work with Oracle 12c.
WebSphere MQ Server 7.5 Compatibility
Magic xpa was tested and is compatible to work with WebSphere MQ Server v7.5.
Android™ and iOS™
The Android and iOS clients were enhanced and now support the following features:
 Mobile specific properties
The form and controls now have a new section containing all of the mobile-related properties. These properties replace and extend the current capabilities that were previously defined in the Additional Information property. The Additional Information property values are still supported to maintain backward compatibility.
 Opacity level support
A semi-transparent color can be defined and used in the controls. The definition is done by setting the Alpha value in the color definition screen as defined above. Using semi-transparent colors will enhance the appearance of your application.
 Suggestion text (Hint) support
You can now define a hint for Edit controls by using the new Hint property. A hint is the text shown on an Edit control that is removed automatically while typing.
For additional information, refer to the Edit Control help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO01 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Navigation drawer support
A native Navigation Drawer is now supported by assigning a menu entry in the Navigation Drawer Menu property of the form. A Navigation drawer is the menu that is opened by swiping from the left side of the screen.
For additional information, refer to the Tabs Control help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO02 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Form Animation support
You can now control the form entrance and exit animation by using the new Enter Animation and Exit Animation properties.
For additional information, refer to the Tab Control help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO03 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Tab control support
A native tab bar is now supported by using a Magic Tab control.
Each one of Magic xpa’s tabs is seen as a tab page on the mobile devices.
For additional information, refer to the Tab Control help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO04 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Two-state image support
A two-state image (pressed/un-pressed) is now available for Android and iOS.
You can define this type of control by using either a Check Box control or a Radio control and setting their Image List File Name property to a 6-state image.
For additional information, refer to the Check Box and Radio controls’ help topics in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO06 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Controlling the keyboard type
You can now define the keyboard type (such as an email or a URL keyboard) that will be opened when editing a control by using the new Keyboard Type property.
For additional information, refer to the Edit Control help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO05 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Controlling the keyboard action button
You can now define the text that will appear on the carriage return button by using the new Keyboard Return Key property.
This allows you to force the value (such as Done) or set a specific value (such as Search or Go).
When the Done, Search or Go values are pressed, the Select Internal event is raised so you can execute logic when these keys are pressed.
For additional information, refer to the Edit Control help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RMO05 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Title bar color support
You can now change the color of the forms’ title bar by using the new Title bar color property.
 Colum visibility support
The Visible property of the Column control is now supported for mobile devices.
 Executing operations while editing – Change of behavior
When editing data in an Edit control that is attached to a Virtual variable, if an operation is executed (for example, if the operation is defined in the Control Modify event handler), the busy indicator spinner will not be shown. This will allow you to continue typing characters while the operations are executed.
 Native code execution – New function
A new function named ClientNativeCodeExecute was added to allow you to easily execute native code (Java for Android and Objective C for iOS), without having to use the UserDefinedFunction in the native code as a single entry point.
 Native code execution – Raising User events
It is now possible to raise a User event directly from the native code (Java for Android and Objective C for iOS). This capability replaces the previous one in which only the built-in External Event could be raised.
 Native code execution – Finding a Magic control
It is now possible to find the reference of a Magic control directly from the native code (Java for Android and Objective C for iOS). This allows you to add custom native controls as children of the Magic control.
For additional information, refer to the help and to program RNC09 in the Rich Client Samples project, which adds a native label control inside Magic’s Group control.
 Native code execution – Samples update
The native code samples (programs RNCxx in the Rich Client Samples project) were updated to use the new native code execution features described above.
Android Only
 Combo box – Native appearance
The Combo Box control will now appear according to the Android operating system's theme (instead of as a push button with a rectangle).
 Pop-up window – Support location, size, position
The startup position of the pop-up window can now be customized, so you can define the location, size and position of the window (as in iOS).
 Default theme – Change of behavior
The default theme was changed and is now the light theme.
You can revert this change and have the previous dark theme appearance by removing the word .light from the themes.xml file located under the RIAModules\Android\Source\MgxpaRC\res\values folder in the installation folder.
 Push notification – Change of behavior
The project ID in the integrated push notification capabilities is now set using the new ClientNativeCodeExecute function.
For additional information, refer to the Sending and Receiving Push Notifications help topic in the Magic xpa Reference Guide and to program RNC06 in the Rich Client Samples project.
 Native code execution – Internal rename
The internal core library package name was changed from com.pdac.myact to com.magicsoftware.core and the main class in the core was changed from GlobalClass to CoreApplication.
Due to this change, the Android application files, such as the AndroidManifest.xml and the java files were also changed.
If you added native code to the Android application, you should also make the changes in the updated files or write your custom code in a separate file and use the new native code execution capabilities to execute your code.
iOS Only
 iOS 5.x is no longer supported. Magic xpa is compatible with iOS 6.0 and above.
Magic xpa 2.4c – New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior Changes
Subforms – Behavior Change for Unsupported Task Mode
Starting with this version, if an Online task that is running in a Subform control cannot be executed, the subform will close (and not the entire program, as in previous versions).
Requester Log – Number of Lines Threshold
The log key in the mgreq.ini file now supports an additional optional parameter named Number of Lines Threshold. This parameter allows you to change the total number of lines that will be stored in the log file. This setting applies only to the server-side log and not to the RIA log.
Android™ and iOS™
The Push Notification sample code is now integrated in the client.


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