GitHub for Windows提交失败“failed to sync this branch”

今天github for windows同步推送远端github出问题了,提交到本地没问题,远端一直推送不上去,挺棘手的,试了几个网上的方法不管用。问题如下,报这个错:

failed to sync this branch.

You might need to open a shell and debug the state of this repo.

GitHub for Windows提交失败“failed to sync this branch”

经过几轮摸索,终于找到一个解决方法,如下图所示,在github for windows界面点击右上角的设置图标,选择”Open in git Shell “打开Shell窗口

GitHub for Windows提交失败“failed to sync this branch”

先用命令”git pull“拉去远程github上代码,再用"git push"把已经提交到本地的代码推送提交到远程github上即可,成功!

GitHub for Windows提交失败“failed to sync this branch”

虽然能用shell命令窗口成功推送远端,但是这样还是没能解决github for windows可视化界面无法推送到远端github的问题,如有大神能解决,请多多指教。

