1 windows 安装openssh
2 打开cmd,运行命令行 ssh-keygen -t rsa
3 进入用户名/.ssh文件夹
4 使用ptyhon 同步 公钥 id_rsa.pub至linux服务器
python ssh-copy-id.py -i :c:/users/{根换自己当前登录用户}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@
5 按提示要求输入linux密码2次就可以完成windows授权,再次使用 ssh root@192.xx.xx.xx 就可以直接登录了
ps:如果直接 python ssh-copy-id.py root@ 会提示找不到公钥文件
"""ssh-copy-id for Windows. Example usage: python ssh-copy-id.py ceilfors@my-remote-machine This script is dependent on msysgit by default as it requires scp and ssh. For convenience you can also try that comes http://bliker.github.io/cmder/. """ #ssh-copy-id.py import argparse, os from subprocess import call def winToPosix(win): """Converts the specified windows path as a POSIX path in msysgit. Example: win: C:\\home\\user posix: /c/home/user """ posix = win.replace('\\', '/') return "/" + posix.replace(':', '', 1) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-i", "--identity_file", help="identity file, default to ~\\.ssh\\idrsa.pub", default=os.environ['HOME'] + "\\.ssh\\id_rsa.pub") parser.add_argument("-d", "--dry", help="run in the dry run mode and display the running commands.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("remote", metavar="user@machine") args = parser.parse_args() local_key = winToPosix(args.identity_file) remote_key = "~/temp_id_rsa.pub" # Copy the public key over to the remote temporarily scp_command = "scp {} {}:{}".format(local_key, args.remote, remote_key) print(scp_command) if not args.dry: call(scp_command) # Append the temporary copied public key to authorized_key file and then remove the temporary public key ssh_command = ("ssh {} " "mkdir ~/.ssh;" "touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;" "cat {} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;" "rm {};").format(args.remote, remote_key, remote_key) print(ssh_command) if not args.dry: call(ssh_command)