s.find(substr, start, end) 查找子字符串,找不到则返回-1,找到则返回对应的索引
s.rfind(substr, start, end) 从右侧开始查找子字符串,找不到则返回-1; 找到则返回对应的索引;返回的结果和find一样,
s.index(substr, start, end) 查找返回子字符串的索引,找不到则报错,报错内容时substring not found
s.rindex(substr, start, end) 从右侧开始查找子字符串,找不到则报错;返回的结果和index一样
s.count(substr, start, end) 统计子字符串出现的次数
s.capitalize() 首字母大写
s.upper() 字符串转大写
s.lower() 字符串转小些
s.swapcase() 字符串大小写互转,大写则转小些,小些则转大写
s.split() 字符串分割变成列表
s.join(list) 使用字符串分割拼接列表
s.startswith(substr) 判断是否以子字符串开头
s.endswith(substr) 判断是否以子字符串结尾
len(str) 字符串的长度
cmp(str1, str2) 比较两个字符串
>>> s = "abcdefghijklmn" >>> s.find("cd") 2 >>> s.rfind("cd") 2 >>> s.find("cd", 4, 9) -1 >>> s.index("cd") 2 >>> s.index("cd", 4, 9) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ValueError: substring not found >>> s.count("cd") 1 >>> s.count("cd", 4.) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method >>> s.count("cd", 4, 9) 0 >>> s.capitalise() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'capitalise' >>> s.capitalize() 'Abcdefghijklmn' >>> s.upper() 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMN' >>> s.lower() 'abcdefghijklmn' >>> s.swapcase() 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMN' >>> s.split() ['abcdefghijklmn'] >>> s.split("") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ValueError: empty separator >>> s.split() ['abcdefghijklmn'] >>> >>> list = [str(i) for i in range(9)] >>> list ['] >>> "==".join(list) '0==1==2==3==4==5==6==7==8'