Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects

Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects



Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects




Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects


解决办法:在cmd窗口下输入:pip install pillow

Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects


 运行到100%,出现Successfully installed Pillow- 就是安装成功啦。

 接下来回到pycharm,点击 file-setting

Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects


           Python Interpreter,找到后点击“+”

Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects


 在输入框输入pillow 安装程序包

Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects



Python添加excel图片报错:ImportError: You must install Pillow to fetch image objects


上一篇:pillow 读写保存图片
