(备注:其中“Linear Taper”节点和“Twist”节点都是“Blend”节点)
1. Bend
This node lets you define a capture region around (or partially intersecting) a model, and apply deformations to the geometry inside the capture region.
2. Bulge
The “magnetic field” of influence is defined by a metaball field.
使用由 metaball 定义的“磁场”来影响几何体
3. Clay
Lets you deform NURBS faces and NURBS surfaces by pulling points that lie directly on them.
让你可以对 NURBS 表面进行变形——拉扯其表面上的一点。
4. Creep
This operator changes each of the source input geometry points into a new space. The X and Y components of the source points will become the U and V positions on the surface. The Z component becomes a displacement along the surface’s normal at the (U, V) position.
5. Curve Clay
6. Deformation Wrangle
This node runs the snippet on point in the input geometry. The code should update a vector pos variable to a new deformed location.
该节点在输入几何体的点上运行代码片段。 代码应将向量pos
7. Delete
Deletes input geometry by group, entity number, bounding volume, primitive/point/edge normals, and/or degeneracy.
8. Copy and Transform
Copies geometry and applies transformations to the copies.
9. Edit
10. Fractal
This node will create random-looking deviations and sub-divisions along either a specified normal vector (the Direction xyz fields) or the vertex normals of the input geometry. This is great for the creation of terrains and landscapes.
11. Inflate
Deforms the points in the first input to make room for the inflation tool.
If two inputs are given, the second input is the inflation tool.
对输入几何体的顶点进行变形,为“inflate tool”创造空间。
如果指定了第二个输入,那么第二个输入是“inflation tool”。
12. Magnet
Deforms geometry by using another piece of geometry to attract or repel points.
13. Match Axis
This operator takes an arbitrary axis of the input geometry and aligns it to a given axis.
14. Match Size
The Match Size operation moves and scales the first input to match the second input. If no second input is present, the provided position and size are used to define the destination bounding box.
这个节点通过移动和缩放将第一个输入匹配第二个输入。 如果不存在第二个输入,则使用给定的位置和大小来定义目标边界框。
15. Mountain
Displaces points along their normals based on fractal noise.
This operator uses normal attributes on the input geometry. If a normal has 0 length, this operator will not displace the point along that normal.
16. Path Deform
Deforms geometry using the shape of a curve.
17. Peak
Moves primitives, points, edges or breakpoints along their normals.
18. Point Jitter
This node will randomize point locations by slightly altering their values. This is useful when precisely aligned data can be a problem. For example, a set of springs that are exactly aligned might be in unrealistically precise balance. Jittering the point positions will break the artificial symmetry.
该节点将通过稍微改变点的值来随机化点的位置。 当精确对齐的数据会是一个问题时,可以使用此节点。 例如:一组精确对齐的弹簧可能处于现实中不可能存在的精确平衡状态。而抖动点位置会破坏这种人工造成的对称性。
19. Point Relax
This node looks for any points that, if they were spheres with the specified radii, would be overlapping, and attempts to move them to nearby locations that reduce the overlap. This helps avoid having points that are too close to each other. This process is repeated until there are no overlapping points, or the Max Iterations limit is reached.
此节点将会查看任何顶点,看他们是否在指定半径的球体内重叠,如果有则尝试将它们移动到减少重叠的附近位置。 这有助于避免顶点彼此过于接近。 重复此过程,直到没有重叠或达到最大迭代次数限制。
20. Primitive
一个Bezier表面是一个单独的primitive,一个NURBS也是,而一个“polygon mesh”可以有成百个独立的primitive构成。
- Translate, rotate, and scale primitives.
- Apply parametric affine transformations to a profile curve.
(When transforming profile curves, you can only rotate around the Z axis, since the X and Y axes are projected onto the surface and so cannot rotate off the surface. Similarly, you cannot scale along the Z axis.) - Make primitives open or closed.
- Reverse the vertex order of all faces.
- Reverse surface normals (for example, to map a texture onto the inside of a sphere).
- Apply transforms per-primitive.
- Set primitive attributes such as color.
21. Ray
Projects one surface onto another.
22. Revolve
Revolves a curve around a center axis to sweep out a surface.
23. Ripple
Generates ripples by displacing points along the up direction specified.
24. Sculpt
Lets you interactively reshape a surface by brushing.
25. Smooth
Smooths out (or “relaxes”) polygons, meshes and curves without increasing the number of points.
26. Soft Peak
Moves the selected point along its normal, with smooth rolloff to surrounding points.
Unlike the Peak node, Soft Peak takes into account a rolloff function and a radius of influence.
27. Soft Transform
Moves the selected point, with smooth rolloff to surrounding points.
28. Topo Transfer
Non-rigidly deforms a surface to match the size and shape of a different surface.
29. Trail
The Trail op takes an input op and makes a trail of each point of the input op over the past several frames, and connects the trails in different ways.
30. Transform
The Transform operation transforms the source geometry in “object space” using a transformation matrix.
31. Transform Axis
Transforms the input geometry relative to a specific axis.
32. Transform By Attribute
Unlike the Transform SOP, the transform applied to each point will be different, and be governed by a point attribute.
33. Transform Pieces
The Transform Pieces SOP can be used to transform input geometry according to transformation attributes on the template geometry