api/* 指向: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll
它提供两个方案,1、使用文件后缀名,比如 /Product.mvc/Details/3 添加.mvc 或 .aspx等后缀。
2、添加对 * 的映射到asp.net。 (还不知道会不会对静态文件有影响)
SingalR呢,直接要求IIS8.0才支持websocket. 而IIS7不能升级,除非升级系统。
微软说:"Note that for SignalR to use WebSockets, Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8 is required"
for SignalR to use WebSocket, IIS 8 or IIS 8 Express must be used, the server must be using Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, or later, and WebSocket must be enabled in IIS. For information on how to enable WebSocket in IIS
IIS 8 or IIS 8 Express.
IIS 7 and 7.5. Support for extensionless URLs is required.
IIS must be running in integrated mode; classic mode is not supported. Message delays of up to 30 seconds may be experienced if IIS is run in classic mode using the Server-Sent Events transport.
The hosting application must be running in full trust mode.