1 import numpy as np 2 import pandas as pd 3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 4 from scipy.io import loadmat 5 from scipy.optimize import minimize 6 def load_data(path): 7 data=loadmat(path) 8 X=data['X'] 9 y=data['y'] 10 # print(type(X),type(y)) 11 return X,y 12 path=r'C:\Users\Earth\Desktop\Coursera-ML-using-matlab-python-master\machine-learning-ex3\ex3\ex3data1.mat' 13 X,y=load_data(path) 14 print(np.unique(y)) 15 print(X.shape,y.shape) 16 print(len(X)) 17 18 def plotanimage(): 19 pick_one=np.random.randint(0,5000) 20 image=X[pick_one,:] 21 # 选择pick_one这一行的所有列 22 fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(1,1)) 23 ax.matshow(image.reshape((20,20)),cmap='gray_r') 24 plt.xticks([]) 25 plt.yticks([]) 26 plt.show() 27 print('this should be {}'.format(y[pick_one])) 28 29 # plotanimage() 30 def sigmoid(z): 31 return 1/(1+np.exp(-z)) 32 33 def costReg(theta,X,y,lam): 34 first=np.mean(-y*np.log(sigmoid(X@theta))-(1-y)*np.log(1-sigmoid(X@theta))) 35 theta1=theta[1:] 36 second=theta1.T@theta1*lam/(2*len(X)) 37 # 此处的second需要得到的是一个标量而非矩阵,所以用θ1的转置乘以它自身可以得到所有对应元素的平方和,如果用θ1*θ1得到的则是一个向量 38 return first+second 39 def gradient(theta,X,y,lam): 40 first=(X.T@(sigmoid(X@theta)-y))/len(X) 41 theta1=theta[1:] 42 second=np.concatenate([np.array([0]),lam*theta1/len(X)]) 43 return first+second 44 def one_vs_all(X,y,lam,K): 45 all_theta=np.zeros((K,X.shape[1])) 46 for i in range(1,K+1): 47 theta=np.zeros(X.shape[1]) 48 y_i=np.array([1 if label==i else 0 for label in y]) 49 ret=minimize(fun=costReg,x0=theta,args=(X,y_i,lam),method='TNC',jac=gradient,options={'disp':True}) 50 all_theta[i-1,:]=ret.x 51 # 序列为i-1的行,所有列替换成ret.x 52 return all_theta 53 def predict_all(X,all_theta): 54 h=sigmoid(X@all_theta.T) 55 h_argmax=np.argmax(h,axis=1) 56 h_argmax=h_argmax+1 57 print('the type of argmax is ',type(h_argmax)) 58 print('the shape of argmax is',h_argmax.shape) 59 return h_argmax 60 raw_X,raw_y=load_data(path) 61 X=np.insert(raw_X,0,1,axis=1) 62 print('the shape of X is',X.shape) 63 # raw_X 要修改的对象,0 要在第0行或列前插入对象,要插入的值,axis=1 要插入的维度,如果为0则插入的是行,为1则插入的是列 64 y=raw_y.flatten() 65 print('the shape of y is',y.shape) 66 all_theta=one_vs_all(X,y,1,10) 67 print('the shape of all theta is ',all_theta.shape) 68 result=predict_all(X,all_theta) 69 print(result.shape) 70 def cal_accuracy(result,y): 71 res=[1 if result[i]==y[i] else 0 for i in range(len(y))] 72 return np.mean(res) 73 print(result==y) 74 # print(cal_accuracy(result,y)) 75 # theta2=np.zeros((10,X.shape[1])) 76 # theta2 = theta2[1:] 77 # print(theta2.shape) 78 # t=(theta2@theta2) / (2*len(X)) 79 # print(t.shape) 80 # t1=theta2*theta2 81 # print(t1.shape)