论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning

A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning

Active learning is the problem of progressively selecting and annotating the most informative unlabeled samples, in order to obtain a high classification performance.
更重要的问题是,之前的AL算法是专门为特定的分类器而设计的,例如:SVM. 本文的算法可以用于任何分类器,应用范围更加广泛.


2. Dissimilarity-based Sparse Modeling Representative Selection (DSMRS)

3. Active Learning via Convex Programming

we use the two principles of classifier uncertainty and sample diversity to define confidence scores for unlabeled samples.

3.1. Classifier Uncertainty (分类器的不确定性)

Now, for a generic classifier, we define its confidence about the predicted label of an unlabeled sample. Consider data in L different classes. For an unlabeled sample i, we consider the probability vector p i = p i1 · · · p iL , where p ij denotes the probability that sample i belongs to class j. We define the classifier confidence score of point i as:   

论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning

其中delta>1,E(.)代表熵函数(Entropy function).


论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning


3.2.  Sample Diversity  样本的多样性;

More specifically, sample diversity states that informative points for classification are the ones that are sufficiently dissimilar from the labeled training samples (and from themselves in the batch mode setting).

论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning



论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning

3.3. Selecting Informative Samples:

Recall that our goal is to have a batch mode active learning framework that selects multiple informative and diverse unlabled samples,with respect to
the labeled samples as well as each other, for annotation. 一个简答的算法只是选择具有最低置信度的样本,这种方法的缺点在于,当选择的未标注样本和已标注数据不同的时候,可能仍然具有很大的信息重合.这是因为置信度分数只反映了每一个未标注样本和
对应分类器及已标注数据之间的关系,而没有抓住未标注样本之间的联系. 论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning 为了选择一些具有多样性的未标注数据,且具有较低的置信度.我们利用DSMRS算法. 我们提出解决如下凸优化问题:

论文阅读之 A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning

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