1. 时间的种类
- RTC时间
- wall time:墙上时间
- monotonic time
- raw monotonic time
- boot time:总启动时间
RTC时间 在PC中,RTC时间又叫CMOS时间,它通常由一个专门的计时硬件来实现,软件可以读取该硬件来获得年月日、时分秒等时间信息,而在嵌入式系统中,有使用专门的RTC芯片,也有直接把RTC集成到Soc芯片中,读取Soc中的某个寄存器即可获取当前时间信息。一般来说,RTC是一种可持续计时的,也就是说,不管系统是否上电,RTC中的时间信息都不会丢失,计时会一直持续进行,硬件上通常使用一个后备电池对RTC硬件进行单独的供电。因为RTC硬件的多样性,开发者需要为每种RTC时钟硬件提供相应的驱动程序,内核和用户空间通过驱动程序访问RTC硬件来获取或设置时间信息。
xtime xtime和RTC时间一样,都是人们日常所使用的墙上时间,只是RTC时间的精度通常比较低,大多数情况下只能达到毫秒级别的精度,如果是使用外部的RTC芯片,访问速度也比较慢,为此,内核维护了另外一个wall time时间:xtime,取决于用于对xtime计时的clocksource,它的精度甚至可以达到纳秒级别,因为xtime实际上是一个内存中的变量,它的访问速度非常快,内核大部分时间都是使用xtime来获得当前时间信息。xtime记录的是自1970年1月1日24时到当前时刻所经历的纳秒数。
monotonic time 该时间自系统开机后就一直单调地增加,它不像xtime可以因用户的调整时间而产生跳变,不过该时间不计算系统休眠的时间,也就是说,系统休眠时,monotoic时间不会递增。
raw monotonic time 该时间与monotonic时间类似,也是单调递增的时间,唯一的不同是:raw monotonic time“更纯净”,他不会受到NTP时间调整的影响,它代表着系统独立时钟硬件对时间的统计。
boot time 与monotonic时间相同,不过会累加上系统休眠的时间,它代表着系统上电后的总时间。
时间种类 | 精度(统计单位) | 访问速度 | 累计休眠时间 | 受NTP调整的影响 |
RTC | 低 | 慢 | Yes | Yes |
xtime | 高 | 快 | Yes | Yes |
monotonic | 高 | 快 | No | Yes |
raw monotonic | 高 | 快 | No | No |
boot time | 高 | 快 | Yes | Yes |
2. struct timekeeper
struct timekeeper {
/* Current clocksource used for timekeeping. */
struct clocksource *clock;
/* NTP adjusted clock multiplier */
u32 mult;
/* The shift value of the current clocksource. */
int shift; /* Number of clock cycles in one NTP interval. */
cycle_t cycle_interval;
/* Number of clock shifted nano seconds in one NTP interval. */
u64 xtime_interval;
/* shifted nano seconds left over when rounding cycle_interval */
s64 xtime_remainder;
/* Raw nano seconds accumulated per NTP interval. */
u32 raw_interval; /* Clock shifted nano seconds remainder not stored in xtime.tv_nsec. */
u64 xtime_nsec;
/* Difference between accumulated time and NTP time in ntp
* shifted nano seconds. */
s64 ntp_error;
/* Shift conversion between clock shifted nano seconds and
* ntp shifted nano seconds. */
int ntp_error_shift; /* The current time */
struct timespec xtime;
* wall_to_monotonic is what we need to add to xtime (or xtime corrected
* for sub jiffie times) to get to monotonic time. Monotonic is pegged
* at zero at system boot time, so wall_to_monotonic will be negative,
* however, we will ALWAYS keep the tv_nsec part positive so we can use
* the usual normalization.
* wall_to_monotonic is moved after resume from suspend for the
* monotonic time not to jump. We need to add total_sleep_time to
* wall_to_monotonic to get the real boot based time offset.
* - wall_to_monotonic is no longer the boot time, getboottime must be
* used instead.
struct timespec wall_to_monotonic;
/* time spent in suspend */
struct timespec total_sleep_time;
/* The raw monotonic time for the CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW posix clock. */
struct timespec raw_time; /* Offset clock monotonic -> clock realtime */
ktime_t offs_real;----------------------------------------------------------------------monotonic-realtime的差值,一般未负数。 /* Offset clock monotonic -> clock boottime */
ktime_t offs_boot;----------------------------------------------------------------------boottime-monotonic的差值。 /* Seqlock for all timekeeper values */
seqlock_t lock;
内核除了用xtime表示墙上的真实时间外,还维护了另外一个时间:monotonic time,可以把它理解为自系统启动以来所经过的时间,该时间只能单调递增,可以理解为xtime虽然正常情况下也是递增的,但是毕竟用户可以主动向前或向后调整墙上时间,从而修改xtime值。但是monotonic时间不可以往后退,系统启动后只能不断递增。奇怪的是,内核并没有直接定义一个这样的变量来记录monotonic时间,而是定义了一个变量wall_to_monotonic,记录了墙上时间和monotonic时间之间的偏移量,当需要获得monotonic时间时,把xtime和wall_to_monotonic相加即可,因为默认启动时monotonic时间为0,所以实际上wall_to_monotonic的值是一个负数,它和xtime同一时间被初始化,请参考timekeeping_init函数。
计算monotonic时间要去除系统休眠期间花费的时间,内核用total_sleep_time记录休眠的时间,每次休眠醒来后重新累加该时间,并调整wall_to_monotonic的值,使其在系统休眠醒来后,monotonic时间不会发生跳变。因为wall_to_monotonic值被调整。所以如果想获取boot time,需要加入该变量的值:
void get_monotonic_boottime(struct timespec *ts)
struct timespec tomono, sleep;
unsigned int seq;
s64 nsecs; WARN_ON(timekeeping_suspended); do {
seq = read_seqbegin(&timekeeper.lock);
*ts = timekeeper.xtime;--------------------------------walltime
tomono = timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic;-----------------monotonic time
sleep = timekeeper.total_sleep_time;-------------------sleep time
nsecs = timekeeping_get_ns(); } while (read_seqretry(&timekeeper.lock, seq)); set_normalized_timespec(ts, ts->tv_sec + tomono.tv_sec + sleep.tv_sec,
(s64)ts->tv_nsec + tomono.tv_nsec + sleep.tv_nsec + nsecs);
raw_time字段用来表示真正的硬件时间,也就是上面所说的raw monotonic time,它不受时间调整的影响,monotonic时间虽然也不受settimeofday的影响,但会受到ntp调整的影响,但是raw_time不受ntp的影响,他真的就是开完机后就单调地递增。xtime、monotonic-time和raw_time可以通过用户空间的clock_gettime函数获得,对应的ID参数分别是 CLOCK_REALTIME、CLOCK_MONOTONIC、CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW。
clock字段则指向了目前timekeeper所使用的时钟源,xtime,monotonic time和raw time都是基于该时钟源进行计时操作,当有新的精度更高的时钟源被注册时,通过timekeeping_notify函数,change_clocksource函数将会被调用,timekeeper.clock字段将会被更新,指向新的clocksource。
static struct timekeeper timekeeper;
3. timekeeper的初始化
void __init timekeeping_init(void)
struct clocksource *clock;
unsigned long flags;
struct timespec now, boot; read_persistent_clock(&now);
if (!timespec_valid_strict(&now)) {
pr_warn("WARNING: Persistent clock returned invalid value!\n"
" Check your CMOS/BIOS settings.\n");
now.tv_sec = ;
now.tv_nsec = ;
} read_boot_clock(&boot);
if (!timespec_valid_strict(&boot)) {
pr_warn("WARNING: Boot clock returned invalid value!\n"
" Check your CMOS/BIOS settings.\n");
boot.tv_sec = ;
boot.tv_nsec = ;
} seqlock_init(&timekeeper.lock); ntp_init();--------------------------------------------对锁和ntp进行必要的初始化 write_seqlock_irqsave(&timekeeper.lock, flags);
clock = clocksource_default_clock();-------------------获取默认的clocksource,如果平台没有重新实现clocksource_default_clock函数,默认的clocksource就是基于jiffies的clocksource_jiffies,然后通过timekeeper_setup_inernals内部函数把timekeeper和clocksource进行关联
if (clock->enable)
timekeeper_setup_internals(clock); timekeeper.xtime.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;----------------利用RTC的当前时间,初始化xtime,raw_time,wall_to_monotonic等字段
timekeeper.xtime.tv_nsec = now.tv_nsec;
timekeeper.raw_time.tv_sec = ;
timekeeper.raw_time.tv_nsec = ;
if (boot.tv_sec == && boot.tv_nsec == ) {
boot.tv_sec = timekeeper.xtime.tv_sec;
boot.tv_nsec = timekeeper.xtime.tv_nsec;
-boot.tv_sec, -boot.tv_nsec);
timekeeper.total_sleep_time.tv_sec = ;
timekeeper.total_sleep_time.tv_nsec = ;
write_sequnlock_irqrestore(&timekeeper.lock, flags);
void __attribute__((weak)) read_persistent_clock(struct timespec *ts)
ts->tv_sec = ;
ts->tv_nsec = ;
} void __attribute__((weak)) read_boot_clock(struct timespec *ts)
ts->tv_sec = ;
ts->tv_nsec = ;
static int __init rtc_hctosys(void)
int err = -ENODEV;
struct rtc_time tm;
struct timespec tv = {
.tv_nsec = NSEC_PER_SEC >> ,
struct rtc_device *rtc = rtc_class_open(CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS_DEVICE);--------找到rtc设备 if (rtc == NULL) {
pr_err("%s: unable to open rtc device (%s)\n",
goto err_open;
} err = rtc_read_time(rtc, &tm);---------------------------------------------读取rtc时间到tm
if (err) {
"hctosys: unable to read the hardware clock\n");
goto err_read; } err = rtc_valid_tm(&tm);
if (err) {
"hctosys: invalid date/time\n");
goto err_invalid;
} rtc_tm_to_time(&tm, &tv.tv_sec);---------------------------------------rtc时间转换成timespec时间 do_settimeofday(&tv);--------------------------------------------------设置walltime dev_info(rtc->dev.parent,
"setting system clock to "
"%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d UTC (%u)\n",
tm.tm_year + , tm.tm_mon + , tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec,
(unsigned int) tv.tv_sec); err_invalid:
rtc_class_close(rtc); err_open:
rtc_hctosys_ret = err; return err;
4. 时间的更新
void do_timer(unsigned long ticks)
jiffies_64 += ticks;
5. 获取时间
- void getboottime(struct timespec *ts); 获取系统启动时刻的实时时间
- void get_monotonic_boottime(struct timespec *ts); 获取系统启动以来所经过的时间,包含休眠时间
- ktime_t ktime_get_boottime(void); 获取系统启动以来所经过的c时间,包含休眠时间,返回ktime类型
- ktime_t ktime_get(void); 获取系统启动以来所经过的c时间,不包含休眠时间,返回ktime类型
- void ktime_get_ts(struct timespec *ts) ; 获取系统启动以来所经过的c时间,不包含休眠时间,返回timespec结构
- unsigned long get_seconds(void); 返回xtime中的秒计数值
- struct timespec current_kernel_time(void); 返回内核最后一次更新的xtime时间,不累计最后一次更新至今clocksource的计数值
- void getnstimeofday(struct timespec *ts); 获取当前时间,返回timespec结构
- void do_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv); 获取当前时间,返回timeval结构
1. 更新walltime
int do_settimeofday(const struct timespec *tv)
timekeeping_forward_now();---------------------------------------更新时间 ts_delta.tv_sec = tv->tv_sec - timekeeper.xtime.tv_sec;
ts_delta.tv_nsec = tv->tv_nsec - timekeeper.xtime.tv_nsec;-------计算调整的xtime差值
timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic =
timespec_sub(timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic, ts_delta);----将settimeofday的修改差值反映到wall_to_monotonic以达到保证monotonic递增的目的。
int timekeeping_inject_offset(struct timespec *ts)
timekeeping_forward_now(); tmp = timespec_add(timekeeper.xtime, *ts);
if (!timespec_valid_strict(&tmp)) {
ret = -EINVAL;
goto error;
} timekeeper.xtime = timespec_add(timekeeper.xtime, *ts);
timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic =
timespec_sub(timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic, *ts);
2. 更新total_sleep_time
2.1 RTC维护sleeptime
static int __init rtc_init(void)
rtc_class->suspend = rtc_suspend;
rtc_class->resume = rtc_resume;
static int rtc_resume(struct device *dev)
/* snapshot the current rtc and system time at resume */
rtc_read_time(rtc, &tm);
if (rtc_valid_tm(&tm) != ) {
pr_debug("%s: bogus resume time\n", dev_name(&rtc->dev));
return ;
rtc_tm_to_time(&tm, &new_rtc.tv_sec);
new_rtc.tv_nsec = ; if (new_rtc.tv_sec < old_rtc.tv_sec) {
pr_debug("%s: time travel!\n", dev_name(&rtc->dev));
return ;
} /* calculate the RTC time delta (sleep time)*/
sleep_time = timespec_sub(new_rtc, old_rtc); /*
* Since these RTC suspend/resume handlers are not called
* at the very end of suspend or the start of resume,
* some run-time may pass on either sides of the sleep time
* so subtract kernel run-time between rtc_suspend to rtc_resume
* to keep things accurate.
sleep_time = timespec_sub(sleep_time,
timespec_sub(new_system, old_system)); if (sleep_time.tv_sec >= )
return ;
2.2 timekeeping维护sleeptime
* timekeeping_resume - Resumes the generic timekeeping subsystem.
* This is for the generic clocksource timekeeping.
* xtime/wall_to_monotonic/jiffies/etc are
* still managed by arch specific suspend/resume code.
static void timekeeping_resume(void)
unsigned long flags;
struct timespec ts; read_persistent_clock(&ts);---------------------------------------------------在resume再次读取persistent时间 clocksource_resume();---------------------------------------------------------resume clocksource_list上的设备 write_seqlock_irqsave(&timekeeper.lock, flags); if (timespec_compare(&ts, &timekeeping_suspend_time) > ) {
ts = timespec_sub(ts, timekeeping_suspend_time);
/* re-base the last cycle value */
timekeeper.clock->cycle_last = timekeeper.clock->read(timekeeper.clock);
timekeeper.ntp_error = ;
timekeeping_suspended = ;
write_sequnlock_irqrestore(&timekeeper.lock, flags); touch_softlockup_watchdog(); clockevents_notify(CLOCK_EVT_NOTIFY_RESUME, NULL);--------------------------resume clockevents设备 /* Resume hrtimers */
} static int timekeeping_suspend(void)
unsigned long flags;
struct timespec delta, delta_delta;
static struct timespec old_delta;-----------------------------------------注意此变量为static,在timekeeping_suspend被执行过程中会保持上一次调用值。 read_persistent_clock(&timekeeping_suspend_time);----------------------------读取当前persistent时钟计数到timekeeping_suspend_time中。 write_seqlock_irqsave(&timekeeper.lock, flags);
timekeeping_suspended = ; /*
* To avoid drift caused by repeated suspend/resumes,
* which each can add ~1 second drift error,
* try to compensate so the difference in system time
* and persistent_clock time stays close to constant.
delta = timespec_sub(timekeeper.xtime, timekeeping_suspend_time);
delta_delta = timespec_sub(delta, old_delta);
if (abs(delta_delta.tv_sec) >= ) {
* if delta_delta is too large, assume time correction
* has occured and set old_delta to the current delta.
old_delta = delta;
} else {
/* Otherwise try to adjust old_system to compensate */
timekeeping_suspend_time =
timespec_add(timekeeping_suspend_time, delta_delta);
write_sequnlock_irqrestore(&timekeeper.lock, flags); clockevents_notify(CLOCK_EVT_NOTIFY_SUSPEND, NULL);----------------------suspend clockevent设备
clocksource_suspend();---------------------------------------------------将相关clocksource拉入suspend状态 return ;
} /* sysfs resume/suspend bits for timekeeping */
static struct syscore_ops timekeeping_syscore_ops = {
.resume = timekeeping_resume,
.suspend = timekeeping_suspend,
2.3 如何更新total_sleep_time
* __timekeeping_inject_sleeptime - Internal function to add sleep interval
* @delta: pointer to a timespec delta value
* Takes a timespec offset measuring a suspend interval and properly
* adds the sleep offset to the timekeeping variables.
static void __timekeeping_inject_sleeptime(struct timespec *delta)
if (!timespec_valid_strict(delta)) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "__timekeeping_inject_sleeptime: Invalid "
"sleep delta value!\n");
} timekeeper.xtime = timespec_add(timekeeper.xtime, *delta);-------------------------xtime需要加上睡眠时间
timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic =
timespec_sub(timekeeper.wall_to_monotonic, *delta);------------------------由于xtime加上了睡眠时间,但是monotonic不包括睡眠时间,所以wall_to_monotonic需要减去睡眠时间。
update_sleep_time(timespec_add(timekeeper.total_sleep_time, *delta));--------------累积睡眠时间,更新到timekeeper.total_sleep_time,
3. cpu suspend对时间的影响
static void timekeeping_resume(void)
unsigned long flags;
struct timespec ts; read_persistent_clock(&ts); clocksource_resume(); write_seqlock_irqsave(&timekeeper.lock, flags); if (timespec_compare(&ts, &timekeeping_suspend_time) > ) {
ts = timespec_sub(ts, timekeeping_suspend_time);
/* re-base the last cycle value */
timekeeper.clock->cycle_last = timekeeper.clock->read(timekeeper.clock);
timekeeper.ntp_error = ;
timekeeping_suspended = ;
write_sequnlock_irqrestore(&timekeeper.lock, flags); touch_softlockup_watchdog(); clockevents_notify(CLOCK_EVT_NOTIFY_RESUME, NULL);
printk("arnoldlu %s timekeeping_suspend_time=%ld.%09ld\n", __func__, timekeeping_suspend_time.tv_sec, timekeeping_suspend_time.tv_nsec); /* Resume hrtimers */
} static int timekeeping_suspend(void)
unsigned long flags;
struct timespec delta, delta_delta;
static struct timespec old_delta; read_persistent_clock(&timekeeping_suspend_time); write_seqlock_irqsave(&timekeeper.lock, flags);
timekeeping_suspended = ; /*
* To avoid drift caused by repeated suspend/resumes,
* which each can add ~1 second drift error,
* try to compensate so the difference in system time
* and persistent_clock time stays close to constant.
delta = timespec_sub(timekeeper.xtime, timekeeping_suspend_time);
delta_delta = timespec_sub(delta, old_delta);
if (abs(delta_delta.tv_sec) >= ) {
* if delta_delta is too large, assume time correction
* has occured and set old_delta to the current delta.
old_delta = delta;
} else {
/* Otherwise try to adjust old_system to compensate */
timekeeping_suspend_time =
timespec_add(timekeeping_suspend_time, delta_delta);
write_sequnlock_irqrestore(&timekeeper.lock, flags);
printk("arnoldlu %s timekeeping_suspend_time=%ld.%09ld\n", __func__, timekeeping_suspend_time.tv_sec, timekeeping_suspend_time.tv_nsec);
clockevents_notify(CLOCK_EVT_NOTIFY_SUSPEND, NULL);
clocksource_suspend(); return ;