using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using static Il2CppDumper.ElfConstants;
namespace Il2CppDumper
public sealed class Elf : Il2Cpp
private Elf32_Ehdr elf_header;
private Elf32_Phdr[] program_table;
private Elf32_Dyn[] dynamic_table;
private Elf32_Sym[] dynamic_symbol_table;
private Dictionary<string, Elf32_Shdr> sectionWithName = new Dictionary<string, Elf32_Shdr>();
private bool isDumped;
* LDR R1, [R1,R2]
* ADD R0, R12, R2
* ADD R2, R3, R2
private static readonly byte[] ARMFeatureBytesv21 = { 0x02, 0x10, 0x91, 0xE7, 0x02, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xE0, 0x02, 0x20, 0x83, 0xE0 };
* LDR R1, [PC,R1]
* ADD R0, PC, R0
* ADD R2, PC, R2
private static readonly byte[] ARMFeatureBytesv24 = { 0x01, 0x10, 0x9F, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x02, 0x20, 0x8F, 0xE0 };
private static readonly byte[] X86FeatureBytesv21 = { 0x02, 0x10, 0x91, 0xE7, 0x02, 0x00, 0x8C, 0xE0, 0x02, 0x20, 0x83, 0xE0 };
private static readonly byte[] X86FeatureBytesv24 = { 0x01, 0x10, 0x9F, 0xE7, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8F, 0xE0, 0x02, 0x20, 0x8F, 0xE0 };
public Elf(Stream stream, float version, long maxMetadataUsages) : base(stream, version, maxMetadataUsages)
is32Bit = true;
elf_header = new Elf32_Ehdr();
elf_header.ei_mag = ReadUInt32();
elf_header.ei_class = ReadByte();
elf_header.ei_data = ReadByte();
elf_header.ei_version = ReadByte();
elf_header.ei_osabi = ReadByte();
elf_header.ei_abiversion = ReadByte();
elf_header.ei_pad = ReadBytes(7);
elf_header.e_type = ReadUInt16();
elf_header.e_machine = ReadUInt16();
if (elf_header.e_machine != 0x28 && elf_header.e_machine != 0x3)
throw new Exception("ERROR: Unsupported machines.");
elf_header.e_version = ReadUInt32();
elf_header.e_entry = ReadUInt32();
elf_header.e_phoff = ReadUInt32();
elf_header.e_shoff = ReadUInt32();
elf_header.e_flags = ReadUInt32();
elf_header.e_ehsize = ReadUInt16();
elf_header.e_phentsize = ReadUInt16();
elf_header.e_phnum = ReadUInt16();
elf_header.e_shentsize = ReadUInt16();
elf_header.e_shnum = ReadUInt16();
elf_header.e_shtrndx = ReadUInt16();
program_table = ReadClassArray<Elf32_Phdr>(elf_header.e_phoff, elf_header.e_phnum);
if (!GetSectionWithName())
Console.WriteLine("Detected this may be a dump file. If not, it must be protected.");
isDumped = true;
Console.WriteLine("Input dump address:");
var dumpAddr = Convert.ToUInt32(Console.ReadLine(), 16);
foreach (var phdr in program_table)
phdr.p_offset = phdr.p_vaddr;
phdr.p_filesz = phdr.p_memsz;
phdr.p_vaddr += dumpAddr;
var pt_dynamic = program_table.First(x => x.p_type == 2u);
dynamic_table = ReadClassArray<Elf32_Dyn>(pt_dynamic.p_offset, pt_dynamic.p_filesz / 8u);
if (!isDumped)
private bool GetSectionWithName()
var section_name_off = (int)elf_header.e_shoff + (elf_header.e_shentsize * elf_header.e_shtrndx);
Position = section_name_off + 2 * 4 + 4 + 4;//2 * sizeof(Elf32_Word) + sizeof(Elf32_Xword) + sizeof(Elf32_Addr)
var section_name_block_off = ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < elf_header.e_shnum; i++)
var section = ReadClass<Elf32_Shdr>((int)elf_header.e_shoff + (elf_header.e_shentsize * i));
sectionWithName.Add(ReadStringToNull(section_name_block_off + section.sh_name), section);
return false;
return true;
public override dynamic MapVATR(dynamic uiAddr)
var program_header_table = program_table.First(x => uiAddr >= x.p_vaddr && uiAddr <= (x.p_vaddr + x.p_memsz));
return uiAddr - (program_header_table.p_vaddr - program_header_table.p_offset);
public override bool Search()
var _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ = dynamic_table.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_PLTGOT).d_un;
var execs = program_table.Where(x => x.p_type == 1u && (x.p_flags & 1) == 1).ToArray();
var resultList = new List<int>();
byte[] featureBytes = null;
if (version < 24f)
featureBytes = elf_header.e_machine == 40 ? ARMFeatureBytesv21 : X86FeatureBytesv21;
else if (version >= 24f)
featureBytes = elf_header.e_machine == 40 ? ARMFeatureBytesv24 : X86FeatureBytesv24;
foreach (var exec in execs)
Position = exec.p_offset;
var buff = ReadBytes((int)exec.p_filesz);
if (resultList.Count == 1)
uint codeRegistration = 0;
uint metadataRegistration = 0;
if (version < 24f)
if (elf_header.e_machine == 40)
var result = (uint)resultList[0];
Position = result + 0x14;
codeRegistration = ReadUInt32() + _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_;
Position = result + 0x18;
var ptr = ReadUInt32() + _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_;
Position = MapVATR(ptr);
metadataRegistration = ReadUInt32();
else if (version >= 24f)
if (elf_header.e_machine == 40)
var result = (uint)resultList[0];
Position = result + 0x14;
codeRegistration = ReadUInt32() + result + 0xcu;
Position = result + 0x10;
var ptr = ReadUInt32() + result + 0x8;
Position = MapVATR(ptr);
metadataRegistration = ReadUInt32();
return AutoInit(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration);
return false;
public override bool PlusSearch(int methodCount, int typeDefinitionsCount)
if (!isDumped && (!sectionWithName.ContainsKey("") || !sectionWithName.ContainsKey(".text") || !sectionWithName.ContainsKey(".bss")))
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: This file has been protected.");
var plusSearch = new PlusSearch(this, methodCount, typeDefinitionsCount, maxMetadataUsages);
var dataList = new List<Elf32_Phdr>();
var execList = new List<Elf32_Phdr>();
foreach (var phdr in program_table.Where(x => x.p_type == 1u))
if (phdr.p_memsz != 0ul)
switch (phdr.p_flags)
case 1u: //PF_X
case 3u:
case 5u:
case 7u:
case 2u: //PF_W && PF_R
case 4u:
case 6u:
var data = dataList.ToArray();
var exec = execList.ToArray();
var codeRegistration = plusSearch.FindCodeRegistration();
var metadataRegistration = plusSearch.FindMetadataRegistration();
return AutoInit(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration);
public override bool SymbolSearch()
uint codeRegistration = 0;
uint metadataRegistration = 0;
uint dynstrOffset = MapVATR(dynamic_table.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_STRTAB).d_un);
foreach (var dynamic_symbol in dynamic_symbol_table)
var name = ReadStringToNull(dynstrOffset + dynamic_symbol.st_name);
switch (name)
case "g_CodeRegistration":
codeRegistration = dynamic_symbol.st_value;
case "g_MetadataRegistration":
metadataRegistration = dynamic_symbol.st_value;
if (codeRegistration > 0 && metadataRegistration > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Detected Symbol !");
Console.WriteLine("CodeRegistration : {0:x}", codeRegistration);
Console.WriteLine("MetadataRegistration : {0:x}", metadataRegistration);
Init(codeRegistration, metadataRegistration);
return true;
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No symbol is detected");
return false;
private void RelocationProcessing()
Console.WriteLine("Applying relocations...");
uint dynsymOffset = MapVATR(dynamic_table.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_SYMTAB).d_un);
uint dynstrOffset = MapVATR(dynamic_table.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_STRTAB).d_un);
var dynsymSize = dynstrOffset - dynsymOffset;
uint reldynOffset = MapVATR(dynamic_table.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_REL).d_un);
var reldynSize = dynamic_table.First(x => x.d_tag == DT_RELSZ).d_un;
dynamic_symbol_table = ReadClassArray<Elf32_Sym>(dynsymOffset, dynsymSize / 16);
var rel_table = ReadClassArray<Elf32_Rel>(reldynOffset, reldynSize / 8);
var writer = new BinaryWriter(BaseStream);
var isx86 = elf_header.e_machine == 0x3;
foreach (var rel in rel_table)
var type = rel.r_info & 0xff;
var sym = rel.r_info >> 8;
switch (type)
case R_386_32 when isx86:
case R_ARM_ABS32 when !isx86:
var dynamic_symbol = dynamic_symbol_table[sym];
Position = MapVATR(rel.r_offset);
// ignored