Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Oct 02, 2014
- 为existing function创建一个空的ruleset
- 创建一条rule以及两个rule variable Customer Discount和promotion discount
rule的规则是: 如果promotion的折扣 大于customer,则使用promotion的折扣进行price计算,否则使用customer的折扣进行计算。 - 创建两个formular分别进行基于customer和promotion折扣的price计算
REPORT zcreate_ruleset. DEFINE write_errors. IF &1 IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT &1 ASSIGNING <ls_message>. WRITE: <ls_message>-text. ENDLOOP. RETURN. ENDIF. END-OF-DEFINITION. DATA: lv_app_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_func_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_cust_ele_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_item_ele_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_fina_ele_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_shel_ele_id TYPE if_fdt_types=>id. INITIALIZATION. lv_app_id = 'FA163E8EAB031EE48B847A9EF751D5F0'. lv_func_id = 'FA163E8EAB031EE48B847ADC6A96D5F0'. lv_cust_ele_id = 'FA163E8EAB031EE48B847ADC6A96F5F0'. lv_item_ele_id = 'FA163E8EAB031EE48B847ADC6A9715F0'. lv_fina_ele_id = 'FA163E8EAB031EE48B847ADC6A9775F0'. lv_shel_ele_id = 'FA163E8EAB031EE48B847ADC6A9755F0'. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: lo_ruleset TYPE REF TO if_fdt_ruleset, lo_factory TYPE REF TO if_fdt_factory, lts_rule TYPE if_fdt_ruleset=>ts_rule, lts_variable TYPE if_fdt_ruleset=>ts_variable, lt_message TYPE if_fdt_types=>t_message, lv_boolean TYPE abap_bool, lts_expression TYPE if_fdt_ruleset=>ts_init_expr. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_message> TYPE if_fdt_types=>s_message. lo_factory = cl_fdt_factory=>if_fdt_factory~get_instance( iv_application_id = lv_app_id ). lo_ruleset ?= lo_factory->get_ruleset( ). lo_ruleset->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_ruleset->set_ruleset_switch( iv_switch = if_fdt_ruleset=>gc_switch_on ). lo_ruleset->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'price_calculation_rules' ). lo_ruleset->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'price calc. rules' iv_text = 'price calculation rules' ). lo_ruleset->set_function_restriction( iv_function_id = lv_func_id ). * WE NEED TO CREATE RULESET VARIABLES AND * ASSIGNED TO lts_variable * Ruleset variables extend the function context, * but within the scope of the ruleset only. they are also based on data objects. DATA: lo_element TYPE REF TO if_fdt_element, ls_variable TYPE if_fdt_ruleset=>s_variable, lv_pro_discount TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_cus_discount TYPE if_fdt_types=>id. lo_element ?= lo_factory->get_data_object( iv_data_object_type = if_fdt_constants=>gc_data_object_type_element ). lo_element->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_element->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'customer_discount' ). lo_element->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'Customer Discount' ). * SET type for customer_discount: NUMBER lo_element->set_element_type( if_fdt_constants=>gc_element_type_number ). lo_element->set_element_type_attributes( iv_length = 3 iv_decimals = 2 iv_only_positive = abap_true ). ls_variable-position = 1. ls_variable-data_object_id = lo_element->mv_id. INSERT ls_variable INTO TABLE lts_variable. lv_cus_discount = lo_element->mv_id. * CREATE RULE VARIABLE promotion_discount lo_element ?= lo_factory->get_data_object( iv_data_object_type = if_fdt_constants=>gc_data_object_type_element ). lo_element->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_element->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'promotion_discount' ). lo_element->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'promotion discount' ). lo_element->set_element_type( if_fdt_constants=>gc_element_type_number ). lo_element->set_element_type_attributes( iv_length = 3 iv_decimals = 2 iv_only_positive = abap_true ). ls_variable-position = 2. ls_variable-data_object_id = lo_element->mv_id. INSERT ls_variable INTO TABLE lts_variable. lv_pro_discount = lo_element->mv_id. * THESE TWO VARIABLES COULD ONLY BE USED WITHIN RULESET lo_ruleset->set_ruleset_variables( lts_variable ). * CREATE DECISION TABLE DATA: lo_decision_table TYPE REF TO if_fdt_decision_table, lts_column TYPE if_fdt_decision_table=>ts_column, lts_table_data TYPE if_fdt_decision_table=>ts_table_data, ls_expression TYPE if_fdt_ruleset=>s_init_expr. lo_decision_table ?= lo_factory->get_expression( iv_expression_type_id = if_fdt_constants=>gc_exty_decision_table ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'calc_customer_discount' ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'calc. cust. discount' iv_text = 'calculate customer discount' ). * Code for table definition <<<lts_column>>> to be inserted here DATA: ls_column TYPE if_fdt_decision_table=>s_column. ls_column-col_no = 1. "customer ls_column-object_id = lv_cust_ele_id. ls_column-is_result = abap_false. INSERT ls_column INTO TABLE lts_column. ls_column-col_no = 2. "item ls_column-object_id = lv_item_ele_id. INSERT ls_column INTO TABLE lts_column. ls_column-col_no = 3. "customer discount ls_column-object_id = lv_cus_discount. ls_column-is_result = abap_true. INSERT ls_column INTO TABLE lts_column. lo_decision_table->set_columns( lts_column ). * SET RESULT DATA OBJECT OF DECISION TABLE TO RULE VARIABLE WE JUST CREATE lo_decision_table->if_fdt_expression~set_result_data_object( lv_cus_discount ). * ls_expression-position = 1. * ls_expression-id = lo_decision_table->mv_id. * ls_expression-change_mode = * if_fdt_ruleset=>gc_change_mode_update. * INSERT ls_expression INTO TABLE lts_expression. * Code for table content <<<lts_table_data>>> to be inserted here DATA: ls_range TYPE if_fdt_range=>s_range, ls_table_data TYPE if_fdt_decision_table=>s_table_data. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lv_number> TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ls_range-position = 1. ls_range-sign = if_fdt_range=>gc_sign_include. ls_range-option = if_fdt_range=>gc_option_equal. ls_table_data-col_no = 1. "start of row 1 ls_table_data-row_no = 1. GET REFERENCE OF 'sap' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW1, COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 2. ls_table_data-row_no = 1. GET REFERENCE OF 'ballpen' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW1, COLUMN3 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 3. ls_table_data-row_no = 1. CREATE DATA ls_table_data-r_value TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ASSIGN ls_table_data-r_value->* TO <lv_number>. <lv_number> = '0.15'. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW2, COLUMN1 CLEAR ls_table_data-r_value. ls_table_data-col_no = 1. "start of row 2 ls_table_data-row_no = 2. GET REFERENCE OF 'sap' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW2, COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 2. ls_table_data-row_no = 2. GET REFERENCE OF 'pencil' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW2, COLUMN3 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 3. ls_table_data-row_no = 2. CREATE DATA ls_table_data-r_value TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ASSIGN ls_table_data-r_value->* TO <lv_number>. <lv_number> = '0.12'. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW3, COLUMN3???????????????? CLEAR ls_table_data-r_value. ls_table_data-col_no = 3. "start of row 3 ls_table_data-row_no = 3. CREATE DATA ls_table_data-r_value TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ASSIGN ls_table_data-r_value->* TO <lv_number>. <lv_number> = '0'. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. lo_decision_table->set_table_data( lts_table_data ). ls_expression-position = 1. ls_expression-id = lo_decision_table->mv_id. ls_expression-change_mode = if_fdt_ruleset=>gc_change_mode_update. INSERT ls_expression INTO TABLE lts_expression. * Create second decision table for promotion lo_decision_table ?= lo_factory->get_expression( iv_expression_type_id = if_fdt_constants=>gc_exty_decision_table ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'calc_promotion_discount' ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'calc. pro. discount' iv_text = 'calculate promotion discount' ). * set column for promotion decision table CLEAR: lts_column. ls_column-col_no = 1. "customer ls_column-object_id = lv_cust_ele_id. ls_column-is_result = abap_false. INSERT ls_column INTO TABLE lts_column. ls_column-col_no = 2. "item ls_column-object_id = lv_item_ele_id. INSERT ls_column INTO TABLE lts_column. ls_column-col_no = 3. "customer discount ls_column-object_id = lv_pro_discount. ls_column-is_result = abap_true. INSERT ls_column INTO TABLE lts_column. lo_decision_table->set_columns( lts_column ). lo_decision_table->if_fdt_expression~set_result_data_object( lv_pro_discount ). "promotion discount * code for table content (lts_table_data) to be inserted here CLEAR: ls_range, lts_table_data, ls_table_data. ls_range-position = 1. ls_range-sign = if_fdt_range=>gc_sign_include. ls_range-option = if_fdt_range=>gc_option_equal. ls_table_data-col_no = 1. "start of row 1 ls_table_data-row_no = 1. GET REFERENCE OF 'oracle' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW1, COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 2. ls_table_data-row_no = 1. GET REFERENCE OF 'notebook' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW1, COLUMN3 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 3. ls_table_data-row_no = 1. CREATE DATA ls_table_data-r_value TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ASSIGN ls_table_data-r_value->* TO <lv_number>. <lv_number> = '0.34'. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW2, COLUMN1 CLEAR ls_table_data-r_value. ls_table_data-col_no = 1. "start of row 2 ls_table_data-row_no = 2. GET REFERENCE OF 'oracle' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW2, COLUMN2 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 2. ls_table_data-row_no = 2. GET REFERENCE OF 'glue' INTO ls_range-r_low_value. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_table_data-ts_range. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW2, COLUMN3 CLEAR ls_table_data-ts_range. ls_table_data-col_no = 3. ls_table_data-row_no = 2. CREATE DATA ls_table_data-r_value TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ASSIGN ls_table_data-r_value->* TO <lv_number>. <lv_number> = '0.52'. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. * ROW3, COLUMN3???????????????? CLEAR ls_table_data-r_value. ls_table_data-col_no = 3. "start of row 3 ls_table_data-row_no = 3. CREATE DATA ls_table_data-r_value TYPE if_fdt_types=>element_number. ASSIGN ls_table_data-r_value->* TO <lv_number>. <lv_number> = '0'. INSERT ls_table_data INTO TABLE lts_table_data. lo_decision_table->set_table_data( lts_table_data ). ls_expression-position = 2. ls_expression-id = lo_decision_table->mv_id. ls_expression-change_mode = if_fdt_ruleset=>gc_change_mode_update. INSERT ls_expression INTO TABLE lts_expression. lo_ruleset->set_ruleset_initializations( lts_expression ). * TODO: code for rules (lts_rule) to be inserted here DATA: lo_rule TYPE REF TO if_fdt_rule, ls_rule TYPE if_fdt_ruleset=>s_rule, ls_cond_range TYPE if_fdt_range=>s_param_range, ls_rule_expr TYPE if_fdt_rule=>s_expression, lt_rule_expr TYPE if_fdt_rule=>t_expression, lv_formula_cus_disc TYPE if_fdt_types=>id, lv_formula_pro_disc TYPE if_fdt_types=>id. lo_rule ?= lo_factory->get_expression( iv_expression_type_id = if_fdt_constants=>gc_exty_rule ). lo_rule->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_rule->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_text = 'apply discount' ). * promotion discount > cusomter discount CLEAR ls_range. ls_cond_range-parameter_id = lv_pro_discount. ls_range-position = 1. ls_range-sign = if_fdt_range=>gc_sign_include. ls_range-option = if_fdt_range=>gc_option_greater. ls_range-low = lv_cus_discount. INSERT ls_range INTO TABLE ls_cond_range-ts_range. lo_rule->set_condition_range( ls_cond_range ). *TODO define formulas, insert missing code later DATA: lo_formula TYPE REF TO if_fdt_formula, lv_formula TYPE string. lo_formula ?= lo_factory->get_expression( iv_expression_type_id = if_fdt_constants=>gc_exty_formula ). lo_formula->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_formula->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'apply_promotion_discount' ). lo_formula->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'apply prom. discount' iv_text = 'apply promotion discount' ). lo_formula->if_fdt_expression~set_result_data_object( lv_fina_ele_id ). "final price * Final Price = Shelf Price / ( 1 + Promotion Discount ) * lv_formula = ‘00505683359d02ee98fc41ef3591caa8’ && lv_formula = lv_shel_ele_id && ` / ( 1 + ` && lv_pro_discount && ` )`. lo_formula->set_formula( lv_formula ). lv_formula_pro_disc = lo_formula->mv_id. * The second formula, which will calculate the customer discount lo_formula ?= lo_factory->get_expression( iv_expression_type_id = if_fdt_constants=>gc_exty_formula ). lo_formula->if_fdt_transaction~enqueue( ). lo_formula->if_fdt_admin_data~set_name( 'apply_customer_discount' ). lo_formula->if_fdt_admin_data~set_texts( iv_short_text = 'apply cust. discount' iv_text = 'apply customer discount' ). lo_formula->if_fdt_expression~set_result_data_object( lv_fina_ele_id ). "final price lv_formula = lv_shel_ele_id && ` / ( 1 + ` && lv_cus_discount && ` )`. lo_formula->set_formula( lv_formula ). lv_formula_cus_disc = lo_formula->mv_id. ls_rule_expr-position = 1. ls_rule_expr-change_mode = if_fdt_rule=>gc_change_mode_update. ls_rule_expr-expression = lv_formula_pro_disc. INSERT ls_rule_expr INTO TABLE lt_rule_expr. lo_rule->set_true_action_extended( it_expression = lt_rule_expr ). CLEAR lt_rule_expr. ls_rule_expr-expression = lv_formula_cus_disc. INSERT ls_rule_expr INTO TABLE lt_rule_expr. lo_rule->set_false_action_extended( it_expression = lt_rule_expr ). ls_rule-position = 1. ls_rule-rule_id = lo_rule->mv_id. ls_rule-switch = if_fdt_ruleset=>gc_switch_on. INSERT ls_rule INTO TABLE lts_rule. lo_ruleset->set_rules( lts_rule ). WRITE: / 'calling check logic...'. * lt_message = lo_ruleset->if_fdt_transaction~check( iv_deep = abap_true ). * write_errors lt_message. WRITE: / 'ruleset check passed, ready for activation'. lo_ruleset->if_fdt_transaction~activate( EXPORTING iv_deep = abap_true IMPORTING et_message = lt_message ev_activation_failed = lv_boolean ). write_errors lt_message. lo_ruleset->if_fdt_transaction~save( EXPORTING iv_deep = abap_true ). lo_ruleset->if_fdt_transaction~dequeue( EXPORTING iv_deep = abap_true ). WRITE: / 'Rule set created successfully'.