AME_Thoy_Oracle自带AME审批链详解AME Standard Handler

Oracle 自带了3大类,13个子类的审批链Action Type, 对应了13个标准的AME Standard Handler

1. 按主管层次审批

absolute job level / chains of authority based on absolute job level
final approver only / chains of authority containing only the final job-level approver
manager then final approver / chain of authority includes requestor‘s manager and then the final approver
relative job level / chains of authority based on relative job level
supervisory level / chains of authority based on number of supervisory levels

类似PO签合时按主管方式审批, 以员工的直接主管作为审批链


2. 按职位层次审批

hr position / chains of authority based on a particular HR position



3. 按自定义审批组层次审批

post-chain-of-authority approvals / group approvals after the chain of authority
pre-chain-of-authority approvals / group approvals before the chain of authority
approval-group chain of authority / chain of authority includes an approval group

查找审批者完全基于自己定义的approve group,分别对应了三种: 原有审批权链之前,原有审批权链之后,完全基于自定义



4.以上的审批链或者Action Type都是通过Oracle底层Package去实现功能, 如需求比较复杂, 可通过客制化一下Standard AME Handler Package

如需查找对应的AME Handler源码进行分析或客制化

AME_Thoy_Oracle自带AME审批链详解AME Standard Handler


5.  若需求十分复杂,Oracle提供的Oracle AME Handler根本无法满足,可通过完全克制package,将此package做为新的客制化的AME Handler



引用Oracle Metalink

1. An action type is a collection of actions having similar functionality. Every action belongs to an action type. Action types are enabled or disabled for a particular transaction type. AME may give an error when attempting to enable an action type for a transaction if the transaction is not designed to allow that action type.

2. To disable or enable action types for the transaction, select the Action Types link

3. The Action Types page shows the action types that are currently enabled for the transaction type. Use the Previous and Next links to scroll through the list of enabled action types. Select the Use Existing Action Type button to see other pre-defined action types available in AME. Some of these may or may not be applicable to the currently select transaction type; AME will give an error if the user tries to add a non-relevant action type for the selected transaction type.

4. If you are going to use Employee/Supervisor, assign a level (approval authority) to the jobs. Navigate to HR responsibility -> Work Structures -> Job -> Description - to assign a Level (Approval Authority) to a Job.  Query up the Job and enter the appropriate Job Level in the Approval Authority field.

5. In AME, select any or all of the following Action Types for JOB BASED approvals if applicable for your business requirements:

  • absolute job level / chains of authority based on absolute job level
  • final approver only / chains of authority containing only the final job-level approver
  • manager then final approver / chain of authority includes requestor‘s manager and then the final approver
  • relative job level / chains of authority based on relative job level
  • supervisory level / chains of authority based on number of supervisory levels

6. In AME, select any or all of the following Action types for APPROVER GROUP approvals if applicable for your business requirements:

  • post-chain-of-authority approvals / group approvals after the chain of authority
  • pre-chain-of-authority approvals / group approvals before the chain of authority
  • approval-group chain of authority / chain of authority includes an approval group

7. In AME, select any of all of the following Action types for POSITION BASED approvals (Only in R12 and higher) if applicable for your business requirements

  • hr position / chains of authority based on a particular HR position



AME_Thoy_Oracle自带AME审批链详解AME Standard Handler,布布扣,

AME_Thoy_Oracle自带AME审批链详解AME Standard Handler


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