先在html文件中准备一个定义了高宽的 DOM 容器
<div id="map" style="width: 100%;height:900px;"></div>
<!-- mapbox-gl --> <link href="https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v2.4.1/mapbox-gl.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v2.4.1/mapbox-gl.js"></script> <!-- chinese--> <script src='https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/plugins/mapbox-gl-language/v0.10.0/mapbox-gl-language.js'></script> <!-- 空间分析和统计--> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@turf/turf@6/turf.min.js"></script> <script src="https://unpkg.com/@antv/l7"></script>
// 访问令牌 这个需要自己去mapbox官网申请 mapboxgl.accessToken = "XXXX"; mapboxgl.setRTLTextPlugin('https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/plugins/mapbox-gl-rtl-text/v0.1.0/mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js'); const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v10', center: [17.873887, -11.202692], zoom: 1 }); // 修改地图语言为中文 const geocoder = new MapboxLanguage({ defaultLanguage: 'zh', // Specify the language as German. }); map.addControl(geocoder); // 取消双击缩放 map.doubleClickZoom.disable(); const scene = new L7.Scene({ id: 'map', map: new L7.Mapbox({ mapInstance: map, }), }); // 构建点数据格式 const point = { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [ { "geometry": { "coordinates": [104.195397, 35.86166], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "name": "中国" }, "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinates": [67.709953, 33.93911], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "name": "阿富汗" }, "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinates": [17.873887, -11.202692], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "name": "安哥拉" }, "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinates": [-63.61667199999999, -38.416097], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "name": "阿根廷" }, "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinates": [47.576927, 40.143105], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "name": "阿塞拜疆" }, "type": "Feature" }, { "geometry": { "coordinates": [17.679076, 43.915886], "type": "Point" }, "properties": { "name": "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那" }, "type": "Feature" }, ] }; // 构建点坐标 for (const { geometry, properties } of point.features) { scene.on('loaded', () => { // 创建默认 marker const popup = new L7.Popup({ offsets: [ 0, 20 ] }).setText(properties.name); const marker = new L7.Marker({ color: 'red'}) .setLnglat(geometry.coordinates) .setPopup(popup); scene.addMarker(marker); marker.on('click', (ev)=>{ //alert(ev) console.log(properties.name) }); }); } const lines=[ { from: "67.709953, 33.93911", to: "20.168331, 41.153332" }, { from: "17.873887, -11.202692", to: "-63.61667199999999, -38.416097" }, ]; scene.on('loaded', () => { scene.addImage( 'plane', 'https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/bmw-prod/0ca1668e-38c2-4010-8568-b57cb33839b9.svg' ); const flydata = eval(lines).map(item => { // @ts-ignore const latlng1 = item.from.split(',').map(e => { return e * 1; }); // @ts-ignore const latlng2 = item.to.split(',').map(e => { return e * 1; }); return {coord: [latlng1, latlng2]}; }); console.log(flydata); const flyLine = new L7.LineLayer({blend: 'normal'}) .source(flydata, { parser: { type: 'json', coordinates: 'coord' } }) .color('#ff6b34') // 飞机 .texture('plane') .shape('arc') // .shape('arc') .size(20) // .active(true) .animate({ duration: 10, interval: 0.2, trailLength: 0.05 }) .style({ textureBlend: 'replace', lineTexture: true, // 开启线的贴图功能 //iconStep: 10, // 设置贴图纹理的间距 opacity: 1 }); const flyLine2 = new L7.LineLayer() .source(flydata, { parser: { type: 'json', coordinates: 'coord' } }) .color('#ff6b34') .shape('arc') // .shape('arc') .size(1) // .active(true) .style({ //lineType: 'dash', dashArray: [5, 5], opacity: 0.7 }); scene.addLayer(flyLine2); scene.addLayer(flyLine); })
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