DB2 bind on z/os

BIND and REBIND options for packages and plans

There are several options you can use for binding or rebinding plans and packages. Some of the options are common for both bind and rebind and for both plans and packages.

Defaults: The default for an option is the value used if you omit the entire option.
  • A default of plan value for BIND PACKAGE means that the default is the same as the value determined during the bind or rebind of the plan to which the package is appended at run time.
  • A default of existing value for REBIND PLAN or REBIND PACKAGE means that the default is the value that was determined during the previous bind or rebind of the plan or package that you are rebinding.

Catalog records: The DB2® catalog records information about plans and packages, chiefly in the tables SYSIBM.SYSPLAN and SYSIBM.SYSPACKAGE. The descriptions of where the options record information omit the constant qualifier, SYSIBM, of those table names.

For all other cases, the option descriptions note the specific defaults, which DB2 assigns at bind time. If a specific default value exists, that value is underlined.

    • ACQUIRE bind option
      The ACQUIRE bind option specifies
      that resources for the packages in the plan are to be acquired when
      the application first accesses them.
    • ACTION bind option
      The ACTION option determines whether the object (plan or
      package) replaces an existing object with the same name or is new.
    • APCOMPARE bind option
      The APCOMPARE option determines whether the new access paths are different from the older
      access paths.
    • APPLCOMPAT bind option
      The APPLCOMPAT option specifies the package compatibility
      level behavior for static SQL.
    • APRETAINDUP bind option
      The APRETAINDUP option determines whether or not DB2 retains an old package copy
      when access paths of the old copy are identical to the incoming copy.
    • APREUSE bind option
      The APREUSE option specifies whether DB2 tries to
      reuse previous access paths for SQL statements in a package. DB2 uses
      information about the previous access paths from the directory to create
      a hint.
    • ARCHIVESENSITIVE bind option
      The ARCHIVESENSITIVE option determines whether references to archive-enabled tables in
      both static and dynamic SQL statements are affected by the value of the SYSIBMADM.GET_ARCHIVE global
    • BUSTIMESENSITIVE bind option
      The BUSTIMESENSITIVE option determines whether references
      to application-period temporal tables in both static and dynamic SQL
      statements are affected by the value of the CURRENT TEMPORAL BUSINESS_TIME
      special register.
    • CACHESIZE bind option
      The CACHESIZE option determines the size (in bytes) of
      the authorization cache acquired in the EDM pool for the plan.
    • COLLID bind option
      The COLLID option specifies that any DBRMs in the plan
      are to be bound to packages.
      The CONCURRENTACCESSRESOLUTION option specifies which concurrent
      access resolution option to use for statements in a package.
    • COPY bind option
      The COPY option copies an existing package, and names that
    • CURRENTDATA bind option
      The CURRENTDATA option determines whether to require data
      currency for read-only and ambiguous cursors when the isolation level
      of cursor stability is in effect. It also determines whether block
      fetching can be used for distributed, ambiguous cursors.
    • CURRENTSERVER bind option
      The CURRENTSERVER option determines the location to connect
      to before running a plan.
    • DBPROTOCOL bind option
      DB2 bind on z/osThe DBPROTOCOL option
      specifies the protocol to be used when connecting to a remote site.DB2 bind on z/os
    • DEFER and NODEFER bind options
      The DEFER and NODEFER options determine whether to defer
      preparation for dynamic SQL statements that refer to remote objects,
      or to prepare them immediately.
    • DEGREE bind option
      The DEGREE option determines whether to attempt to run
      a query using parallel processing to maximize performance.
    • DEPLOY bind option
      The DEPLOY option deploys
      a non-inline SQL function or a native SQL procedure.
    • DESCSTAT bind option
      The DESCSTAT option determines whether DB2 builds a DESCRIBE SQL descriptor area (SQLDA)
      when binding static SQL statements.
    • DISCONNECT bind option
      The DISCONNECT option determines which remote connections
      to destroy during commit operations.
    • DYNAMICRULES bind option
      The DYNAMICRULES option determines the rules that apply
      at run time for certain dynamic SQL attributes.
    • ENABLE and DISABLE bind options
      The ENABLE and DISABLE options determines which connections
      can use a plan or package.
    • ENCODING bind option
      The ENCODING option specifies the application encoding
      for all host variables in static statements in a plan or package.
    • EXPLAIN bind option
      The EXPLAIN option causes the bind
      process to obtain information about how SQL statements in the package
      or packages are to execute.
    • EXTENDEDINDICATOR bind option
      The EXTENDEDINDICATOR option determines whether DB2 recognizes extended indicator
      variables when the associated package is run.
    • FILTER bind option
      The FILTER option lets you delete a set of queries in the
      SYSIBM.SYSQUERY table under a {tag} value that is specified by the
    • FLAG bind option
      The FLAG option determines the messages to display during
      the bind process.
    • GENERIC bind option
      The GENERIC option specifies one or more bind options that
      are supported by the target server, but are not supported as options
      for BIND PACKAGE or REBIND PACKAGE on the DB2 for z/OS® subsystem
      on which the BIND or REBIND command is issued.
    • GETACCELARCHIVE bind option
      The GETACCELARCHIVE bind option specifies whether a static
      SQL query that is bound for acceleration retrieves archived data on
      the accelerator, instead of active data.
    • IMMEDWRITE bind option
      The IMMEDWRITE option indicates whether immediate writes
      are to be done for updates that are made to group buffer pool dependent
      page sets or partitions.
    • ISOLATION bind option
      The ISOLATION option determines how far to isolate an application
      from the effects of other running applications.
    • KEEPDYNAMIC bind option
      The KEEPDYNAMIC option determines whether DB2 keeps dynamic SQL statements after commit points. .
    • LIBRARY bind option
      The LIBRARY option determines what
      partitioned data set or zFS file path to search for the DBRM that
      is listed in the MEMBER option.
    • MEMBER bind option
      The MEMBER option determines
      what database request modules (DBRMs) to include in the package.
    • OPTHINT bind option
      The OPTHINT option controls whether access paths that are
      specified in PLAN_TABLE instances are used for static SQL statements.
    • OPTIONS bind option
      The OPTIONS option specifies which bind options to use
      for the new package when the COPY option is specified.
    • OWNER bind option
      The OWNER option determines the authorization ID of the
      owner of a plan or package.
    • PACKAGE bind option
      The PACKAGE option determines the packages to bind or rebind.
    • PATH bind option
      The PATH option determines the SQL path that DB2 uses to resolve unqualified stored procedure
      names in CALL statements, in user-defined data types, and in functions.
    • PATHDEFAULT bind option
      The PATHDEFAULT option resets the
      PATH value for a package or plan to SYSIBM, SYSFUN, SYSPROC, SYSIBMADM, plan
      , or to SYSIBM, SYSFUN, SYSPROC, SYSIBMADM, package
    • PKLIST and NOPKLIST bind options
      The PKLIST option determines the packages to include in
      a package list. The NOPKLIST option deletes packages from a package
    • PLAN bind option
      The PLAN option determines the plan or plans to bind or rebind.
    • PLANMGMT bind option
      The PLANMGMT option retains, during a rebind operation,
      all relevant package information (such as metadata, query text, dependencies,
      authorizations, and access paths) in catalog tables and in the directory.
    • PROGAUTH bind option
      The PROGAUTH option specifies whether DB2 performs program authorization checking to
      determine whether DB2 can execute
      a plan.
    • QUALIFIER bind option
      The QUALIFIER option determines the implicit qualifier
      for unqualified names of tables, views, indexes, and aliases contained
      in the plan or package.
    • QUERYACCELERATION bind option
      The QUERYACCELERATION bind option specifies whether a static
      SQL query is bound for acceleration, and if so, with what behavior.
    • QUERYID bind option
      The QUERYID option frees entries in the SYSIBM.SYSQUERY
      table, and the SYSIBM.SYSQUERYPLAN table or the SYSIBM.SYSQUERYOPTS
    • RELEASE bind option
      The RELEASE option determines when to release resources
      that a program uses, either at each commit point or when the program
    • REOPT bind option
      The REOPT option specifies whether DB2 determines an access path at run time by
      using the values of host variables, parameter markers, and special
    • ROUNDING bind option
      The ROUNDING option specifies the rounding mode at bind
      time. Use rounding mode to manipulate DECFLOAT data.
    • SQLERROR bind option
      The SQLERROR option determines whether to create a package
      if SQL errors occur.
    • SQLRULES bind option
      The SQLRULES option determines whether you can execute
      a type 2 CONNECT statement to an existing SQL connection, according
      to DB2 rules.
    • SWITCH bind option
      The SWITCH option causes the previous copy or original
      copy of a package to become the current copy of the package.
    • SYSTIMESENSITIVE bind option
      The SYSTIMESENSITIVE option specifies whether references
      to system-period temporal tables in both static and dynamic SQL statements
      are affected by the value of the CURRENT TEMPORAL SYSTEM_TIME special
    • VALIDATE bind option
      The VALIDATE option determines whether to recheck, at run
      time, errors of the types "OBJECT NOT FOUND" and "NOT AUTHORIZED"
      that are found during bind or rebind.
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