> PyFace:GitHub.
The pyface project contains a toolkit-independent GUI abstraction
layer, which is used to support the “visualization” features of the
Traits package.
The traitsui project contains a toolkit-independent GUI abstraction
layer, which is used to support the “visualization” features of the
Traits package.
The TraitsGUI project contains a toolkit-independent GUI abstraction
layer (known as Pyface), which is used to support the “visualization”
features of the Traits package.
TraitsGUI是TraitsUI的旧名称.现在不推荐使用TraitsGUI这个名称:github仓库是为了兼容旧版本. TraitsUI是使用Traits构建UI的主要界面.
对于大多数TraitsUI用户而言,Pyface应该基本不可见,它在OS UI和Python之间提供了一个抽象层.
如果您对开发UI感兴趣,那么您绝对应该看一下Enaml,这是一种用于Python构建GUI的基于约束的标记语言.如果您对TraitsUI进行了深入的研究,则可能会遇到挫败感,无法按自己的方式布置事物. Enaml具有非常柔和的学习曲线,可以实现许多非常酷的布局.