# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FeatureServicize.py # Created on: 2016-11-12 09:11:52.00000 # Creater: # Usage: FeatureServicize <jobId> <fileType> <filePath> <options> <statusServiceURL> <result> # Description: # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the necessary product code # import arceditor # Import arcpy module import sys, os, arcpy import httplib, urllib, urllib2 import urlparse import json import traceback import tarfile import shutil import xlrd import json import csv import zipfile import codecs import shapefile # Check out any necessary licenses arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") # Set environment settings arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True # Script arguments jobId = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) if jobId == '' or not jobId: jobId = '20181113120000000' fileType = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) if fileType == '' or not fileType: fileType = "xls" # shp, xls, csv filePath = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) if filePath == '' or not filePath: filePath = '' options = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) if options == '' or not options: options = '{}' statusServiceURL = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) if statusServiceURL == '#' or not statusServiceURL: statusServiceURL = '' # '' # statusServiceURL = 'http' fileType = 'xls' filePath = "D:/spatialData/Excel/testPointExtend.xlsx" # testPointExtend.xlsx # testPointOther.csv options = '''{ "sheetName": "sheet", "xField": "X", "yField": "Y" }''' ''' jsonFilePath = arcpy.env.scratchFolder + '/' + 'temp.json' shapefilePath = '%scratchFolder%' + '/' + 'result.shp' unzipPath = arcpy.env.scratchFolder ''' shapefilePath = 'D:/spatialData/scratch/result.shp' jsonFilePath = 'D:/spatialData/scratch/temp.json' shapefilePath = 'D:/spatialData/scratch/result.shp' unzipPath = 'D:/spatialData/scratch' # Report Status def ReportStatus(url, info={}): if len(url) > 0 and url: params = json.dumps(info) arcpy.AddMessage(params) headers = {"Content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "Accept": "text/plain"} try: req = urllib2.Request(url, params, headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) if response.getcode() == 200: data = response.read() response.close() except Exception,e: arcpy.AddMessage("error info: {0}".format(traceback.format_exc())) return # Download File def DownloadFile(filePath): filePathResult = None if filePath.startswith('http'): filePathResult = arcpy.env.scratchFolder + '/' + 'download.tmp' try: urllib.urlretrieve(filePath, filePathResult) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status':'info', 'message':u"已完成数据下载!".encode('utf8')}) except Exception,e: errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # str(e.message) arcpy.AddError("error info: {0}".format(errorInfo)) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':u"数据下载失败,下载地址为:".encode('utf8')+filePath, 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) elif os.path.exists(filePath): filePathResult = filePath else: errorInfo = u"数据文件不存在,文件地址为:".encode('utf8')+filePath ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':errorInfo, 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) return filePathResult # Transform Excel To Json def ExcelToJson(excelPath, options): sheetName = '' xField = 'X' yField = 'Y' if "sheet" in options: sheetName = options['sheet'] if "xField" in options: xField = options['xField'] if "yField" in options: yField = options['yField'] featureSet = { "displayFieldName" : "", "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint", "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326, "latestWkid" : 4326 } } try: with xlrd.open_workbook(excelPath) as excelFile: if excelFile.nsheets > 0: if sheetName == '' or not sheetName: sheet = excelFile.sheet_by_index(0) else: sheet = excelFile.sheet_by_name(sheetName) rowCount = sheet.nrows columnCount = sheet.ncols fieldAliases = {} fields = [] features = [] if rowCount > 1: fieldNames = sheet.row_values(0) fieldTypes = sheet.row_types(1) print(fieldNames) print(fieldTypes) # for i in range(0, columnCount): fieldName = fieldNames[i] fieldType = fieldTypes[i] fieldAliases[fieldName] = fieldName field = None if fieldType == 1: # String field = { "name" : fieldName, "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : fieldName, "length" : 255 } elif fieldType == 2: # Double field = { "name" : fieldName, "type" : "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias" : fieldName } elif fieldType == 3: # Date field = { "name" : fieldName, "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : fieldName, "length" : 30 } elif fieldType == 4: # Boolean field = { "name" : fieldName, "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : fieldName, "length" : 10 } fields.append(field) if xField not in fieldAliases: raise Exception,"Invalid xField!" if yField not in fieldAliases: raise Exception,"Invalid yField!" featureSet['fieldAliases'] = fieldAliases featureSet['fields'] = fields for i in range(1, rowCount): # feature = {} attributes = {} geometry = {} for j in range(0, columnCount): fieldName = fieldNames[j] field = fields[j] cellInfo = sheet.cell(i, j) if field['type'] == "esriFieldTypeString": attributes[fieldName] = cellInfo.value else: attributes[fieldName] = cellInfo.value if fieldName == xField: geometry['x'] = cellInfo.value if fieldName == yField: geometry['y'] = cellInfo.value feature['attributes'] = attributes feature['geometry'] = geometry features.append(feature) featureSet['features'] = features # print(featureSet) else: raise Exception,"Invalid Row!" else: raise Exception,"Invalid Sheet!" except Exception,e: errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # str(e.message) arcpy.AddError("error info: {0}".format(errorInfo)) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':u"Excel转换失败!".encode('utf8'), 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) return featureSet # Transform Excel To Shapefile def ExcelToShapefile(excelPath, options): sheetName = '' xField = 'X' yField = 'Y' if "sheet" in options: sheetName = options['sheet'] if "xField" in options: xField = options['xField'] if "yField" in options: yField = options['yField'] projectStr = 'GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]' shpWriter = None try: filePathWithout = shapefilePath[0: len(shapefilePath)-4] shpWriter = shapefile.Writer(target=filePathWithout, shapeType=shapefile.POINT) with xlrd.open_workbook(excelPath) as excelFile: if excelFile.nsheets > 0: if sheetName == '' or not sheetName: sheet = excelFile.sheet_by_index(0) else: sheet = excelFile.sheet_by_name(sheetName) rowCount = sheet.nrows columnCount = sheet.ncols fieldAliases = {} if rowCount > 1: fieldNames = sheet.row_values(0) fieldTypes = sheet.row_types(1) # xIndex = -1 yIndex = -1 # for i in range(0, columnCount): fieldName = fieldNames[i] fieldType = fieldTypes[i] if fieldType == 1: # String shpWriter.field(fieldName, 'C', size=255) elif fieldType == 2: # Double shpWriter.field(fieldName, 'F', decimal=10) elif fieldType == 3: # Date shpWriter.field(fieldName, 'C', size=255) elif fieldType == 4: # Boolean shpWriter.field(fieldName, 'C', size=255) if fieldName == xField: xIndex = i if fieldName == yField: yIndex = i if xIndex == -1: raise Exception,"Invalid xField!" if yIndex == -1: raise Exception,"Invalid yField!" for i in range(1, rowCount): values = [] shpWriter.point(sheet.cell(i, xIndex).value, sheet.cell(i, yIndex).value) for j in range(0, columnCount): fieldType = fieldTypes[j] if fieldType != 2 and fieldType != 1: values.append(str(sheet.cell(i, j).value)) else: values.append(sheet.cell(i, j).value) shpWriter.record(*values) fileProjectPath = filePathWithout + '.prj' with open(fileProjectPath,'w') as fileProject: fileProject.write(projectStr) # print(featureSet) else: raise Exception,"Invalid Row!" else: raise Exception,"Invalid Sheet!" except Exception,e: errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # str(e.message) arcpy.AddError("error info: {0}".format(errorInfo)) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':u"Excel转换失败!".encode('utf8'), 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) finally: if shpWriter != None: shpWriter.close() # Transform CSV To Json def CsvToJson(csvPath, options): delimiter = ',' xField = 'X' yField = 'Y' if "delimiter" in options: delimiter = options['delimiter'] if "xField" in options: xField = options['xField'] if "yField" in options: yField = options['yField'] featureSet = { "displayFieldName" : "", "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint", "spatialReference" : { "wkid" : 4326, "latestWkid" : 4326 } } try: with open(csvPath,'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = delimiter) head_row = next(reader) if head_row == '' or head_row == None: raise Exception,"Invalid CSV!" fieldAliases = {} fields = [] features = [] xIndex = -1 yIndex = -1 columnCount =len(head_row) fieldNames = [] for i in range(0, columnCount): fieldName = head_row[i] fieldAliases[fieldName] = fieldName field = { "name" : fieldName, "type" : "esriFieldTypeString", "alias" : fieldName, "length" : 255 } fields.append(field) featureSet['fieldAliases'] = fieldAliases featureSet['fields'] = fields if fieldName == xField: xIndex = i if fieldName == yField: yIndex = i fieldNames.append(fieldName) if xIndex == -1: raise Exception,"Invalid xField!" if yIndex == -1: raise Exception,"Invalid yField!" for row in reader: # feature = {} attributes = {} geometry = {} for j in range(0, columnCount): attributes[fieldNames[j]] = row[j] if j == xIndex: geometry['x'] = float(row[j]) if j == yIndex: geometry['y'] = float(row[j]) feature['attributes'] = attributes feature['geometry'] = geometry features.append(feature) # featureSet['features'] = features # print(featureSet) except Exception,e: errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # str(e.message) arcpy.AddError("error info: {0}".format(errorInfo)) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':u"CSV转换失败!".encode('utf8'), 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) return featureSet # Transform CSV To Shapefile def CsvToShapefile(csvPath, options): delimiter = ',' xField = 'X' yField = 'Y' if "delimiter" in options: delimiter = options['delimiter'] if "xField" in options: xField = options['xField'] if "yField" in options: yField = options['yField'] projectStr = 'GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]' shpWriter = None try: filePathWithout = shapefilePath[0: len(shapefilePath)-4] shpWriter = shapefile.Writer(target=filePathWithout, shapeType=shapefile.POINT) with open(csvPath,'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = delimiter) head_row = next(reader) if head_row == '' or head_row == None: raise Exception,"Invalid CSV!" xIndex = -1 yIndex = -1 columnCount =len(head_row) for i in range(0, columnCount): fieldName = head_row[i] if fieldName == xField: xIndex = i if fieldName == yField: yIndex = i shpWriter.field(fieldName, 'C', size=255) if xIndex == -1: raise Exception,"Invalid xField!" if yIndex == -1: raise Exception,"Invalid yField!" for row in reader: # values = [] for j in range(0, columnCount): values.append(row[j]) shpWriter.point(float(row[xIndex]), float(row[yIndex])) shpWriter.record(*values) fileProjectPath = filePathWithout + '.prj' with open(fileProjectPath,'w') as fileProject: fileProject.write(projectStr) except Exception,e: errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() # str(e.message) arcpy.AddError("error info: {0}".format(errorInfo)) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':u"CSV转换失败!".encode('utf8'), 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) finally: if shpWriter != None: shpWriter.close() # Output JSON def OutputJson(featureSet): jsonStr = json.dumps(featureSet) # , ensure_ascii=False with codecs.open(jsonFilePath,'w') as jsonFile: # 'utf-8' jsonFile.write(jsonStr) # Transform Json To Shapefile def TransformFormat(): # Process: JSON To Features arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(jsonFilePath, shapefilePath) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status':'info', 'message':u"已完成数据转换!".encode('utf8')}) # Unzip Shapefile def UnzipShapefile(zipPath): global shapefilePath zip = None try: zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipPath, 'r') zip.extractall(unzipPath) current_files = os.listdir(unzipPath) for file_name in current_files: if file_name.lower().endswith('.shp'): shapefilePath = unzipPath + '/' + file_name ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status':'info', 'message':u"已完成数据解压!".encode('utf8')}) except Exception,e: errorInfo = traceback.format_exc() arcpy.AddError("error info: {0}".format(errorInfo)) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'error', 'message':u"数据解压失败!".encode('utf8'), 'errorInfo': errorInfo}) finally: zip.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # filePathInput = DownloadFile(filePath) optionsObj = json.loads(options) if fileType == 'xls': ''' featureSet = ExcelToJson(filePathInput, optionsObj) OutputJson(featureSet) TransformFormat() ''' ExcelToShapefile(filePathInput, optionsObj) elif fileType == 'csv': ''' featureSet = CsvToJson(filePathInput, optionsObj) OutputJson(featureSet) TransformFormat() ''' CsvToShapefile(filePathInput, optionsObj) elif fileType == 'shp': UnzipShapefile(filePathInput) arcpy.SetParameterAsText(5, shapefilePath) ReportStatus(statusServiceURL, {'jobId':jobId, 'status': 'finish', 'message':u"数据发布成功!".encode('utf8')})