
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
#define ARRAY_SIZE 50

//Enter a big number, and store it as a string into an array ch,
//the size is the numbers of char.
void inputNumbers(char ch[], int& size);

//Reverse the elements of the array ch.
void reverseArray(char ch[], int size);

//Adding two big numbers, and the result will be stored in the array ch3,
//and return the size of the array ch3.
void computeAdding(char ch1[], int size1, char ch2[], int size2, char ch3[], int& size3);

//show the adding result.
void displayResult(char ch[], int size);

int main()
char ch1[ARRAY_SIZE], ch2[ARRAY_SIZE], result[ARRAY_SIZE];
int size1 = 0, size2 = 0, resultSize = 0;

cout << "Enter the first big number, ending with an enter:" << endl;
inputNumbers(ch1, size1);
cout << "Enter the second big number, ending with an enter:" << endl;
inputNumbers(ch2, size2);

reverseArray(ch1, size1);
reverseArray(ch2, size2);

computeAdding(ch1, size1, ch2, size2, result, resultSize);
displayResult(result, resultSize);

    return 0;

//Function inputNumbers
void inputNumbers(char ch[],  int& size)
char next;

    while (next != '\n'  && size < ARRAY_SIZE)
          ch[size++] = next;

//Function reverseArray
void reverseArray(char ch[], int size)
int i = 0, j = size-1;
    char temp;

while (i <= j)
temp =  ch[i];
ch[i] = ch[j];
ch[j] = temp;
i ++;
j --;
}//end reverseArray function

//function computeAdding's definition
void computeAdding(char ch1[], int size1, char ch2[], int size2, char ch3[], int& size3)
    int i,
          tmp,                  //As the temporary sum of two array elements.
          carryBit = 0;    //The carry-bit is initialized to zero

    for (i = 0; i < size1 && i < size2;  i++)
        tmp = (ch1[i]-'0') + (ch2[i]-'0') + carryBit;
        ch3[i] = tmp % 10 + '0';
        carryBit = tmp/10;
    while ( i<size1 ) { //If the array ch1 has more bits, execute this while loop.
        tmp = (ch1[i] - '0') + carryBit;
        ch3[i] = tmp % 10 + '0';
        carryBit = tmp / 10;
        i ++;
    while ( i < size2 ){
        tmp = (ch2[i] - '0') + carryBit;
        ch3[i] = tmp % 10 +'0';
        carryBit = tmp / 10;
        i ++;
    if( carryBit)
      ch3[i] = carryBit + '0';
      i ++;
    ch3[i] = '\0';

    size3 = i;
}//End reverseArray

//function displayResult
void displayResult(char ch[], int size)
reverseArray(ch, size);//make the number to be normal

    cout << "The adding result is:" ;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
   cout << ch[i] ;
    cout << endl;

上一篇:PyQt5 技术篇-设置QTableWidget表格组件默认值实例演示,如何获取QTableWidget表格组件里的值,获取表格的行数和列数

下一篇:开发常用镜像站 - 阿里云镜像站