[转]Windows 7 蓝屏后获取 MEMORY.DMP 文件及注意事项


系统默认会在 C:\Windows 目录下创建 MEMORY.DMP 文件,来搜集内存错误信息。但有时却找不到。搜索后找到原因:系统分区剩余空间小于25G会自动删除该文件。 

Algorithm to decide whether to store/delete memory.dmp file generated after a system crash:

  1. First report the kernel fault to the Online Crash Analysis Service.
  2. Then, if machine has a registry setting AlwaysKeepMemoryDump set to 1, store the dump file on disk.
  3. Else, if machine is a Windows Server SKU, store the dump file on disk.
  4. Else, if the machine is joined to a domain (i.e. this is a corporate machine), store the dump file on disk.
  5. Else, if machine is not on a domain (i.e. this is a home user’s machine),
    • If free disk space is >= 25GB, store the dump file on disk.
    • Else (free disk space is < 25 GB), delete the dump file.



The exact location of the AlwaysKeepMemoryDump setting in the registry is:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl\AlwaysKeepMemoryDump Type: REG_DWORD

[转]Windows 7 蓝屏后获取 MEMORY.DMP 文件及注意事项


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