1. 原型模式
1.1 我们创建的每个函数都有一个prototype属性,这个属性是一个指针,指向一个对象,而这个对象的用途是包含可以由特定类型的所有实例共享的属性和方法。
//创建一个Person类 function Person() { } //Person类prototype里包含了name、age属性和sayName()方法 Person.prototype.name = "defaultName"; Person.prototype.age = 29; Person.prototype.sayName = function() { return this.name; }; var person = new Person(); var person3 = new Person(); TestCase("test extends",{ "test person.sayName() should be equals person3.sayName()" : function() { assertEquals(person.sayName(),person3.sayName()); } });
1.2 在默认的情况下,所有的原型对象都会自动获得一个constructor(构造函数)属性,这个属性包含一个指向prototype属性所在函数的指针。
Person.prototype.constructor 指向 Person
当为对象实例添加一个属性时,这个属性就会 屏蔽 原型对象中保存的同名属性(它只会阻止我们访问原型中的那个属性,并不会修改那个属性),不过我们可以使用delete操作符删除实例属性,让我们可以继续访问原型中的属性,看代码:
<span style="font-size:14px;">//创建一个Person类 function Person() { } //Person类prototype里包含了name、age属性和sayName()方法 Person.prototype.name = "defaultName"; Person.prototype.age = 29; Person.prototype.sayName = function() { alert(this.name); }; var person = new Person(); person.sayName(); // defaultName var person2 = new Person(); person2.name = "person2"; person2.sayName(); //person2 //删除实例中的name属性 delete person2.name; person2.sayName(); //defaultName</span>1.3 使用hasOwnProperty()方法可以检测一个属性是存在于实例中还是存在于原型中,只有在给定的属性是存在于对象的实例中才会返回true
function Person() { } //Person类prototype里包含了name、age属性和sayName()方法 Person.prototype.name = "defaultName"; Person.prototype.age = 29; Person.prototype.sayName = function() { return this.name; }; var person = new Person(); var person2 = new Person(); person2.name = "person2"; TestCase("test extends",{ "test person should not be hasOwnProperty name" : function() { assertEquals(false,person.hasOwnProperty("name")); }, "test person2 should not be hasOwnProperty name" : function() { assertEquals(true,person2.hasOwnProperty("name")); }, });
1.4 使用 in 操作符确定一个属性是原型中的属
<span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-size:12px;">//创建一个Person类 function Person() { } //Person类prototype里包含了name、age属性和sayName()方法 Person.prototype.name = "defaultName"; Person.prototype.age = 29; Person.prototype.sayName = function() { alert(this.name); }; var person = new Person(); var person2 = new Person(); person2.name = "person2"; person2.color = "blue"; TestCase("test extends",{ "test Person person.hasOwnProperty(name)" : function() { assertEquals(false,person.hasOwnProperty("name")); //name是原型中的属性,实例中不存在 }, "test Person name in person" : function() { assertEquals(true,"name" in person); }, "test Person person2.hasOwnProperty(name)" : function() { assertEquals(true,person2.hasOwnProperty("name"));//name是实例对象的属性 }, "test Person Person2 name in person2" : function() { assertEquals(true,"name" in person2); }, "test Person person2.hasOwnProperty(color)" : function() { assertEquals(true,person2.hasOwnProperty("color")); //color是实例对象的属性 }, "test Person color property in Person2" : function() { assertEquals(true,"color" in person2); //color是实例对象的属性,in也同样可以访问到 } });</span> </span>
1.5枚举出实例的全部属性---- Object.keys()
function Person() { } //Person类prototype里包含了name、age属性和sayName()方法 Person.prototype.name = "defaultName"; Person.prototype.age = 29; Person.prototype.sayName = function() { return this.name; }; var person = new Person(); var person2 = new Person(); person2.name = "person2"; var keys = Object.keys(Person.prototype); var keys2 = Object.keys(person2); TestCase("test extends",{ "test keys should be an array" : function() { assertArray("keys is not an array",keys); }, "test keys[0] should be equals name" : function() { assertEquals("name",keys[0]); }, "test keys[1] should be equals age" : function() { assertEquals("age",keys[1]); }, "test keys[2] should be equals age" : function() { assertEquals("sayName",keys[2]); }, "test keys2 should be an array" : function() { assertArray("keys is not an array",keys2); }, "test keys2[0] should be equals age" : function() { assertEquals("name",keys2[0]); } });1.6 更简单的原型语法-----字面量创建对象
function Person() { } Person.prototype = { name : "defaultName", age : 20, sayName : function() { return this.name; } };
function Person() { } Person.prototype = { name : "defaultName", age : 20, sayName : function() { return this.name; } }; var con = new Person(); TestCase("test extends",{ "test con should be instance of Object" : function() { assertInstanceOf("con shoud be instance of Obejct", Object, con); }, "test con should be instance of Person" : function() { assertInstanceOf("con shoud be instance of Person", Person, con); }, "test con constructor should be equals Person" : function() { assertNotEquals(Person,con.constructor); //不再等于Person }, "test con constructor should not be equals Object" : function() { assertEquals(Object,con.constructor); }, "test con constructor should be same as Person" : function() { assertNotSame(Person,con.constructor); }, "test con constructor should not be same as Object" : function() { assertSame(Object,con.constructor); } });
1.7如何保留1.6中的constructor,在constructor的值比较重要的时候,需要我们来保存这个constructor的值,这个时候,我们可以在Person.prototype中重写constructor属性,并设置其值为Person。 -------但是注意:原生的constructor属性是不可以枚举的,如果这样设置了之后,constructor将变成可以枚举的。
function Person() { } Person.prototype = { constructor : Person, name : "defaultName", age : 20, sayName : function() { return this.name; } }; var con = new Person(); TestCase("test extends",{ "test con should be instance of Object" : function() { assertInstanceOf("con shoud be instance of Obejct", Object, con); }, "test con should be instance of Person" : function() { assertInstanceOf("con shoud be instance of Person", Person, con); }, "test con constructor should be equals Person" : function() { assertEquals(Person,con.constructor); //完全重写了constructor,所以不再等于Object,但是还是Object的实例哦 }, "test con constructor should not be equals Object" : function() { assertNotEquals(Object,con.constructor); }, "test con constructor should be same as Person" : function() { assertSame(Person,con.constructor); }, "test con constructor should not be same as Object" : function() { assertNotSame(Object,con.constructor); } });补充:如果你的浏览器是兼容ECMAScript5,就可以使用defineProperty
//重设构造函数 Object.defineProperty(Person.prototype,"constructor",{ enumerable:false, value:Persons });
function Person() { } Person.prototype = { name : "defaultName", age : 20, friends : ["fengfeng","tongtong"], sayName : function() { return this.name; } }; var person = new Person(); person.friends.push("ty"); var person2 = new Person(); TestCase("test property",{ "test person friends.length should be 3 " : function() { assertEquals(person.friends.length,3); }, "test person friends[2] should be ty" : function() { assertEquals("ty",person.friends[2]); }, "test person2 friends.length should be became 3 " : function() { assertEquals(person2.friends.length,3); //person2的长度也变成了3 }, "test person2 friends should be equals person friends " : function() { assertEquals(person.friends,person2.friends); //person2的friends属性也发生了变化 } });
2.0 javascript中的对象
2.1 原型模式创建对象: 参见1.1 - 1.8
2.2 构造函数模式创建对象
function Person(name,age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.sayName() { return this.name; }; }; var person1 = new Person("tong",24); var person2 = new Person("feng",24);
2.3组合使用构造函数模式和原型模式 ------ 解决引用类型的属性不被共享
function Person(name,age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.friends = ['tong','feng']; } Person.prototype = { constructor : Person, sayName : function() { return this.name; } }; var person = new Person("tongtong",25); var person2 = new Person("fengfeng",26); person.friends.push("ty"); TestCase("test property",{ "test person friends.length should be 3 " : function() { assertEquals(person.friends.length,3); }, "test person friends[2] should be ty" : function() { assertEquals("ty",person.friends[2]); }, "test person2 friends.length should be 2 " : function() { assertEquals(person2.friends.length,2); //person2的长度还是2 }, "test person2 friends should not be equals person friends " : function() { assertNotEquals(person.friends,person2.friends); //person2的friends属性没有发生变化 }, "test person2 sayName should be equals person sayName" : function() { assertEquals(person.sayName,person2.sayName); //person.sayName===person2.sayName } });
2.4 动态原型模式创建对象
function Person(name,age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; this.friends = ['tong','feng']; //method if (typeof this.sayName != "function") { Person.prototype.sayName = function() { return this.name; }; } }
2.5 稳妥构造函数模式创建对象
新创建对象的实例方法不引用this, 不使用new操作符调用构造函数
function Person(name,age) { var o = new Object(); o.sayName = function() { return name; }; return o; }; var person = Person("tongtong","25"); TestCase("test property", { "test person sayName should be tongtong " : function() { assertEquals(person.sayName(),"tongtong"); }, "test person is not instanceof Person " : function() { assertNotInstanceOf(Person,person); } });