通过 alter user apps 修改apps密码后用户锁定处理

APPS User Locks After Manually Altering Password [ID 566127.1]

Platforms: 1-914CU;

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Applies to: 
Oracle Application Object Library - Version: 12.0.4
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 26-Feb-2010*** 
On 12.0.4
Changed APPS password and cannot login.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
Changed the apps pwd using
alter user command
instead of FNDCPASS
Apps password was manually changed

Changing the password manually is a security breach and will corrupt the passwords
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Backup the FND_USER, FND_ORACLE_USERID tables
2. Change the password in the following sequence.
SQL> alter user applsys identified by apps;
SQL> alter user apps identified by apps;
SQL> alter user apps account unlock;
本文转自ITPUB博客tolywang的博客,原文链接:通过 alter user apps 修改apps密码后用户锁定处理,如需转载请自行联系原博主。
上一篇:CS 系统框架二[右下角提示信息以及用户*申请帐号功能]
