"turn off vim compatible check
set nocompatible
"check file type
filetype on
"histroy line count
set history=1000
"set background
set background=dark
syntax on
set autoindent
set smartindent
"show match ‘(‘ and ‘)‘
set showmatch
"left-down status line
set ruler
"auto match targets
set incsearch
"high light search
set hlsearch
"auto backup file with filename+~
set backup
set title
set foldenable
"fold code by syntax ‘cmd‘:
"‘zi‘ open/close all folds
"‘za‘ open/close current fold
"‘zM‘ close all folds
"‘zR‘ open all folds
set foldmethod=syntax
"set foldmethod=marker
"set foldmethod=indent
set foldcolumn=3
set foldopen=all
"set foldclose=all
"colorscheme evening
"set cinoptions+={2,0,p0,t0
set cindent
set syntax=cpp
set formatoptions=tcqr
set nu
function MyTitle()
call setline(1,"/**************************************")
call append(line("."), "Author : Thunder")
call append(line(".")+1,"Time :".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+2,"FileName:".expand("%"))
call append(line(".")+3,"Desc :")
call append(line(".")+4,"*************************************/")
"add header
map <F9> <Esc>:call MyTitle()<CR><Esc>:$<Esc>o<Esc>
function CppFramework()
call setline(8,"#include<iostream>")
call setline(9,"#include<fstream>")
call setline(10,"using namespace std;")
call setline(11,"")
call setline(12,"int main(int argc, char* argv[])")
call setline(13,"{")
call setline(14," return 0;")
call setline(15,"}")
"add cpp framework
map <F10> <Esc>:call CppFramework()<CR><Esc>:$<Esc>2ko
function AddComment()
if &syntax=="cpp" || &syntax=="c"
execute "normal \<Esc>\<S-$>a\<TAB>/* */\<Esc>2ha"
elseif &syntax=="py"
execute "normal \<Esc>\<S-$>a\<TAB>#\<Esc>2ha"
elseif &syntax=="lua"
execute "normal \<Esc>\<S-$>a\<TAB>--\<Esc>2ha"
"add comment
map <F4> <Esc>:call AddComment()<CR>i
function CommOneLine()
let tmp=getline(".")
call setline(line("."),"/*")
call append(line("."),"".tmp." //by thunder ".strftime("%c"))
call append(line(".")+1," */")
map <F5> <Esc>:call CommOneLine()<CR><ESC>
"foramt code with K&R style
map <F8> <Esc>:1,$g/^$/d<CR><Esc>gg=G<Esc>gg
let $Tlist_Ctags_Cmd=‘/usr/bin/Ctags‘
map <F7> <Esc>:TlistToggle<CR>
{not available when compiled without the |+folding|feature}
Specifies for which type of commands folds will be opened, if the
command moves the cursor into a closed fold. It is a comma separated
list of items.
item commands ~
all any
block "(", "{", "[[", "[{", etc.
hor horizontal movements: "l", "w", "fx", etc.
insert any command in Insert mode
jump far jumps: "G", "gg", etc.
mark jumping to a mark: "‘m", CTRL-O, etc.
percent "%"
quickfix ":cn", ":crew", ":make", etc.
search search for a pattern: "/", "n", "*", "gd", etc.
(not for a search pattern in a ":" command)
tag jumping to a tag: ":ta", CTRL-T, etc.
undo undo or redo: "u" and CTRL-R
When the command is part of a mapping this option is not used. Add
the |zv| command to the mapping to get the same effect.
When a movement command is used for an operator (e.g., "dl" or "y%")
this option is not used. This means the operator will include the
whole closed fold.
Note that vertical movements are not here, because it would make it
very difficult to move onto a closed fold.
In insert mode the folds containing the cursor will always be open
when text is inserted.
To close folds you can re-apply ‘foldlevel‘ with the |zx| command or
set the ‘foldclose‘ option to "all".