
2.4 公平锁






import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
public class Task {
     * Creates a lock to control the access to thequeue.
     * With the boolean attribute, we control thefairness of
     * the Lock
    private finalLock queueLock=new ReentrantLock(true);
     * Method that prints the Job. The printing isdivided in two phase two
     * show how the fairness attribute affects theelection of the thread who
     * has the control of the lock
     * @param document The document to print
    public voidprintTask(Object document){
        try {
            Long duration= (long) 1000;
            System.out.printf("%s: Task 1: Printing a task Job during %d seconds by creation order.\n",
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        } finally {
        try {
            Long duration=(long)(Math.random()*10000);
            System.out.printf("%s: Task 2: Printing a task Job during %d seconds\n",
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        } finally {


public class Worker implements Runnable{
     * The queue to send the documents
    private Task printQueue;
     * Constructor of the class. Initializes theprint queue
     * @param printQueue the print queue to send the documents
    public Worker(Task printQueue){
     * Core method of the Job. Sends the documentto the queue
    public voidrun() {
        System.out.printf("%s: Going to print a job\n",
        printQueue.printTask(new Object());
        System.out.printf("%s: The document has been printed\n",
    public staticvoidmain(String []args){
             // Creates the print queue task
                Task printQueue=new Task();
                // Creates ten task and the Threads to run them
                Thread thread[]=new Thread[10];
                for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
                    thread[i]=new Thread(new Worker(printQueue),"Thread "+i);
                // Launch a thread ever 0.1 seconds
                for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedExceptione) {


Thread0: Going to print a job
Thread0: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread1: Going to print a job
Thread2: Going to print a job
Thread3: Going to print a job
Thread4: Going to print a job
Thread5: Going to print a job
Thread6: Going to print a job
Thread7: Going to print a job
Thread8: Going to print a job
Thread9: Going to print a job
Thread1: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread2: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread3: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread4: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread5: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread6: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread7: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread8: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread9: Task 1: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds by creation order .
Thread0: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 0 seconds
Thread0: The document has been printed
Thread1: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 7 seconds
Thread1: The document has been printed
Thread2: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds
Thread2: The document has been printed
Thread3: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 0 seconds
Thread3: The document has been printed
Thread4: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 8 seconds
Thread4: The document has been printed
Thread5: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 7 seconds
Thread5: The document has been printed
Thread6: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 1 seconds
Thread6: The document has been printed
Thread7: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 7 seconds
Thread7: The document has been printed
Thread8: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 8 seconds
Thread8: The document has been printed
Thread9: Task 2: Printing a task Job during 0 seconds
Thread 9: The document has been printed



