


?  信号(Semaphores):一个信号就是一个计数器,它控制着对于一个或者多个共享资源的访问。这个机制是并发编程的基本工具,在大多数编程语言中都提供这样的机制。

?  倒计时弹簧锁:CountDownLatch类是Java语言提供的一种机制,允许一个线程去等待多个操作行为的结束。

?  循环阻塞器:CyclicBarrier类是Java语言提供的一种机制,允许在一个普通点上同步多个线程。

?  分阶分离器(Phaser):Phaser类是Java API 7语言中提供的一种机制。它控制着并发程序在多个阶段来执行。这是Java API 7 中的新特性。

?  交换器(Exchanger):交换器类是Java语言提供的另外的机制,提供给两个线程一个交换数据点。

3.1 控制并发地访问一个资源

Semaphore类有两个 acquire()方法的另外版本:

1.     acqureUninterruptibly():当这个内部的计数器的信号为0,阻塞这个线程直到这个信号被释放。在这个阻塞时间内,线程可能会被中断。然后,这个方法报出InterruptedException异常。这个版本的acquire将忽略掉线程的中断,不会报出任何异常。

2.     tryAcqure():这个方法将尝试着获取信号(semaphore)。如果它获得了,这个方法返回true值。但是,如果它不能够,这个方法返回false值,而不会被阻塞并等待信号的释放。程序员负责根据这个返回值而定义正确的业务逻辑。




import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
 * This class implements thePrintQueue using a Semaphore to control the
 * access to it.
public class PrintQueueTask {
     * Semaphore to control the access to the queue
    private finalSemaphore semaphore;
     * Constructor of the class. Initializes thesemaphore
    public PrintQueueTask(){
        semaphore=new Semaphore(1);
     * Method that simulates printing a document
     * @param document Document to print
    public voidprintJob (Object document){
        try {
            // Get the access to the semaphore. If other job is printing, this
            // thread sleep until get the access to the semaphore
            Long duration=(long)(Math.random()*5);
            System.out.printf("%s: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during %d seconds\n",Thread.currentThread().getName(),duration);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        } finally {
            // Free the semaphore. If there are other threads waiting for thissemaphore,
            // the JVM selects one of this threads and give it the access.



 * This class simulates a job thatsend a document to print.
public class PrintJob implements Runnable {
     * Queue to print the documents
    private PrintQueueTask printQueueTask;
     * Constructor of the class. Initializes thequeue
     * @param printQueueTask
    public PrintJob(PrintQueueTask printQueueTask){
     * Core method of the Job. Sends the documentto the print queue and waits
     *  forits finalization
    public void run() {
        System.out.printf("%s: Going to print a job\n",Thread.currentThread().getName());
        printQueueTask.printJob(new Object());
        System.out.printf("%s: The document has been printed\n",Thread.currentThread().getName());     
     * Main method of the class. Run ten jobs inparallel that
     * send documents to the print queue at thesame time.
    public static void main (String args[]){
        // Creates the print queue
        PrintQueueTask printQueue=new PrintQueueTask();
        // Creates ten Threads
        Thread thread[]=new Thread[10];
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
            thread[i]=new Thread(new PrintJob(printQueue),"Thread "+i);
        // Starts the Threads
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++){


Thread0: Going to print a job
Thread9: Going to print a job
Thread8: Going to print a job
Thread7: Going to print a job
Thread6: Going to print a job
Thread5: Going to print a job
Thread4: Going to print a job
Thread3: Going to print a job
Thread2: Going to print a job
Thread1: Going to print a job
Thread0: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 1 seconds
Thread0: The document has been printed
Thread9: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 3 seconds
Thread9: The document has been printed
Thread8: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 4 seconds
Thread7: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 3 seconds
Thread8: The document has been printed
Thread7: The document has been printed
Thread6: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 2 seconds
Thread6: The document has been printed
Thread5: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 4 seconds
Thread5: The document has been printed
Thread4: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 2 seconds
Thread3: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 3 seconds
Thread4: The document has been printed
Thread3: The document has been printed
Thread2: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 0 seconds
Thread2: The document has been printed
Thread1: PrintQueuesTask: Printing a Job during 3 seconds
Thread 1: The document has been printed




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