解决Win8无法升级.NET Framework 3.5.1 提示错误0x800F0906


起因是windows8.1装oracle10g提示需要.net framework3.5,可是安装时会一直跳转到在线下载窗口,只需要这样就好了。

1. 打开 win8 安装盘,提取 sources\sxs 文件夹到 d:\sources\sxs (或别的盘也行,举个例子);

2. 打开 c:\windows\system32 文件夹,找到 cmd.exe,右击,选择”Run as administrator”;

3. 在命令行执行以下命令:

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:d:\sources\sxs (就是第一步提取出来的)


Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool

Version: 6.2.8250.0

Image Version: 6.2.8250.0

Enabling feature(s)


The operation completed successfully.

解决Win8无法升级.NET Framework 3.5.1 提示错误0x800F0906,布布扣,bubuko.com

解决Win8无法升级.NET Framework 3.5.1 提示错误0x800F0906

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