

  1. 包含一个或者多个抽象方法的类必须被声明为抽象类. 
  2. 将类声明为抽象类,不一定含有抽象方法.
  3. 通常认为,在抽象类中不应该包括具体方法,建议尽量将通用的域和方法放在超类中.
  4. 抽象类不可以被实例化.即不能创建这个类的对象 

import java.util.*;

 * This program demonstrates abstract classes.
 * @version 1.01 2004-02-21
 * @author Cay Horstmann
public class PersonTest
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Person[] people = new Person[2];

      // fill the people array with Student and Employee objects
      people[0] = new Employee("Harry Hacker", 50000, 1989, 10, 1);
      people[1] = new Student("Maria Morris", "computer science");

      // print out names and descriptions of all Person objects
      for (Person p : people)
         System.out.println(p.getName() + ", " + p.getDescription());

abstract class Person
   public Person(String n)
      name = n;

   public abstract String getDescription();

   public String getName()
      return name;

   private String name;

class Employee extends Person
   public Employee(String n, double s, int year, int month, int day)
      salary = s;
      GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(year, month - 1, day);
      hireDay = calendar.getTime();

   public double getSalary()
      return salary;

   public Date getHireDay()
      return hireDay;

   public String getDescription()
      return String.format("an employee with a salary of $%.2f", salary);

   public void raiseSalary(double byPercent)
      double raise = salary * byPercent / 100;
      salary += raise;

   private double salary;
   private Date hireDay;

class Student extends Person
    * @param n the student‘s name
    * @param m the student‘s major
   public Student(String n, String m)
      // pass n to superclass constructor
      major = m;

   public String getDescription()
      return "a student majoring in " + major;

   private String major;


 for (Person p : people)
         System.out.println(p.getName() + ", " + p.getDescription());




上一篇:Geeks面试题: Cutting a Rod
