1. 安装过程
- Python
- wxPython
- sox
- Julius
- If you have a 32-bits computer, download and execute Python 2.7.3 Windows x86 Installer.
- Else if you have a 64-bits computer, download and execute Python 2.7.3 Windows x86-64 Installer.
During the installation, click three times on the "Next" button and then on "Finish".
Click here to download wxPython
- If you have a 32-bits computer, download and execute wxPython 2.8-win32-unicode-py27.
- Else if you have a 64-bits computer, download and execute wxPython 2.8-win64-unicode-py27.
During the installation, click on the "Next" button and then on "Finish".
Click on the sox-VERSION-win32.exe. Click Next, Install and Close. Then, open the Explorer and go to into the sox installation directory location. Select the file "sox.exe" and the .dll files. Copy these files into C:\WINDOWS\
Julius installation:
Choose the "Binary for Windows (zip)" file in the "Quick download" menu.
Extract the archive (in the "C:\WINDOWS\Programs Files" directory for example). Then, open the Explorer and go to into the installation directory. Open the "bin" directory then select the file "julius.exe". Copy this file into C:\WINDOWS\ .
1. 打开之后的界面是这样的,有一个SPPAS的主窗口,另外有一个Python的运行监视窗口,主要的操作在SPPAS的主窗口里。
2. 准备声音文件和文本文档,声音文件就是普通的录音文件,.wav格式,最好是以句子的形式,至于对于篇章的声音文件,效果如何,在此并未测试。另外每一个声音文件同文件名对应一个文本文档,里面是这句话的文本,格式为UTF-8。
3. 添加声音文件至SPPAS主窗口里,然后选择右下角的几个选项,Tokenization,PHonetizatiion, Alignment里都选择EN,代表是英语句子。然后点最右下角的执行按钮。和声音文件同目录里就会产生标注好的文件。