haclon c# 联合
- C:\Program Files\MVTec\HALCON-18.11-Steady\bin\dotnet35
- using HalconDotNet;
- .net framework (client Profile ) 精简版类库
- D:\2_notebook\15-traning\halcon_me\halcon_me1\bin\Debug
- VS中选择工具箱项 --- 浏览到 debug 下面 halcon dll 文件
- 相机接口 gige 千兆 网 gi 欧洲 usb 千兆 ……
// // File generated by HDevelop for HALCON/.NET (C#) Version // Non-ASCII strings in this file are encoded in local-8-bit encoding (cp936). // // Please note that non-ASCII characters in string constants are exported // as octal codes in order to guarantee that the strings are correctly // created on all systems, independent on any compiler settings. // // Source files with different encoding should not be mixed in one project. // using HalconDotNet; public partial class HDevelopExport { #if !(NO_EXPORT_MAIN || NO_EXPORT_APP_MAIN) public HDevelopExport() { // Default settings used in HDevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("width", 512); HOperatorSet.SetSystem("height", 512); if (HalconAPI.isWindows) HOperatorSet.SetSystem("use_window_thread","true"); action(); } #endif // Procedures // External procedures // Chapter: Develop // Short Description: Open a new graphics window that preserves the aspect ratio of the given image. public void dev_open_window_fit_image (HObject ho_Image, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_WidthLimit, HTuple hv_HeightLimit, out HTuple hv_WindowHandle) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_MinWidth = new HTuple(), hv_MaxWidth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_MinHeight = new HTuple(), hv_MaxHeight = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ResizeFactor = new HTuple(), hv_ImageWidth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ImageHeight = new HTuple(), hv_TempWidth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_TempHeight = new HTuple(), hv_WindowWidth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_WindowHeight = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables hv_WindowHandle = new HTuple(); try { //This procedure opens a new graphics window and adjusts the size //such that it fits into the limits specified by WidthLimit //and HeightLimit, but also maintains the correct image aspect ratio. // //If it is impossible to match the minimum and maximum extent requirements //at the same time (f.e. if the image is very long but narrow), //the maximum value gets a higher priority, // //Parse input tuple WidthLimit if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_WidthLimit.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_WidthLimit.TupleLess(0)))) != 0) { hv_MinWidth.Dispose(); hv_MinWidth = 500; hv_MaxWidth.Dispose(); hv_MaxWidth = 800; } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_WidthLimit.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 1))) != 0) { hv_MinWidth.Dispose(); hv_MinWidth = 0; hv_MaxWidth.Dispose(); hv_MaxWidth = new HTuple(hv_WidthLimit); } else { hv_MinWidth.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_MinWidth = hv_WidthLimit.TupleSelect( 0); } hv_MaxWidth.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_MaxWidth = hv_WidthLimit.TupleSelect( 1); } } //Parse input tuple HeightLimit if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_HeightLimit.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_HeightLimit.TupleLess(0)))) != 0) { hv_MinHeight.Dispose(); hv_MinHeight = 400; hv_MaxHeight.Dispose(); hv_MaxHeight = 600; } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_HeightLimit.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 1))) != 0) { hv_MinHeight.Dispose(); hv_MinHeight = 0; hv_MaxHeight.Dispose(); hv_MaxHeight = new HTuple(hv_HeightLimit); } else { hv_MinHeight.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_MinHeight = hv_HeightLimit.TupleSelect( 0); } hv_MaxHeight.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_MaxHeight = hv_HeightLimit.TupleSelect( 1); } } // //Test, if window size has to be changed. hv_ResizeFactor.Dispose(); hv_ResizeFactor = 1; hv_ImageWidth.Dispose();hv_ImageHeight.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_ImageWidth, out hv_ImageHeight); //First, expand window to the minimum extents (if necessary). if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_MinWidth.TupleGreater(hv_ImageWidth))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_MinHeight.TupleGreater( hv_ImageHeight)))) != 0) { hv_ResizeFactor.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_ResizeFactor = (((((hv_MinWidth.TupleReal() )/hv_ImageWidth)).TupleConcat((hv_MinHeight.TupleReal())/hv_ImageHeight))).TupleMax() ; } } hv_TempWidth.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_TempWidth = hv_ImageWidth*hv_ResizeFactor; } hv_TempHeight.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_TempHeight = hv_ImageHeight*hv_ResizeFactor; } //Then, shrink window to maximum extents (if necessary). if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_MaxWidth.TupleLess(hv_TempWidth))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_MaxHeight.TupleLess( hv_TempHeight)))) != 0) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_ResizeFactor = hv_ResizeFactor*((((((hv_MaxWidth.TupleReal() )/hv_TempWidth)).TupleConcat((hv_MaxHeight.TupleReal())/hv_TempHeight))).TupleMin() ); hv_ResizeFactor.Dispose(); hv_ResizeFactor = ExpTmpLocalVar_ResizeFactor; } } } hv_WindowWidth.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_WindowWidth = hv_ImageWidth*hv_ResizeFactor; } hv_WindowHeight.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_WindowHeight = hv_ImageHeight*hv_ResizeFactor; } //Resize window HOperatorSet.SetWindowAttr("background_color","black"); HOperatorSet.OpenWindow(hv_Row,hv_Column,hv_WindowWidth,hv_WindowHeight,0,"visible","",out hv_WindowHandle); HDevWindowStack.Push(hv_WindowHandle); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { HOperatorSet.SetPart(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), 0, 0, hv_ImageHeight-1, hv_ImageWidth-1); } } hv_MinWidth.Dispose(); hv_MaxWidth.Dispose(); hv_MinHeight.Dispose(); hv_MaxHeight.Dispose(); hv_ResizeFactor.Dispose(); hv_ImageWidth.Dispose(); hv_ImageHeight.Dispose(); hv_TempWidth.Dispose(); hv_TempHeight.Dispose(); hv_WindowWidth.Dispose(); hv_WindowHeight.Dispose(); return; } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { hv_MinWidth.Dispose(); hv_MaxWidth.Dispose(); hv_MinHeight.Dispose(); hv_MaxHeight.Dispose(); hv_ResizeFactor.Dispose(); hv_ImageWidth.Dispose(); hv_ImageHeight.Dispose(); hv_TempWidth.Dispose(); hv_TempHeight.Dispose(); hv_WindowWidth.Dispose(); hv_WindowHeight.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } } // Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: This procedure writes a text message. public void disp_message (HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_GenParamName = new HTuple(), hv_GenParamValue = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_Color); HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_Column); HTuple hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem); HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_Row); // Initialize local and output iconic variables try { //This procedure displays text in a graphics window. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where // the message should be displayed //String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed //CoordSystem: If set to ‘window‘, the text position is given // with respect to the window coordinate system. // If set to ‘image‘, image coordinates are used. // (This may be useful in zoomed images.) //Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position // A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different // positions. //Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position // A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different // positions. //Color: defines the color of the text as string. // If set to [], ‘‘ or ‘auto‘ the currently set color is used. // If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically... // - if |Row| == |Column| == 1: for each new textline // = else for each text position. //Box: If Box[0] is set to ‘true‘, the text is written within an orange box. // If set to‘ false‘, no box is displayed. // If set to a color string (e.g. ‘white‘, ‘#FF00CC‘, etc.), // the text is written in a box of that color. // An optional second value for Box (Box[1]) controls if a shadow is displayed: // ‘true‘ -> display a shadow in a default color // ‘false‘ -> display no shadow // otherwise -> use given string as color string for the shadow color // //It is possible to display multiple text strings in a single call. //In this case, some restrictions apply: //- Multiple text positions can be defined by specifying a tuple // with multiple Row and/or Column coordinates, i.e.: // - |Row| == n, |Column| == n // - |Row| == n, |Column| == 1 // - |Row| == 1, |Column| == n //- If |Row| == |Column| == 1, // each element of String is display in a new textline. //- If multiple positions or specified, the number of Strings // must match the number of positions, i.e.: // - Either |String| == n (each string is displayed at the // corresponding position), // - or |String| == 1 (The string is displayed n times). // // //Convert the parameters for disp_text. if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple())))) != 0) { hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); return; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } // //Convert the parameter Box to generic parameters. hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName = new HTuple(); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue = new HTuple(); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(0))).TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { //Display no box using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat( "box"); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName; } } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat( "false"); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue; } } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(0))).TupleNotEqual( "true"))) != 0) { //Set a color other than the default. using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat( "box_color"); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName; } } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat( hv_Box.TupleSelect(0)); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue; } } } } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(1))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { //Display no shadow. using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat( "shadow"); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName; } } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat( "false"); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue; } } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(1))).TupleNotEqual( "true"))) != 0) { //Set a shadow color other than the default. using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat( "shadow_color"); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamName; } } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat( hv_Box.TupleSelect(1)); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue = ExpTmpLocalVar_GenParamValue; } } } } //Restore default CoordSystem behavior. if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleNotEqual("window"))) != 0) { hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP = "image"; } // if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { //disp_text does not accept an empty string for Color. hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); } // HOperatorSet.DispText(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String, hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_GenParamName, hv_GenParamValue); hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); return; } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_GenParamName.Dispose(); hv_GenParamValue.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } } // Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: Set font independent of OS public void set_display_font (HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Size, HTuple hv_Font, HTuple hv_Bold, HTuple hv_Slant) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_OS = new HTuple(), hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Style = new HTuple(), hv_Exception = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_AvailableFonts = new HTuple(), hv_Fdx = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Indices = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_Font); HTuple hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_Size); // Initialize local and output iconic variables try { //This procedure sets the text font of the current window with //the specified attributes. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The graphics window for which the font will be set //Size: The font size. If Size=-1, the default of 16 is used. //Bold: If set to ‘true‘, a bold font is used //Slant: If set to ‘true‘, a slanted font is used // hv_OS.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1)))) != 0) { hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = 16; } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0,2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { //Restore previous behaviour using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_Size = ((1.13677*hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP)).TupleInt() ; hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = ExpTmpLocalVar_Size; } } } else { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_Size = hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleInt() ; hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = ExpTmpLocalVar_Size; } } } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Courier"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Courier 10 Pitch"; hv_Fonts[2] = "Courier New"; hv_Fonts[3] = "CourierNew"; hv_Fonts[4] = "Liberation Mono"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Consolas"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Menlo"; hv_Fonts[2] = "Courier"; hv_Fonts[3] = "Courier 10 Pitch"; hv_Fonts[4] = "FreeMono"; hv_Fonts[5] = "Liberation Mono"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Luxi Sans"; hv_Fonts[1] = "DejaVu Sans"; hv_Fonts[2] = "FreeSans"; hv_Fonts[3] = "Arial"; hv_Fonts[4] = "Liberation Sans"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Times New Roman"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Luxi Serif"; hv_Fonts[2] = "DejaVu Serif"; hv_Fonts[3] = "FreeSerif"; hv_Fonts[4] = "Utopia"; hv_Fonts[5] = "Liberation Serif"; } else { hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Fonts = new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); } hv_Style.Dispose(); hv_Style = ""; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_Style = hv_Style+"Bold"; hv_Style.Dispose(); hv_Style = ExpTmpLocalVar_Style; } } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception.Dispose(); hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_Style = hv_Style+"Italic"; hv_Style.Dispose(); hv_Style = ExpTmpLocalVar_Style; } } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception.Dispose(); hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Style.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { hv_Style.Dispose(); hv_Style = "Normal"; } hv_AvailableFonts.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.QueryFont(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_AvailableFonts); hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; for (hv_Fdx=0; (int)hv_Fdx<=(int)((new HTuple(hv_Fonts.TupleLength()))-1); hv_Fdx = (int)hv_Fdx + 1) { hv_Indices.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_Indices = hv_AvailableFonts.TupleFind( hv_Fonts.TupleSelect(hv_Fdx)); } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Indices.TupleLength())).TupleGreater( 0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Indices.TupleSelect(0))).TupleGreaterEqual(0))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Fonts.TupleSelect( hv_Fdx); } break; } } } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { throw new HalconException("Wrong value of control parameter Font"); } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_Font = (((hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP+"-")+hv_Style)+"-")+hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP; hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = ExpTmpLocalVar_Font; } } HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_OS.Dispose(); hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Style.Dispose(); hv_Exception.Dispose(); hv_AvailableFonts.Dispose(); hv_Fdx.Dispose(); hv_Indices.Dispose(); return; } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_OS.Dispose(); hv_Fonts.Dispose(); hv_Style.Dispose(); hv_Exception.Dispose(); hv_AvailableFonts.Dispose(); hv_Fdx.Dispose(); hv_Indices.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } } #if !NO_EXPORT_MAIN // Main procedure private void action() { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Image=null, ho_ImageMean=null, ho_RegionDynThresh=null; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions=null, ho_ErrorRegions=null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_AcqHandle = new HTuple(), hv_Width = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Height = new HTuple(), hv_WindowHandle = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_NumErrors = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageMean); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDynThresh); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ErrorRegions); try { //Image Acquisition 02: Code generated by Image Acquisition 02 hv_AcqHandle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.OpenFramegrabber("DirectShow", 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "default", 8, "rgb", -1, "false", "default", "[0]", 0, -1, out hv_AcqHandle); HOperatorSet.GrabImageStart(hv_AcqHandle, -1); //while (true) ho_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GrabImageAsync(out ho_Image, hv_AcqHandle, -1); //Image Acquisition 02: Do something //endwhile HOperatorSet.CloseFramegrabber(hv_AcqHandle); //关闭程序计数器,图形变量更新,窗口图形更新 // dev_update_window(...); only in hdevelop //读取一张图像 //read_image (Image, ‘plastic_Vision/plastic_Vision_01‘) //关闭打开的窗口 if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.CloseWindow(HDevWindowStack.Pop()); } //获取图像大小 hv_Width.Dispose();hv_Height.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); //创建一个新窗口 hv_WindowHandle.Dispose(); dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height, out hv_WindowHandle); //设置字体信息:字体大小为16,字体为mono,粗体,斜体 set_display_font(hv_WindowHandle, 18, "mono", "true", "false"); //设置区域的填充方式 if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.SetDraw(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), "margin"); } //设置线宽度 if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.SetLineWidth(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), 3); } //for J := 1 to 14 by 1 //读取一张图像 //read_image (Image, ‘plastic_Vision/plastic_Vision_‘ + J$‘02‘) //均值滤波 ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.MeanImage(ho_Image, out ho_ImageMean, 49, 49); //局部阈值分割图像 ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DynThreshold(ho_Image, ho_ImageMean, out ho_RegionDynThresh, 5, "dark"); //对分割后的区域进行连通处理 ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionDynThresh, out ho_ConnectedRegions); //过滤出缺陷网孔区域 ho_ErrorRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions, out ho_ErrorRegions, "area", "and", 500, 99999); //统计出缺陷网孔的数目 hv_NumErrors.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_ErrorRegions, out hv_NumErrors); //显示图像 if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //设置对象的显示颜色 if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.SetColor(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), "red"); } //显示缺陷网孔 if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ErrorRegions, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_NumErrors.TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { //显示产品NG disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, "Vision not OK", "window", 24, 12, "black", "true"); } else { //显示产品OK disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, "Vision OK", "window", 24, 12, "black", "true"); } // stop(...); only in hdevelop //endfor } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { ho_Image.Dispose(); ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ErrorRegions.Dispose(); hv_AcqHandle.Dispose(); hv_Width.Dispose(); hv_Height.Dispose(); hv_WindowHandle.Dispose(); hv_NumErrors.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } ho_Image.Dispose(); ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ErrorRegions.Dispose(); hv_AcqHandle.Dispose(); hv_Width.Dispose(); hv_Height.Dispose(); hv_WindowHandle.Dispose(); hv_NumErrors.Dispose(); } #endif } #if !(NO_EXPORT_MAIN || NO_EXPORT_APP_MAIN) public class HDevelopExportApp { static void Main(string[] args) { new HDevelopExport(); } } #endif