git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/lc/chromium/tools/depot_tools
git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/lc/external/webrtc
git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/quic/lc/。。。
Kurento是WebRTC媒体服务器和一组客户端API使得对WWW和智能手机平台高级视频应用开发简单的。 Kurento功能包括群组通信,转码,录音,混音,广播和音像流的路由。
Tutorial 1 - Hello world:第一个Kurento程序
This is one of the simplest WebRTC application you can create with Kurento. It implements a WebRTC loopback (a WebRTC media stream going from client to Kurento and back to the client)
Tutorial 2 - WebRTC magic mirror:照妖镜,其实是一个计算机视觉和使用过滤器的增强现实的例子。
This web application consists on a WebRTC video communication in mirror adding a funny hat over your face. This is an example of computer vision and augmented reality using a filter.
Tutorial 3 - WebRTC one-to-many broadcast:1对多广播
Video broadcasting for WebRTC. One peer transmits a video stream and N peers receives it.
Tutorial 4 - WebRTC one-to-one video call:1对1视频
This web application is a videophone (call one to one) based on WebRTC.
Tutorial 5 - WebRTC one-to-one video call with recording and filtering:1对1视频以及录制和过滤
This is an enhanced version of the previous application recording of the video communication, and also integration with an augmented reality filter.