《Apache Velocity用户使用指南》翻译邀请

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  1. About this Guide
  2. What is Velocity?
  3. What can Velocity do for me?
    1. The Mud Store example
  4. What jar should I use?
    1. Maven users
    2. Other users
  5. Velocity Template Language (VTL): An Introduction
  6. Hello Velocity World!
  8. References
    1. Variables
    2. Properties
    3. Methods
    4. Property Lookup Rules
    5. Rendering
    6. Index Notation
  9. Formal Reference Notation
  10. Quiet Reference Notation
  11. Strict Reference Mode
  12. Case Substitution
  13. Directives
    1. Set
    2. Literals
    3. If-Else Statements
      1. Relational and Logical Operators
    4. Foreach Loops
    5. Include
    6. Parse
    7. Break
    8. Stop
    9. Evaluate
    10. Define
    11. Velocimacros
  14. Getting literal
    1. Currency
    2. Escaping Valid VTL References
    3. Escaping Invalid VTL References
    4. Escaping VTL Directives
  15. VTL: Formatting Issues
  16. Other Features and Miscellany
    1. Math
    2. Range Operator
    3. Advanced Issues: Escaping and !
    4. Velocimacro Miscellany
    5. String Concatenation

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